democommunists are ONLY “PRO-POWER”, “PRO-CONTROL” and only think of themselves, and how much MONEY they can steal from the hard-working taxpayers, so they can continue to fund their cushy lifestyles, pedophilia fetishes, and continue the destruction of our Constitutional republic in an attempt to turn it into a communist-controlled third-world banana republic cesspool. (which is happening as we speak after the FRAUDULENT “election” of the two chinese communist-bought and paid for “puppets”)
on March 4, 2021
Some of these questions are so ridiculous you’d think they were thought up my complete morons, someone like the dumbest president ever–Putin’s puppet and butt buddy, the Fascist failure, Donald Dementia; or that other anti-American Democracy hater, the late (and that’s great!) Rump Limbaugh. But the answer is: NO, it’s the treasonous, uneducated, cult-victim, hog-slopping Repugs who deny science, simply because they have no experience with dealing in facts and truth.
on March 4, 2021
You are about the biggest POS that has ever posted a comment on here.
It’s easy to find a paid puppet. You just have to look in Florida.
on March 4, 2021
You have shown that you are as terminally stupid as Douglas. The democrats always say that they are following the science and then ignore what the science says. What science says today may be completely different the next. science evolves as more data is obtained it is not a static fact. The science says that young children are at a small risk of getting this disease and are virtually no risk to spread it. However the democrats, because they are controlled by the millions of dollars they get from the teachers unions, keep the schools closed and the students are falling behind. AS more data has been obtained from areas where schools are open it reinforces the scientific “fact” that schools are safe.
You have also shown yourself to be a repugnant human being by celebrating the death of Rush Limbaugh. When Ginsberg and Lewis died the Republicans, even though they disagreed with EVERYTHING they supported, never rejoiced at their passing. I an disgusted by all that the Biden Cabal is doing to destroy the progress this country has made in the last four years, but I do not wish death or sickness on them personally.
on March 4, 2021
That fake-news”crooked queen hitlery” paid for media-fueled LIE has been debunked, LONG AGO ..Catch up. YOUR FRAUDULENTLY “elected” POS dementia-joe, and his ineligible “anchor baby ho” “puppets” are BOTH proven to be “bought and owned” by COMMUNIST CHINA, so take your “russia russia russia” BS “comment and shove it.
Briben biden
on March 4, 2021
I have commented over and over about the CDC saying 3 to 6% of covid deaths are actually caused by covid. that is 15 to 30000 not 500000. still a bad flu year, but not a pandemic.
some scientific sources put the increase in suicides at 60,000. those are the real covid deaths and they are all fauci, the democrats, and the CDC’s fault.
I have commented over and over about the CDC and Fauci saying that masks will not help against the wild fire smoke because they do not block the 5 to 7 micron smoke particles. Yet the masks somehow magically block the .5 to 2 micron covid virus.
I have had democrats scream at me for say those things and I have been blocked by sites for writing them.
the democrats/liberals/progressives only like science that works in their political interest. Even then they do not care about science they care about the person professing to be scientific saying what the democrats want said.
The Republicans are the ones who are anti-science. They are led by a person who tells them what to think. If they think differently than him, he will fight to get rid of them. He doesn’t believe that Scientific Doctors are the people who will eventually control the virus. His thinks that drinking bleach is a better cure than a vaccine. He thinks that since Texas got cold last week and the fact that hurricanes are getting worse and the devastating wildfires in California this past summer and the wildfires in Australia are not signs of global warming. Over the last 3 decades, there have been such severe drought that this planet has not seen before when science says this is all do to global warming. Donny refuses to believe in the science. He says that he is the only one that knows what is going on! The Democrats believe in Dr. Fauci when the Republicans don’t. Donny even wanted to get rid of Dr. Fauci in November when he contradicted him and said that we must believe in the science and not Donny. So, it is the Democrats who refuse to believe in the science!
Brian Hogan
on March 4, 2021
Douglas, Republicans are not the ones who delude themselves with the belief that there more then two genders. Democrats seem to think you can change your gender because you think you can. That’s not science, that delusion. Democrats also seem to think that the ability to print money makes you wealthy, and it doesn’t, it just devalues the currency. In fact there are a lot of fantasies that you and your fellow Democrats are deluding yourselves with, and those of us who use our brain to actually think are becoming very tired of you delusions and fantasies.
on March 4, 2021
There is nothing that Fauci says that you can believe. Whatever he says today will be different tomorrow. He has always been the spreader of doom and fear to aid the democrats ub keeping the people locked down. Yes it is the democrats who ignore science unless it is to their benefit.
on March 4, 2021
democrats are just plain stuoed
on March 4, 2021
Finish third grade; maybe some day you can spell “cat” without someone having to spot you the “c” and the “a.”
on March 4, 2021
They are anti anything American. They hate America and all of us here. I wish they would all fall off the face of the earth. EVIL people.
