Biden wasn’t a 8 year V.P. of a muslim , communist , terrorist for no reason . He & harris are continuing the communist crimes of obama – all against America !
on December 5, 2020
Go there Stevo. I agree hell is coming for Once Great Country. The chilling screams and moans of agony shell be heard along with general attack sirens by the masses as their liberal Communist’s policy go in to effect. Biden is a bumbling fool lackey boy at best. His cheesy/cheeky smile annoys we.
on December 4, 2020
Biden is an full blown detriment to himself and the United States of America. O he doesn’t care about America at all, he is only interested in his bullshit plans for America and only what is in it for himself. He is in for a rude awakening very soon. Pack your bags Biden and head for your favorite country “CHINA”
on December 4, 2020
How could anyone say yes to this question. Biden is a complete IDIOT! He was VP when Obumass was a so called president. And while vp, he did nothing to help the people after Obumass hiked the taxes. Then he forced companies to pay for healthcare. In which many small companies couldn’t afford it. Therefore, they were forced to let people go from their jobs! Or, the company closed. Then on top of that! People that couldn’t afford healthcare, were find a thousand dollars a year. He did nothing then! And he won’t now! He will sell America out. Just like his daddy Obumass did.
Marissa Thomas
on December 4, 2020
The only thing Biden can do well, is to surrender for his criminal activities.
Doug Litchfield
on December 4, 2020
Hard to approve of a cheating schmuck.
Janice E. Prescott
on December 6, 2020
Did they say How Biden performed? What the heck did he perform. He stayed in his basement the whole time, now all of a sudden he has a very strange break in his leg. This is all setting up for the Communist Harris to take over. What a mess those two are. God help us.
John S
on December 6, 2020
Here is why Biden and company is a problem
The fight is so much bigger than people simply hating President Trump. I didn’t write what’s below and it’s a fire hose of information. Please read it with an open mind. You don’t need to understand or believe all the moving parts just the basic context as it relates to President Trump’s actions.
This is message to those of you, who believe that the US election, is about a bad Orange man and a dithering old harmless man, who will help us have a wonderfiul New World order, green future, with no more global warming.
Nothing could be further from the truth. You are falling for the propaganda of the Cabals mainstream media.
If Biden wins the US election, the following changes will happen, which will have a nock on effect for the rest of the world.
1. The CABAL, will regain access to its enforcement arm, namely that of the US military.
A. Ever wondered why Gadafi was overthrown. He was introducing an African currency, backed by Gold, which would have broken the Cabals banking fraud.
B. Ever wondered why, Sudan Hussain, was overthrown, well he was planning to create a gold standard backed currency, to be used for the purchase and sales of oil. Oh yes that would have broken the Cabals fraud too.
C. Ever wondered, why there is a war in Syria. Oh yes, they are one of only three countries, who do not have a reserve bank owned by the CABAL. The other two are IRan and North Korea.
D. Ever wondered, why the US sticks its nose into world events and engages in wars all over the place. They are enforcing the will of the CABAL.
E. Ever wondered why the bad orange man, has not started any new wars. Well obviously he is not working for the CABAL. He is working against them and for the people of the world.
F. Ever wondered why JFK, was assisted. He was in the process of replacing the US dollar, with the Greenback, a currency, backed by Gold. You guessed right, that would have broken the Cabals, banking fraud.
G. I could go on and on, but I think you get it, by now.
2.If Biden wins. The Federal reserve, will be handed back to the CABAL. You probably don’t know that the Federal Reserve, was a privately owned organisation, that was absorbed into the US Treasury department on the 23 March 2020. (Nationalised).
Now when the US needs money, they merely create it interest free. This means that the 2,5 trillion dollars, that was used during COIVID, comes at zero cost. No interest will be charged on the creation of this money, as the Federal Reserve belongs to the American people. It has not increased the US debt at all. It only resulted in an increase in the money supply.
2. As soon as the Federal reserve, is handed back to the CABAL, the following will change:
A. Every time money, is required to enter the US market, the US treasury WILL BE REQUIRED TO ISSUE A TREASURY bond, to the Federal Reserve, which bears interest. This interest is repaid, TO THE CABAL, using your Taxes.
B. This is best explained using an example.
C. Let’s assume that the US needs an additional 10 Billion dollars, injected into their money supply.
D. The treasury issues a bond, which attracts interest, to the Federal Reserve, a private institution, owned by the CABAL.
E. The Cabal, then creates $ 10 Billion out of thin air.
F. The real crime is that the money that the CABAL creates out of thin air, attracts interest. This interest is paid using your tax dollars. In fact if it were not for the need to repay the CABAL, interest on money that they create out of thin air, we would not need to pay the high taxes we do.
