Ja Bru
on August 18, 2020
YES, its A Scam from the Start, ask yourselves How many People do you Know in your Family or circle of friends that have Caught this Vitus Scam and how many people do you know have Passed away from it, All A CCP, Russian Biden Crime Family Plot of the Terrorists, Pelosi, Soros, Killery, Obumers, Maoist, Muslim’s Wake -up destroy America. so stop wearing the Mask’s People and Stop being Puppets, Sheepel’s.
Randy Justice
on August 19, 2020
Everything will be evident on November 4th, one way or the other !!!
on August 19, 2020
The cdc has been Ying about covid from the start. In early March t he cdc and who claimed a 5 to 7% death rate while Germany and douth Korea, who kept much bettter records, said .001 to .003% death rate. Stanford university ersity checked tge numbers and said Germany was right.
The cdc kept saying 5 to 7% anyway.
The cdc wanted it to be a heath crisis because they thought they would get more funding.
That’s tge problem we have now. Schools, lost office, ep, cdc, forest service, etc. Create crisis so they can grow.
We need a 50% reduction in all government except police and fire.
on August 19, 2020
So, everybody in the world is dying from the coronavirus and it’s complications but nobody is dying from cancer, old age, diabetes, heart attacks and everything else that people used to die from. The real coronavirus death rate is a big fat unknown? They are fudging the numbers of the coronavirus related deaths and people affected.Do your own research! Don’t be fooled!!! By the way, the common flu kills more people than the coronavirus but the commie party of Satan cannot weaponize it!
on August 19, 2020
I don’t remember what country it was. But, I read an article about an hospital that had a death rate of 5, 000 and many in the hospital. The problem was. A journalist went there too check out things. Only to find out that the hospital had no patients. WHY? The hospital was under construction. So therefore, who was fudging the numbers? Plus, in another article. A guy dies of injuries do to an motorcycle accident. When the family received the death certificate. It read; cause of death. Corona Virus. So, the question is. How does the average citizen known what to believe? I believe its sham. Look at the shelves at your food markets. Farmers can’t get their products to the processing plants. And the timing of this. So close to your eyes and see.
Rodger Shull
on August 19, 2020
I believe NO ONE, and if they say they are from WHO or the CDC, Their figures are COOKED, FIGURES NO NOT LIE, but LIARS FIGURE. and this is the case. the LIARS have figured, and corrupted the whole thing, and that is a demo-communist agenda. But I do believe some big shots involved in this need to pay BIG. For this, and Who paid for this virus, ??? and back in 2010, Dr.QUACK QUACK fauci did, and then they got it wrong ( H1-N1 ) and then now the CCP-19 Virus, And I’m sure there was a antidote made up for this, which the BIG SHOTS in the demo-communist party, have got the cure. In short, the demo-communist are trying to KILL the CITIZENS, and it doesn’t matter which party they belong to, they are just collateral damage. And the Nazi-pigsolusi even said that, it is just so much collateral damage, just as long as they win.
T. C.
on August 19, 2020
All the liars have exaggerated the numbers big time. I agree with Ja Bru. I don’t know anyone who has gotten it, or died from it. And it’s been out since last November.
Doug Litchfield
on August 19, 2020
Numbers are so pencil whipped along with testing kits being contaminated to get results that are desired. This charade has gone on long enough. Hospitals are the only ones benefiting to the tune of over 9000.00 dollars per case. Watch the denials roll in.
on August 21, 2020
God is the commentary sad & sick. Everybody is lying , but DJT. Hopefully you will come out of your drug induced state. The whole world is wrong and QAnon will save you.
YES, its A Scam from the Start, ask yourselves How many People do you Know in your Family or circle of friends that have Caught this Vitus Scam and how many people do you know have Passed away from it, All A CCP, Russian Biden Crime Family Plot of the Terrorists, Pelosi, Soros, Killery, Obumers, Maoist, Muslim’s Wake -up destroy America. so stop wearing the Mask’s People and Stop being Puppets, Sheepel’s.
Everything will be evident on November 4th, one way or the other !!!
The cdc has been Ying about covid from the start. In early March t he cdc and who claimed a 5 to 7% death rate while Germany and douth Korea, who kept much bettter records, said .001 to .003% death rate. Stanford university ersity checked tge numbers and said Germany was right.
The cdc kept saying 5 to 7% anyway.
The cdc wanted it to be a heath crisis because they thought they would get more funding.
That’s tge problem we have now. Schools, lost office, ep, cdc, forest service, etc. Create crisis so they can grow.
We need a 50% reduction in all government except police and fire.
So, everybody in the world is dying from the coronavirus and it’s complications but nobody is dying from cancer, old age, diabetes, heart attacks and everything else that people used to die from. The real coronavirus death rate is a big fat unknown? They are fudging the numbers of the coronavirus related deaths and people affected.Do your own research! Don’t be fooled!!! By the way, the common flu kills more people than the coronavirus but the commie party of Satan cannot weaponize it!
I don’t remember what country it was. But, I read an article about an hospital that had a death rate of 5, 000 and many in the hospital. The problem was. A journalist went there too check out things. Only to find out that the hospital had no patients. WHY? The hospital was under construction. So therefore, who was fudging the numbers? Plus, in another article. A guy dies of injuries do to an motorcycle accident. When the family received the death certificate. It read; cause of death. Corona Virus. So, the question is. How does the average citizen known what to believe? I believe its sham. Look at the shelves at your food markets. Farmers can’t get their products to the processing plants. And the timing of this. So close to your eyes and see.
I believe NO ONE, and if they say they are from WHO or the CDC, Their figures are COOKED, FIGURES NO NOT LIE, but LIARS FIGURE. and this is the case. the LIARS have figured, and corrupted the whole thing, and that is a demo-communist agenda. But I do believe some big shots involved in this need to pay BIG. For this, and Who paid for this virus, ??? and back in 2010, Dr.QUACK QUACK fauci did, and then they got it wrong ( H1-N1 ) and then now the CCP-19 Virus, And I’m sure there was a antidote made up for this, which the BIG SHOTS in the demo-communist party, have got the cure. In short, the demo-communist are trying to KILL the CITIZENS, and it doesn’t matter which party they belong to, they are just collateral damage. And the Nazi-pigsolusi even said that, it is just so much collateral damage, just as long as they win.
All the liars have exaggerated the numbers big time. I agree with Ja Bru. I don’t know anyone who has gotten it, or died from it. And it’s been out since last November.
Numbers are so pencil whipped along with testing kits being contaminated to get results that are desired. This charade has gone on long enough. Hospitals are the only ones benefiting to the tune of over 9000.00 dollars per case. Watch the denials roll in.
God is the commentary sad & sick. Everybody is lying , but DJT. Hopefully you will come out of your drug induced state. The whole world is wrong and QAnon will save you.