I Agree. She should have stayed a BARMAID or gotten into adult entertainment with that large mouth she has.
on December 20, 2020
I was under the impression that Offering BRIBES to “vote your way” is against the LAW..PERIOD. Apparently the “double standards” only “enjoyed by corrupt democommunists doesn’t apply.This buck-toothed ,bug-eyed. anti-America, communist-loving, SKANK needs to be REMOVED and thrown in a cell with the rest of the treasonous traitors that seem to get away with anything they please.
on December 20, 2020
The Democrats always lie, the dumbmasses always believe them, and they always get away with it. Double standards!
on December 20, 2020
Yes! It’s wrong and should have tried for treason months ago. Plus, if you raise minimum wages! What do you think will happen? Under the demarates. Taxes will go up! Just like they did under Obumass. Also, our healthcare premiums will also go through the roof. And just like last time biden was vp. Those that didn’t or couldn’t afford healthcare! Were taxed! We are going to see the Obumass era again. biden will never be considered a real president. Not by me that is!
on December 20, 2020
And to add to my comment. Why did AOC ask for a list of Trump supporters? Because, shes planning the same thing the NAZIS did in the 1940’s.
on December 20, 2020
AOC, What a pure dumb ass donkey, a nut job, laws don’t apply to farm animal’s I guess.
on December 20, 2020
She forgets, we already HAVE a Federal Min. Wage! It is more than enough for basic jobs mostly held by teens. Heck, even McDonald’s pays higher than minimum in my area. Wages should be based on type of work done, experience of the worker and what’s the average wage for that type of job in the area. Having a high Fed. min. wage would put many people out of work as the businesses can not afford the required wages for the number of employees, or.. they will have to raise their prices and will lose business. Cortez doesn’t understand anything about business, but she can sure lie through her teeth! She can’t promise something that she has no control over. She also needs to BUTT OUT of Georgia! Hasn’t she done enough damage to her own district? Or does she believe no one remembers the fiasco of Amazon and how she couldn’t grasp the idea that giving a tax incentive for a company to move to an area and create thousands of jobs would be GOOD NEWS to the people and businesses of the district. A tax Incentive, NOT a HAND OUT of money cortez.
Claxson 68
on December 21, 2020
I heard that thanks to the 2020 census there might a redrawing of the congressional districts in NYC and AOC’s district will disappear. I thought that most “bar maids” made their money in tips & were paid far less then the minimum wage as a salary! Biden will only be a one term President (if he lives that long) and the 2022 elections will be a red sweep & make him a lame duck President anyway!
It’s wrong for her to even be in Congress.
I Agree. She should have stayed a BARMAID or gotten into adult entertainment with that large mouth she has.
I was under the impression that Offering BRIBES to “vote your way” is against the LAW..PERIOD. Apparently the “double standards” only “enjoyed by corrupt democommunists doesn’t apply.This buck-toothed ,bug-eyed. anti-America, communist-loving, SKANK needs to be REMOVED and thrown in a cell with the rest of the treasonous traitors that seem to get away with anything they please.
The Democrats always lie, the dumbmasses always believe them, and they always get away with it. Double standards!
Yes! It’s wrong and should have tried for treason months ago. Plus, if you raise minimum wages! What do you think will happen? Under the demarates. Taxes will go up! Just like they did under Obumass. Also, our healthcare premiums will also go through the roof. And just like last time biden was vp. Those that didn’t or couldn’t afford healthcare! Were taxed! We are going to see the Obumass era again. biden will never be considered a real president. Not by me that is!
And to add to my comment. Why did AOC ask for a list of Trump supporters? Because, shes planning the same thing the NAZIS did in the 1940’s.
AOC, What a pure dumb ass donkey, a nut job, laws don’t apply to farm animal’s I guess.
She forgets, we already HAVE a Federal Min. Wage! It is more than enough for basic jobs mostly held by teens. Heck, even McDonald’s pays higher than minimum in my area. Wages should be based on type of work done, experience of the worker and what’s the average wage for that type of job in the area. Having a high Fed. min. wage would put many people out of work as the businesses can not afford the required wages for the number of employees, or.. they will have to raise their prices and will lose business. Cortez doesn’t understand anything about business, but she can sure lie through her teeth! She can’t promise something that she has no control over. She also needs to BUTT OUT of Georgia! Hasn’t she done enough damage to her own district? Or does she believe no one remembers the fiasco of Amazon and how she couldn’t grasp the idea that giving a tax incentive for a company to move to an area and create thousands of jobs would be GOOD NEWS to the people and businesses of the district. A tax Incentive, NOT a HAND OUT of money cortez.
I heard that thanks to the 2020 census there might a redrawing of the congressional districts in NYC and AOC’s district will disappear. I thought that most “bar maids” made their money in tips & were paid far less then the minimum wage as a salary! Biden will only be a one term President (if he lives that long) and the 2022 elections will be a red sweep & make him a lame duck President anyway!