G. This is not where this diabolical system ends either.
H. The 10 Billion dollars, is then deposited into the US banking system.
I. The bank, where the money is deposited, is only by law, required to hold 10% of the value of the money, as a reserve.
J. This means that they can lend out 9 Billion dollars of the 10 Billion they received. They create an additional 9 Billion dollars.
K. This 9 billion is then deposited in the next bank, who, only needs to maintain a reserve of 10 %, so they can lend out 8.1 billion dollars.
L. This 8,1 billion, is then deposited into the next bank, where, you guessed it, they only need to keep a reserve of 10 %.
M. This goes on and on, until the 10 Billion, becomes 100 billion dollars, on which the CABALS fraudulent banking system charges compound interest. They earn interest of money they created from nothing.
I hope you understand how the current monetary system, is designed to enslave humanity.
1. Firstly, the Federal Reserve, a private company, owned by the CABAL, creates money out of nothing.
A. They then charge the US Government, (tax Payers) interest on money they created out of thin air. This is repaid with your taxes.
2. The money that was created out of thin, is, exponentially grown by ten times, as it is put through the CABALS fraudulent banking system.
3. The CABALS banks then charge, compound interest on money they too have created out of thin air.
Please explore this with an open mind and you will see that, the way the CABAL, has enslaved humanity, is by creating a fraudulent monetary system, which is designed to put the world into eternal debt and is the main reason, why we pay taxes.
1. It really is time for you guys to wake up and see that, the mainstream media, is the propaganda mouth piece of the cabal.
2. The pharmaceutical industry, also owned by the CABAL, is there to develop all the diseases that they, then miraculously find long term treatments or vaccines for. AIDS and Cancer are tow that come to mind. COVID is another example.
3. They Own the food supply too and create GMO foods and spray our foods with poison, which causes inflammation in humanity, CANCER etc.
4. They spray chemtrails, filled with poison, to cause us harm. CaNcer etc.
I could go on and on, but I think I may have overwhelmed you with too much already.
The point that I am making is this.
The bad orange man is helping us regain our freedom from the CABAL.
The reason, so may people hate him is because they have bought into the propaganda of the CABALS mainstream media machine.
Biden, is CABAL and if he wins (he wont, he is on his way to jail), the CABAL, will continue to enslave humanity.
Please for the sake of humanity “WAKE UP” and “SEE”
Biden wasn’t a 8 year V.P. of a muslim , communist , terrorist for no reason . He & harris are continuing the communist crimes of obama – all against America !
Go there Stevo. I agree hell is coming for Once Great Country. The chilling screams and moans of agony shell be heard along with general attack sirens by the masses as their liberal Communist’s policy go in to effect. Biden is a bumbling fool lackey boy at best. His cheesy/cheeky smile annoys we.
Biden is an full blown detriment to himself and the United States of America. O he doesn’t care about America at all, he is only interested in his bullshit plans for America and only what is in it for himself. He is in for a rude awakening very soon. Pack your bags Biden and head for your favorite country “CHINA”
How could anyone say yes to this question. Biden is a complete IDIOT! He was VP when Obumass was a so called president. And while vp, he did nothing to help the people after Obumass hiked the taxes. Then he forced companies to pay for healthcare. In which many small companies couldn’t afford it. Therefore, they were forced to let people go from their jobs! Or, the company closed. Then on top of that! People that couldn’t afford healthcare, were find a thousand dollars a year. He did nothing then! And he won’t now! He will sell America out. Just like his daddy Obumass did.
The only thing Biden can do well, is to surrender for his criminal activities.
Hard to approve of a cheating schmuck.
Did they say How Biden performed? What the heck did he perform. He stayed in his basement the whole time, now all of a sudden he has a very strange break in his leg. This is all setting up for the Communist Harris to take over. What a mess those two are. God help us.
Here is why Biden and company is a problem
The fight is so much bigger than people simply hating President Trump. I didn’t write what’s below and it’s a fire hose of information. Please read it with an open mind. You don’t need to understand or believe all the moving parts just the basic context as it relates to President Trump’s actions.
This is message to those of you, who believe that the US election, is about a bad Orange man and a dithering old harmless man, who will help us have a wonderfiul New World order, green future, with no more global warming.
Nothing could be further from the truth. You are falling for the propaganda of the Cabals mainstream media.
If Biden wins the US election, the following changes will happen, which will have a nock on effect for the rest of the world.
1. The CABAL, will regain access to its enforcement arm, namely that of the US military.
A. Ever wondered why Gadafi was overthrown. He was introducing an African currency, backed by Gold, which would have broken the Cabals banking fraud.
