As always a liberal has it 180 degrees out of phase. Donald Trump always put this country FIRST and worked hard everyday to make life better for American citizens. Joe Biden and his cabal hate this country, blame the US for everything that is wrong in the world and put ILLEGAL aliens and other countries ahead of the CITIZENS of this country. Joe Biden does not work for the people, in fact he doesn’t work at all. His priority is solidifying the democrats total control over our lives.
The only thing that Donny worked hard at was his golf swing. And he still needs to cheat to win.
on March 13, 2021
reminds me of OBAMA when he was always on the golf course when he should have been taking care of business!!!
Doug Litchfield
on March 8, 2021
I’ve enjoyed root canals more than witnessing this charade of misfits pretend they have any management skills. This appears to be a free for all at the hog trough with chopper lady Nanci getting the most swilling accomplished.
Frederick Bays
on March 8, 2021
yes and no He has gotten us $1400 but that is nowhere near enough for more then 50M families
Where is the $15/hr
Where is M4A
Where is real climate change leg
Where is con amen to stop the rich form stealing our votes
Where is leg on RCV
These are just a few of what the said he would do in his first 100 days
Well there half gone
on March 8, 2021
Actually you are only going to get $1,400 stimulus that is only maybe 9% of the 1.9 trillion they have voted on, All the rest goes to foreign countries, pelosi’s bridge as well as other democratic crap and wasting more of our tax dollars, that has nothing to do with helping the American people during their pandemic. If they truly wanted to help the American people they should use at least 99% of the 1.9 trillion, that would equate to about $6,000 per each American. Given a choice what would you vote for. This is all true check it out for yourself.
You don’t understand how politics works. In order for us to get $1,400, concessions on both sides have to be made. Democrats want things. Republicans want things. Presidents want things. Trade offs are made. That is how bills are passed. Last year’s stimulus acts were the same stories, except the Republicans gave more money to outside interests. That is why we only got $1,800 out of 2 numerically high bills from Republicans. At least we are getting over 75% more in this 1 Democratic stimulus than we got out of 2 Republican bills. So don’t just blame Democrats, you have to blame Republicans as well!
on March 9, 2021
No you don’t understand the stimulus payments are to help the American people that biden killed their jobs, and to help the American people, the deep state pandemic crap that put the American people in lock down, 100% of the 1.9 trillion should go to the American people, not the democratic government, or the Republican government, off the wall agendas, nothing to do with pandemic recovery. Like I stated 100% of the 1.9 trillion ABOUT $6,000 each should go to the American people nothing else should matter at this point in time.
What do you think the people who Donny let die and didn’t do a thing to protect them get? He doesn’t even give them any sympathy!
on March 9, 2021
Douglas, you are again exhibiting your brainwashing is complete. Donald Trump gave the Governors everything they asked for to fight the Chinese virus and unlike the democrats followed the science that was available at the beginning. Blame China and the WHO for lying about and hiding the severity of this virus for over a month, The Chinese knew how infectious the virus was, but for weeks allowed people from Wuhan to travel every where in the world, except within Chine, to spread the virus unchecked. Blame the Governors who mishandled the pandemic and sent infected people back to nursing homes to infect and kill thousands. They then hid the figures on deaths to cover their own rear.
As far as the stimulus is concerned, it is a farce. Out of the $1.9 Trillion that they approved less than $500 billion is going to the people. This “relief” package is a cover to bailout democrat governors who have overspent, over promised to unions, and incompetently mishandled their states into bankruptcy.
on March 9, 2021
The great President Trump didn’t let anyone die he was the one that got the vaccine started and implemented not the Biden administration, it was the deep state that funded the virus and made sure it went worldwide, what do you think the WHO is covering up in the investigations, I wonder.
President Trump shall prevail with GODS GUIDANCE corruption will soon begin to end.
on March 8, 2021
If you are a DEMONCRAT then this has been a WONDERFUL time. He’s letting in anyone to this country, undoing EVERYTHING that the GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP managed to get done. He giving Iran all they need to build bombs to use where they want, given China everything back that Trump took form them. If you are INTELLIGENT then you know the right answer is HE’S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE THAT EVER TOOK OVER THE WHITE HOUSE!! What can we do about it?? NOTHING!! As the old saying goes:: ASSUME THE POSITION AND TRY NOT TO CRY OUT WHILE THE DEMONCRAFTS ARE BUSY STUFFING US WITH THEIR CRAP!! it all over but the crying. WHERE WAS EVERYONE DURING THE ELECTION??? ACCORDING TO THE ELECTION RESULTS, WE WERE AT HOME SLEEPING OR CRINGING IN A CORNER AND HOPING FOR THE BEST!!!
on March 8, 2021
What do you expect from these soros-socialists , terrorist funders & COMMUNISTS ! They PROVE every day they are enemies of America !
on March 9, 2021
The damage that the Biden cabal has done in just a month to this country is a disaster, but it is exectly what I thought would happen. What really scares me and should do the same to every American is if they have done this much damage in a month, what will they do over the next two to four years?
on March 9, 2021
Heck yes- what happened to putting Americans first instead of foreign interests. Why are we letting illegals in- what do you not understand about the word illegal?? We are the only country opening the doors to not only illegal people coming in but people who may have Covid. Our borders should be locked down until this pandemic is under control. Any time you put the safety of the American people on the back burner it’s a disaster. We need border protection.
Marissa Thomas
on March 10, 2021
The only person happy about the clown presidency so far is Obama, he no longer is the WORSE President in US history.
