I understand their , reasoning, PROTECT your self, but this CCP-19 VIRUS, is not just USA only, the rest of the world has it also and the CCP invented it , with the financing of the communist demo party in the USA and goes as far back as 2008 and the H1-N1 virus flu that was here in 2010, so has the Bahamas banned the rest of the world also, or just the AMERICAN MONEY, and are the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY , pushing this financially , maybe there is a lot of chinese communist party holding in the Bahamas. And being that the Bahamas are very close to mainland USA, a great place to close of the USA and then set up a communist chinese shop, like CUBA did 60 yrs ago.
on July 22, 2020
Evidence to back up your rant would make it more credible- problem is except for the fact that C-19 did originate in Wuhan (probably @ an open air meat market) there is no evidence from the CIA or DIA or NSA to support the rest of your allegations. Enjoy the koolaid while it lasts.
I understand their , reasoning, PROTECT your self, but this CCP-19 VIRUS, is not just USA only, the rest of the world has it also and the CCP invented it , with the financing of the communist demo party in the USA and goes as far back as 2008 and the H1-N1 virus flu that was here in 2010, so has the Bahamas banned the rest of the world also, or just the AMERICAN MONEY, and are the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY , pushing this financially , maybe there is a lot of chinese communist party holding in the Bahamas. And being that the Bahamas are very close to mainland USA, a great place to close of the USA and then set up a communist chinese shop, like CUBA did 60 yrs ago.
Evidence to back up your rant would make it more credible- problem is except for the fact that C-19 did originate in Wuhan (probably @ an open air meat market) there is no evidence from the CIA or DIA or NSA to support the rest of your allegations. Enjoy the koolaid while it lasts.