B. Ever wondered why, Sudan Hussain, was overthrown, well he was planning to create a gold standard backed currency, to be used for the purchase and sales of oil. Oh yes that would have broken the Cabals fraud too.
C. Ever wondered, why there is a war in Syria. Oh yes, they are one of only three countries, who do not have a reserve bank owned by the CABAL. The other two are IRan and North Korea.
D. Ever wondered, why the US sticks its nose into world events and engages in wars all over the place. They are enforcing the will of the CABAL.
E. Ever wondered why the bad orange man, has not started any new wars. Well obviously he is not working for the CABAL. He is working against them and for the people of the world.
F. Ever wondered why JFK, was assisted. He was in the process of replacing the US dollar, with the Greenback, a currency, backed by Gold. You guessed right, that would have broken the Cabals, banking fraud.
G. I could go on and on, but I think you get it, by now.
2.If Biden wins. The Federal reserve, will be handed back to the CABAL. You probably don’t know that the Federal Reserve, was a privately owned organisation, that was absorbed into the US Treasury department on the 23 March 2020. (Nationalised).
Now when the US needs money, they merely create it interest free. This means that the 2,5 trillion dollars, that was used during COIVID, comes at zero cost. No interest will be charged on the creation of this money, as the Federal Reserve belongs to the American people. It has not increased the US debt at all. It only resulted in an increase in the money supply.
2. As soon as the Federal reserve, is handed back to the CABAL, the following will change:
A. Every time money, is required to enter the US market, the US treasury WILL BE REQUIRED TO ISSUE A TREASURY bond, to the Federal Reserve, which bears interest. This interest is repaid, TO THE CABAL, using your Taxes.
B. This is best explained using an example.
C. Let’s assume that the US needs an additional 10 Billion dollars, injected into their money supply.
D. The treasury issues a bond, which attracts interest, to the Federal Reserve, a private institution, owned by the CABAL.
E. The Cabal, then creates $ 10 Billion out of thin air.
F. The real crime is that the money that the CABAL creates out of thin air, attracts interest. This interest is paid using your tax dollars. In fact if it were not for the need to repay the CABAL, interest on money that they create out of thin air, we would not need to pay the high taxes we do.
G. This is not where this diabolical system ends either.
H. The 10 Billion dollars, is then deposited into the US banking system.
I. The bank, where the money is deposited, is only by law, required to hold 10% of the value of the money, as a reserve.
J. This means that they can lend out 9 Billion dollars of the 10 Billion they received. They create an additional 9 Billion dollars.
K. This 9 billion is then deposited in the next bank, who, only needs to maintain a reserve of 10 %, so they can lend out 8.1 billion dollars.
L. This 8,1 billion, is then deposited into the next bank, where, you guessed it, they only need to keep a reserve of 10 %.
M. This goes on and on, until the 10 Billion, becomes 100 billion dollars, on which the CABALS fraudulent banking system charges compound interest. They earn interest of money they created from nothing.
I hope you understand how the current monetary system, is designed to enslave humanity.
1. Firstly, the Federal Reserve, a private company, owned by the CABAL, creates money out of nothing.
A. They then charge the US Government, (tax Payers) interest on money they created out of thin air. This is repaid with your taxes.
2. The money that was created out of thin, is, exponentially grown by ten times, as it is put through the CABALS fraudulent banking system.
3. The CABALS banks then charge, compound interest on money they too have created out of thin air.
Please explore this with an open mind and you will see that, the way the CABAL, has enslaved humanity, is by creating a fraudulent monetary system, which is designed to put the world into eternal debt and is the main reason, why we pay taxes.
1. It really is time for you guys to wake up and see that, the mainstream media, is the propaganda mouth piece of the cabal.
2. The pharmaceutical industry, also owned by the CABAL, is there to develop all the diseases that they, then miraculously find long term treatments or vaccines for. AIDS and Cancer are tow that come to mind. COVID is another example.
3. They Own the food supply too and create GMO foods and spray our foods with poison, which causes inflammation in humanity, CANCER etc.
4. They spray chemtrails, filled with poison, to cause us harm. CaNcer etc.
I could go on and on, but I think I may have overwhelmed you with too much already.
The point that I am making is this.
The bad orange man is helping us regain our freedom from the CABAL.
The reason, so may people hate him is because they have bought into the propaganda of the CABALS mainstream media machine.
Biden, is CABAL and if he wins (he wont, he is on his way to jail), the CABAL, will continue to enslave humanity.
Please for the sake of humanity “WAKE UP” and “SEE”