No he is not mentally, or physically fit to be a dog catcher let alone president. What a joke this has been on all of us. A bad one, but a joke.
Compared to any month of the Anti-American, mentally disturbed Donald Dementia disaster, Biden’s first month has been an unsurpassed success.
It certainly has!
As always a liberal has it 180 degrees out of phase. Donald Trump always put this country FIRST and worked hard everyday to make life better for American citizens. Joe Biden and his cabal hate this country, blame the US for everything that is wrong in the world and put ILLEGAL aliens and other countries ahead of the CITIZENS of this country. Joe Biden does not work for the people, in fact he doesn’t work at all. His priority is solidifying the democrats total control over our lives.
The only thing that Donny worked hard at was his golf swing. And he still needs to cheat to win.
reminds me of OBAMA when he was always on the golf course when he should have been taking care of business!!!
I’ve enjoyed root canals more than witnessing this charade of misfits pretend they have any management skills. This appears to be a free for all at the hog trough with chopper lady Nanci getting the most swilling accomplished.
yes and no He has gotten us $1400 but that is nowhere near enough for more then 50M families
Where is the $15/hr
Where is M4A
Where is real climate change leg
Where is con amen to stop the rich form stealing our votes
Where is leg on RCV
These are just a few of what the said he would do in his first 100 days
Well there half gone
Actually you are only going to get $1,400 stimulus that is only maybe 9% of the 1.9 trillion they have voted on, All the rest goes to foreign countries, pelosi’s bridge as well as other democratic crap and wasting more of our tax dollars, that has nothing to do with helping the American people during their pandemic. If they truly wanted to help the American people they should use at least 99% of the 1.9 trillion, that would equate to about $6,000 per each American. Given a choice what would you vote for. This is all true check it out for yourself.
You don’t understand how politics works. In order for us to get $1,400, concessions on both sides have to be made. Democrats want things. Republicans want things. Presidents want things. Trade offs are made. That is how bills are passed. Last year’s stimulus acts were the same stories, except the Republicans gave more money to outside interests. That is why we only got $1,800 out of 2 numerically high bills from Republicans. At least we are getting over 75% more in this 1 Democratic stimulus than we got out of 2 Republican bills. So don’t just blame Democrats, you have to blame Republicans as well!
No you don’t understand the stimulus payments are to help the American people that biden killed their jobs, and to help the American people, the deep state pandemic crap that put the American people in lock down, 100% of the 1.9 trillion should go to the American people, not the democratic government, or the Republican government, off the wall agendas, nothing to do with pandemic recovery. Like I stated 100% of the 1.9 trillion ABOUT $6,000 each should go to the American people nothing else should matter at this point in time.
What do you think the people who Donny let die and didn’t do a thing to protect them get? He doesn’t even give them any sympathy!
Douglas, you are again exhibiting your brainwashing is complete. Donald Trump gave the Governors everything they asked for to fight the Chinese virus and unlike the democrats followed the science that was available at the beginning. Blame China and the WHO for lying about and hiding the severity of this virus for over a month, The Chinese knew how infectious the virus was, but for weeks allowed people from Wuhan to travel every where in the world, except within Chine, to spread the virus unchecked. Blame the Governors who mishandled the pandemic and sent infected people back to nursing homes to infect and kill thousands. They then hid the figures on deaths to cover their own rear.
As far as the stimulus is concerned, it is a farce. Out of the $1.9 Trillion that they approved less than $500 billion is going to the people. This “relief” package is a cover to bailout democrat governors who have overspent, over promised to unions, and incompetently mishandled their states into bankruptcy.
The great President Trump didn’t let anyone die he was the one that got the vaccine started and implemented not the Biden administration, it was the deep state that funded the virus and made sure it went worldwide, what do you think the WHO is covering up in the investigations, I wonder.
President Trump shall prevail with GODS GUIDANCE corruption will soon begin to end.
If you are a DEMONCRAT then this has been a WONDERFUL time. He’s letting in anyone to this country, undoing EVERYTHING that the GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP managed to get done. He giving Iran all they need to build bombs to use where they want, given China everything back that Trump took form them. If you are INTELLIGENT then you know the right answer is HE’S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE THAT EVER TOOK OVER THE WHITE HOUSE!! What can we do about it?? NOTHING!! As the old saying goes:: ASSUME THE POSITION AND TRY NOT TO CRY OUT WHILE THE DEMONCRAFTS ARE BUSY STUFFING US WITH THEIR CRAP!! it all over but the crying. WHERE WAS EVERYONE DURING THE ELECTION??? ACCORDING TO THE ELECTION RESULTS, WE WERE AT HOME SLEEPING OR CRINGING IN A CORNER AND HOPING FOR THE BEST!!!
What do you expect from these soros-socialists , terrorist funders & COMMUNISTS ! They PROVE every day they are enemies of America !
The damage that the Biden cabal has done in just a month to this country is a disaster, but it is exectly what I thought would happen. What really scares me and should do the same to every American is if they have done this much damage in a month, what will they do over the next two to four years?
Heck yes- what happened to putting Americans first instead of foreign interests. Why are we letting illegals in- what do you not understand about the word illegal?? We are the only country opening the doors to not only illegal people coming in but people who may have Covid. Our borders should be locked down until this pandemic is under control. Any time you put the safety of the American people on the back burner it’s a disaster. We need border protection.
The only person happy about the clown presidency so far is Obama, he no longer is the WORSE President in US history.