Absolutely, Positively, STUPID. NO MORE NFL for me. They’ve joined the insane society.
on July 19, 2020
I as a N.f.l.fan will not waste one time of my time are money on seeing a game om national t.v. are go to their games where a black anthem is plaid or song. This is pure racist and our national athiem is for all gender,s ,colors so fuck your flag are song,and lets pull away from any race that is hate and bent on hell to destroy our system of justice and I owe you nothing to composait pasthistory FUCK YOU ALL I CAN SAVE THE PRICE A TICKET AND MEALS AT THE GAMES AND SEE HOW LONG YOUR SUPPORT LAST THAT ADVERTIZE YOUR SICK MINDS SIMLPLY PUT I HAVE OTHER CHANNELS TO SEE>
Eugene Harrington
on July 19, 2020
I will not watch NFL. I did not serve in the USARMY just so radicals can change our country to suit themselves. One’s success depends on themselves, not what others can do for them. I have seen many successes in all races.
on July 20, 2020
You are spot on!! I’m Black and it is nothing but reverse racism!
Ja Bru
on July 18, 2020
I stopped watching the commies when they Let Capanicker Play and lose the Super Bowl game. Idiots at the most, what A Shame and Scum’s they have become.
David Cummings
on July 19, 2020
Amen to that sister!
David Cummings
on July 19, 2020
I am a Christian
David Cummings
on July 19, 2020
Big D
on July 19, 2020
well spoken.
on July 19, 2020
Thank Jo, from a Vietnam era Navy Vet and father of a Iraq War veteran, WE, too, are done with these ungrateful Multi millionaire, cowards.
on July 18, 2020
There is no black National Anthem
Robert Babb
on July 19, 2020
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA not some foreign country if you don’t like it get out.
Grin n barrett
on July 19, 2020
I looked long and hard for a hell no button, then the no freaking way button. Couldn’t find either so I had to settle with your no. Destroying the nation is not acceptable. Destroying our history is not acceptable. Hiding our history doesn’t mean it never happened, it just means we may be forced to repeat it. Hiding history is a trick both socialist and communist regimes practice. They want to make them and their ideology the only history we remember. They want to be the only important thing that ever happened. We can’t allow that to happen. Our own children are trying to erase our past. They are helping with the socialist/communist takeover. Because they don’t recall history, they truly believe they are doing the right thing. The communist left have achieved their goal, using our children. I can’t think of a whole lot more sad than that.
on July 19, 2020
This is the most disgraceful crap I have ever heard, NO MORE NFL for my entire Family, We stopped watching when they defended taking a knee, #BOYCOTTNFL !!!!!!!
James Young
on July 19, 2020
I have not watched the NFL since the knelling with Colin. I will also try to buy every product I need from another supplier besides the ones that advertise during the NFL broadcasts.
Doris Seward
on July 19, 2020
the national anthem has no color
wendell shelnutt
on July 19, 2020
there is only one National Anthem. be proud of it and all it stands for
Big D
on July 19, 2020
If the nfl plays that shit then I am done with them. They are the most gutless bastards in sports. the nfl will be history if the blm crap gets played!
July 18, 2020.. Of all the advantages this Country offers… if you can’t make it in America, you just can’t make it.. They are offers of Ghana offering those dissatisfied with America to to there.. Also many offers to pay for the one way flight. When those bleacher seats are empty, you will realize you killed the golden goose, Pi Johnson.
Navy Vet
on July 19, 2020
P**S on the NFL,, Roger Goodell, Cancernick, and their “Hate America Kneelers”! My Veteran family will never buy another ticket or watch an NFL game again. Let black LIES matter watch the NFL, WE are done!!!
Al Pambuena
on July 19, 2020
I quit watching the NFL 2 years ago….believe me life is so much better w/o the this political crap…would rather watch bowling.
Jorge Luis Serrano
on July 19, 2020
If I hear anythig else other than the national anthem the wk they play i will boycott the rest of the season-
on July 19, 2020
There is no “black” national anthem! There is only one National Anthem, and is for everyone that lives in the US. The democrats need to stop dividing the country and rejoin the intelligent people and stop being racist and promoting racism.
That POS goodall is a coward & only cares about the money he makes. This is just another reason not to watch nfl. Their numbers will show what people think. I am done with nfl, nba, nascar & any other sport that supports this crap!!! blm & antifa are a joke & the cities that allow their garbage get what they deserve!!!
I am 85 yrs old and watched football all my life. High school, collage and pro…however from kneeling for my flag to discrediting the National Anthan has caused me to be disappointed not this I will not be watching football or anyother pro sport again thankful for books
Doug Litchfield
on July 20, 2020
Good way to destroy a business. Keep going the way you are and watch the fans desert the sinking ship.
Kathryn Sue Griffin
on July 20, 2020
I have never even heard of such a thing, don’t know what the words say or any such thing. We have only ONE National Anthem and that is The Star Spangled Banner. We have other national songs I also like, but only ONE NATIONAL ANTHEM.