Why didn’t Donny come out and say that medical doctors think it is a good idea to wear masks to help slow down the spread of a deadly disease? Why didn’t he say that it is a good idea because the science behind proves that it will save lives? One reason is because he didn’t think of it himself! God forbid there are people who are actually smarter than him! He also wants as many people to die as possible. He is a truly evil egomaniac!
on March 4, 2021
You are so right. And Trump is clearly the most anti-American of all. Thankfully, the intelligent voters got rid of his mentally disturbed ass before he could complete Putin’s instructions.
Hey Cliffy. What time is Donny’s so called “inauguration” tomorrow?
on March 4, 2021
You are confused about your history. The Authoritarian was baby Donny. He is the one who wants to play God! Don’t you remember when Donny said that he wanted to play president for 8 or even 12 years. Then he threatened us by wanting it to be a lifetime game for him. Now that’s a dick! Excuse me, I mean dictator! Obama knew that he could only be President for 2 terms as did Bush before him and Clinton before him. In fact there has only been a 1 term President 2 times since Jimmy Carter. One of them being Donny the loser. I wonder why that is?
on March 5, 2021
spoken like a true liberal. isn’t it interesting who much you hate trump, but love your freedom taking demoncrats.
ALL democrats are enemies of America with NO logical , cause & effect , common sense , honor , decency or conscience . Just constant profoundly stupid criminal mentality .
You are as confused as Woody! It’s the Republicans who are crooked and hate Americans. They are fighting so desperately to limit the number of Democrats to vote. They know that that is the only way hey can possibly win. Unless Republican governors don’t kill them off first.
Doug Litchfield
on March 4, 2021
There are certain thing science just can’t fix, but to placate easily duped lib donors they will spin rocks into gold for that warm fuzzy feeling. Could be cause for laundry day, though rinse and repeat would be in order.
on March 4, 2021
The Dems are anti everything except power and control. They’ve taken China’s playbook to rule by fear, deceit, and outright lies. They’ve lived it so long, they now believe it. They’re entitled to their opinions, though, because this is still a free country for now. Some of us just don’t agree with them, their lack of morality and religion, and their ability to twist things ie the Constitution for their advantage. That’s called human nature and we’re all guilty of it. Be critical thinkers, people.
Marissa Thomas
on March 4, 2021
This question is not presented properly, because the answer is actually YES and NO.
They are pro science when CONVENIENT for them to promote their agenda.
They are against science when the opposite is the case.
But I have to admit that they are AGAINST science more often, as when science proves what causes the raise of temperatures and it is NOTHING humans are doing. Or when they say a baby is not what is growing in a woman womb, just a lump of tissue. Or when because a man gets snip and takes hormones to grow breasts, now is a woman….sure….DNA can NOT be changed morons.
democommunists are ONLY “PRO-POWER”, “PRO-CONTROL” and only think of themselves, and how much MONEY they can steal from the hard-working taxpayers, so they can continue to fund their cushy lifestyles, pedophilia fetishes, and continue the destruction of our Constitutional republic in an attempt to turn it into a communist-controlled third-world banana republic cesspool. (which is happening as we speak after the FRAUDULENT “election” of the two chinese communist-bought and paid for “puppets”)
Some of these questions are so ridiculous you’d think they were thought up my complete morons, someone like the dumbest president ever–Putin’s puppet and butt buddy, the Fascist failure, Donald Dementia; or that other anti-American Democracy hater, the late (and that’s great!) Rump Limbaugh. But the answer is: NO, it’s the treasonous, uneducated, cult-victim, hog-slopping Repugs who deny science, simply because they have no experience with dealing in facts and truth.
You are about the biggest POS that has ever posted a comment on here.
Hey! I thought I was Qster!
Greyson happens to be right!
but oh so right Gregson is and u just dont want to admit it b/c u are one of those he writes of
When it comes to being a paid puppet, Biden’s been in China’s pocket for years.
It’s easy to find a paid puppet. You just have to look in Florida.
You have shown that you are as terminally stupid as Douglas. The democrats always say that they are following the science and then ignore what the science says. What science says today may be completely different the next. science evolves as more data is obtained it is not a static fact. The science says that young children are at a small risk of getting this disease and are virtually no risk to spread it. However the democrats, because they are controlled by the millions of dollars they get from the teachers unions, keep the schools closed and the students are falling behind. AS more data has been obtained from areas where schools are open it reinforces the scientific “fact” that schools are safe.
You have also shown yourself to be a repugnant human being by celebrating the death of Rush Limbaugh. When Ginsberg and Lewis died the Republicans, even though they disagreed with EVERYTHING they supported, never rejoiced at their passing. I an disgusted by all that the Biden Cabal is doing to destroy the progress this country has made in the last four years, but I do not wish death or sickness on them personally.
That fake-news”crooked queen hitlery” paid for media-fueled LIE has been debunked, LONG AGO ..Catch up. YOUR FRAUDULENTLY “elected” POS dementia-joe, and his ineligible “anchor baby ho” “puppets” are BOTH proven to be “bought and owned” by COMMUNIST CHINA, so take your “russia russia russia” BS “comment and shove it.
