The democrats only care for themselves, they don’t give a s**t about Americans at all, President Trump please continue to drain the corrupt swamp until the last corrupt democrats chokes
on September 13, 2020
I am so fed up with democrat BS!! I want the radicals wiped out so draining of the swamp had better get busy. Dem’s do NOT care about Americans that live in USA, they want to bring in Ilegals and let them take over USA. I am so fed up with there nasty BS.
on September 13, 2020
That is not a fair question. The dems want a stimulous but Mc Connell blocked the Bill the dems put on the floor4 months ago. The dems want to give more than McConnel wants to give to the people. The republicans want the American people to depend on them for every thing. Pelosi is looking out for the little guy or girl like me.
on September 13, 2020
I am not angry at the democrats for blocking it. The bill the republicans put forth was worse than nothing.The best bill was the original form the house, but turtle would not let come to the floor in the senate. He was afraid of republican defections.
The democrats only care for themselves, they don’t give a s**t about Americans at all, President Trump please continue to drain the corrupt swamp until the last corrupt democrats chokes
I am so fed up with democrat BS!! I want the radicals wiped out so draining of the swamp had better get busy. Dem’s do NOT care about Americans that live in USA, they want to bring in Ilegals and let them take over USA. I am so fed up with there nasty BS.
That is not a fair question. The dems want a stimulous but Mc Connell blocked the Bill the dems put on the floor4 months ago. The dems want to give more than McConnel wants to give to the people. The republicans want the American people to depend on them for every thing. Pelosi is looking out for the little guy or girl like me.
I am not angry at the democrats for blocking it. The bill the republicans put forth was worse than nothing.The best bill was the original form the house, but turtle would not let come to the floor in the senate. He was afraid of republican defections.