I agree with anyone who is worth my agreement and share the same values, ie integrity, etc.
Rodger Shull
on August 19, 2020
The obamamabonation administration was and is DIRTY CORRUPT ROTTEN to the CORE, and still is, Now he wants to still be potus but thru these other low-life communist puppet mouths, biden,harris,clinton, and all off the BIG DOLLARS of soros. They are so bad, that if they were all on fire, I would not walk across the street and waste my urine on them. and piss out the fire. I’d just keep on a walking.
on August 20, 2020
I hope president Trump will LOCK THEM UP in the JAIL!
on August 21, 2020
Obama was the worst president ever in the US history. He did not care about any ‘WORKING’ American. I live in CT. The worst state in the US. Unless you’re in the system getting everything for free. I remember paying $5 a gallon for diesel fuel & home heating oil. A punishment for working.
Teresa M Laughlin
on August 21, 2020
Obama was better than the narcissistic idiot we have in the White House now. Trump has been in the back pocket of Putin since Day 1.
I agree with anyone who is worth my agreement and share the same values, ie integrity, etc.
The obamamabonation administration was and is DIRTY CORRUPT ROTTEN to the CORE, and still is, Now he wants to still be potus but thru these other low-life communist puppet mouths, biden,harris,clinton, and all off the BIG DOLLARS of soros. They are so bad, that if they were all on fire, I would not walk across the street and waste my urine on them. and piss out the fire. I’d just keep on a walking.
I hope president Trump will LOCK THEM UP in the JAIL!
Obama was the worst president ever in the US history. He did not care about any ‘WORKING’ American. I live in CT. The worst state in the US. Unless you’re in the system getting everything for free. I remember paying $5 a gallon for diesel fuel & home heating oil. A punishment for working.
Obama was better than the narcissistic idiot we have in the White House now. Trump has been in the back pocket of Putin since Day 1.