I have commented over and over about the CDC saying 3 to 6% of covid deaths are actually caused by covid. that is 15 to 30000 not 500000. still a bad flu year, but not a pandemic.
some scientific sources put the increase in suicides at 60,000. those are the real covid deaths and they are all fauci, the democrats, and the CDC’s fault.
I have commented over and over about the CDC and Fauci saying that masks will not help against the wild fire smoke because they do not block the 5 to 7 micron smoke particles. Yet the masks somehow magically block the .5 to 2 micron covid virus.
I have had democrats scream at me for say those things and I have been blocked by sites for writing them.
the democrats/liberals/progressives only like science that works in their political interest. Even then they do not care about science they care about the person professing to be scientific saying what the democrats want said.
no Democrats do not care about science at all.
The Republicans are the ones who are anti-science. They are led by a person who tells them what to think. If they think differently than him, he will fight to get rid of them. He doesn’t believe that Scientific Doctors are the people who will eventually control the virus. His thinks that drinking bleach is a better cure than a vaccine. He thinks that since Texas got cold last week and the fact that hurricanes are getting worse and the devastating wildfires in California this past summer and the wildfires in Australia are not signs of global warming. Over the last 3 decades, there have been such severe drought that this planet has not seen before when science says this is all do to global warming. Donny refuses to believe in the science. He says that he is the only one that knows what is going on! The Democrats believe in Dr. Fauci when the Republicans don’t. Donny even wanted to get rid of Dr. Fauci in November when he contradicted him and said that we must believe in the science and not Donny. So, it is the Democrats who refuse to believe in the science!
Douglas, Republicans are not the ones who delude themselves with the belief that there more then two genders. Democrats seem to think you can change your gender because you think you can. That’s not science, that delusion. Democrats also seem to think that the ability to print money makes you wealthy, and it doesn’t, it just devalues the currency. In fact there are a lot of fantasies that you and your fellow Democrats are deluding yourselves with, and those of us who use our brain to actually think are becoming very tired of you delusions and fantasies.
There is nothing that Fauci says that you can believe. Whatever he says today will be different tomorrow. He has always been the spreader of doom and fear to aid the democrats ub keeping the people locked down. Yes it is the democrats who ignore science unless it is to their benefit.
democrats are just plain stuoed
Finish third grade; maybe some day you can spell “cat” without someone having to spot you the “c” and the “a.”
They are anti anything American. They hate America and all of us here. I wish they would all fall off the face of the earth. EVIL people.
Why didn’t Donny come out and say that medical doctors think it is a good idea to wear masks to help slow down the spread of a deadly disease? Why didn’t he say that it is a good idea because the science behind proves that it will save lives? One reason is because he didn’t think of it himself! God forbid there are people who are actually smarter than him! He also wants as many people to die as possible. He is a truly evil egomaniac!
You are so right. And Trump is clearly the most anti-American of all. Thankfully, the intelligent voters got rid of his mentally disturbed ass before he could complete Putin’s instructions.
Hey Cliffy. What time is Donny’s so called “inauguration” tomorrow?
You are confused about your history. The Authoritarian was baby Donny. He is the one who wants to play God! Don’t you remember when Donny said that he wanted to play president for 8 or even 12 years. Then he threatened us by wanting it to be a lifetime game for him. Now that’s a dick! Excuse me, I mean dictator! Obama knew that he could only be President for 2 terms as did Bush before him and Clinton before him. In fact there has only been a 1 term President 2 times since Jimmy Carter. One of them being Donny the loser. I wonder why that is?
spoken like a true liberal. isn’t it interesting who much you hate trump, but love your freedom taking demoncrats.
ALL democrats are enemies of America with NO logical , cause & effect , common sense , honor , decency or conscience . Just constant profoundly stupid criminal mentality .
You are as confused as Woody! It’s the Republicans who are crooked and hate Americans. They are fighting so desperately to limit the number of Democrats to vote. They know that that is the only way hey can possibly win. Unless Republican governors don’t kill them off first.
There are certain thing science just can’t fix, but to placate easily duped lib donors they will spin rocks into gold for that warm fuzzy feeling. Could be cause for laundry day, though rinse and repeat would be in order.
The Dems are anti everything except power and control. They’ve taken China’s playbook to rule by fear, deceit, and outright lies. They’ve lived it so long, they now believe it. They’re entitled to their opinions, though, because this is still a free country for now. Some of us just don’t agree with them, their lack of morality and religion, and their ability to twist things ie the Constitution for their advantage. That’s called human nature and we’re all guilty of it. Be critical thinkers, people.
This question is not presented properly, because the answer is actually YES and NO.
They are pro science when CONVENIENT for them to promote their agenda.
They are against science when the opposite is the case.
But I have to admit that they are AGAINST science more often, as when science proves what causes the raise of temperatures and it is NOTHING humans are doing. Or when they say a baby is not what is growing in a woman womb, just a lump of tissue. Or when because a man gets snip and takes hormones to grow breasts, now is a woman….sure….DNA can NOT be changed morons.