School choice is a great option. That way the children can be EDUCATED, not INDOCTRINATED by liberals pushing sex education, “gender identity”, “gender reassignment” and LGBT as “normal”.
Lets go back to our REAL history, and what makes this country GREAT.
on March 28, 2021
Yes let us return to the Christian teaching, sex education, not necessary to teach in school “gender identity” you were born a male you are a male, you were born a female you are a female, “gender reassignment” not to be taught in school, and LGBT go back into the closet, GOD SAID Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve.
If you are for any of the above, do it in private, a school classroom is not a place for this. And not INDOCTRINATING CHILDREN.
Forced into public is not normal, keep YOUR CHOICES private and to yourself.
Claxson 68
on March 28, 2021
A parent should have a choice of which school to put their child in. If there is only public school the level of learning will diminish to the point of being useless. Public school will be little more than a baby sitting service!
Doug Litchfield
on March 28, 2021
Defund the NEA then let school districts decide what should be added above the three R’s. Most districts will not have installing condoms on cucumbers as part of 6th. grade education. Teachers need to be put on notice that their perversion taught in class rooms will not be tolerated.
on March 28, 2021
I agree 1000%
Don Nicholas
on March 29, 2021
The only thing the teacher’s unions hate more than damned near anything else is completion.
on March 29, 2021
The progressive (democrat) party never supports school choice because it is against the interests of the teachers unions that fund and control the democrats.
School choice is a great option. That way the children can be EDUCATED, not INDOCTRINATED by liberals pushing sex education, “gender identity”, “gender reassignment” and LGBT as “normal”.
Lets go back to our REAL history, and what makes this country GREAT.
Yes let us return to the Christian teaching, sex education, not necessary to teach in school “gender identity” you were born a male you are a male, you were born a female you are a female, “gender reassignment” not to be taught in school, and LGBT go back into the closet, GOD SAID Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve.
If you are for any of the above, do it in private, a school classroom is not a place for this. And not INDOCTRINATING CHILDREN.
Forced into public is not normal, keep YOUR CHOICES private and to yourself.
A parent should have a choice of which school to put their child in. If there is only public school the level of learning will diminish to the point of being useless. Public school will be little more than a baby sitting service!
Defund the NEA then let school districts decide what should be added above the three R’s. Most districts will not have installing condoms on cucumbers as part of 6th. grade education. Teachers need to be put on notice that their perversion taught in class rooms will not be tolerated.
I agree 1000%
The only thing the teacher’s unions hate more than damned near anything else is completion.
The progressive (democrat) party never supports school choice because it is against the interests of the teachers unions that fund and control the democrats.