Robert Wayne
on July 21, 2020
I started losing interest in the NFL years ago when the Houston Oilers left southeast TX and backstabbed their former fans. Later on when Tim Tebow was attacked and blackballed for being a white Christian, I lost more interest in the NFL. Then when it became obvious that the league’s players were mostly black racists and spineless whites along with the anti white racism portrayed by the NFL’s owners and commissioner, I completely lost interest. Haven’t watched a game in two years and I certainly don’t miss it.
Absolutely, Positively, STUPID. NO MORE NFL for me. They’ve joined the insane society.
I as a N.f.l.fan will not waste one time of my time are money on seeing a game om national t.v. are go to their games where a black anthem is plaid or song. This is pure racist and our national athiem is for all gender,s ,colors so fuck your flag are song,and lets pull away from any race that is hate and bent on hell to destroy our system of justice and I owe you nothing to composait pasthistory FUCK YOU ALL I CAN SAVE THE PRICE A TICKET AND MEALS AT THE GAMES AND SEE HOW LONG YOUR SUPPORT LAST THAT ADVERTIZE YOUR SICK MINDS SIMLPLY PUT I HAVE OTHER CHANNELS TO SEE>
I will not watch NFL. I did not serve in the USARMY just so radicals can change our country to suit themselves. One’s success depends on themselves, not what others can do for them. I have seen many successes in all races.
You are spot on!! I’m Black and it is nothing but reverse racism!
I stopped watching the commies when they Let Capanicker Play and lose the Super Bowl game. Idiots at the most, what A Shame and Scum’s they have become.
Amen to that sister!
I am a Christian
well spoken.
Thank Jo, from a Vietnam era Navy Vet and father of a Iraq War veteran, WE, too, are done with these ungrateful Multi millionaire, cowards.
There is no black National Anthem
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA not some foreign country if you don’t like it get out.
I looked long and hard for a hell no button, then the no freaking way button. Couldn’t find either so I had to settle with your no. Destroying the nation is not acceptable. Destroying our history is not acceptable. Hiding our history doesn’t mean it never happened, it just means we may be forced to repeat it. Hiding history is a trick both socialist and communist regimes practice. They want to make them and their ideology the only history we remember. They want to be the only important thing that ever happened. We can’t allow that to happen. Our own children are trying to erase our past. They are helping with the socialist/communist takeover. Because they don’t recall history, they truly believe they are doing the right thing. The communist left have achieved their goal, using our children. I can’t think of a whole lot more sad than that.
This is the most disgraceful crap I have ever heard, NO MORE NFL for my entire Family, We stopped watching when they defended taking a knee, #BOYCOTTNFL !!!!!!!
I have not watched the NFL since the knelling with Colin. I will also try to buy every product I need from another supplier besides the ones that advertise during the NFL broadcasts.
the national anthem has no color
there is only one National Anthem. be proud of it and all it stands for
If the nfl plays that shit then I am done with them. They are the most gutless bastards in sports. the nfl will be history if the blm crap gets played!
July 18, 2020.. Of all the advantages this Country offers… if you can’t make it in America, you just can’t make it.. They are offers of Ghana offering those dissatisfied with America to to there.. Also many offers to pay for the one way flight. When those bleacher seats are empty, you will realize you killed the golden goose, Pi Johnson.
P**S on the NFL,, Roger Goodell, Cancernick, and their “Hate America Kneelers”! My Veteran family will never buy another ticket or watch an NFL game again. Let black LIES matter watch the NFL, WE are done!!!
I quit watching the NFL 2 years ago….believe me life is so much better w/o the this political crap…would rather watch bowling.
If I hear anythig else other than the national anthem the wk they play i will boycott the rest of the season-
There is no “black” national anthem! There is only one National Anthem, and is for everyone that lives in the US. The democrats need to stop dividing the country and rejoin the intelligent people and stop being racist and promoting racism.
That POS goodall is a coward & only cares about the money he makes. This is just another reason not to watch nfl. Their numbers will show what people think. I am done with nfl, nba, nascar & any other sport that supports this crap!!! blm & antifa are a joke & the cities that allow their garbage get what they deserve!!!
I’m done with the NFL.
I am 85 yrs old and watched football all my life. High school, collage and pro…however from kneeling for my flag to discrediting the National Anthan has caused me to be disappointed not this I will not be watching football or anyother pro sport again thankful for books
Good way to destroy a business. Keep going the way you are and watch the fans desert the sinking ship.
I have never even heard of such a thing, don’t know what the words say or any such thing. We have only ONE National Anthem and that is The Star Spangled Banner. We have other national songs I also like, but only ONE NATIONAL ANTHEM.
I started losing interest in the NFL years ago when the Houston Oilers left southeast TX and backstabbed their former fans. Later on when Tim Tebow was attacked and blackballed for being a white Christian, I lost more interest in the NFL. Then when it became obvious that the league’s players were mostly black racists and spineless whites along with the anti white racism portrayed by the NFL’s owners and commissioner, I completely lost interest. Haven’t watched a game in two years and I certainly don’t miss it.