Rush was a teller of the TRUTH , using FACTS and pithy comments to back him up, which the corrupt America-hating, PROPAGANDA-PUSHING, DEMOCOMMUNISTS could not stand because it interfered with their communist “AGENDA”, and the FRAUD obama’s”fundamental transformation” of our Constitutional republic into a third-world, communist controlled, banana republic CESSPOOL that is occurring right NOW thanks to “deep state” sanctioned and “financed”, rampant voter fraud, LIES, deception, and “death threats” to anyone that attempts to interfere with their Take over” of this county.
on April 8, 2021
An anti-American, hateful Fascist gasbag is not a hero by any stretch of the imagination.
This is the stupidest question ever! What has he done to be considered a hero? Has he run into a burning building and saved someone. Was he a police officer who protected people’s lives? Was he a soldier fighting to protect our country? Has he ever climbed up a tree to rescue some child’s cat? Did he come up with a medical cure to stop some sort of disease? Was he a doctor working 18 hour days to save and comfort people?
NO! He was only a hot airbag!
Hero’s are people who are willing to put their own lives on the line for the betterment of others!!!
Not people like RUSH LIMBAUGH,
on April 8, 2021
I agree on the “stupid question” part. He is not my hero, but he is definitely a hero to very many people. Just like a person who climbs a tree to save a cat. No athletes are heroes. I chose to wear a uniform and serve twenty years in the military, not to be a hero, but to satisfy my own sense of need to do something for the opportunity to live in the greatest country on earth. We’ve made some mistakes, but I don’t see the Russians or the Chinese having to build walls to keep people from coming in.
To me sir, you are a hero! I can understand why you did what you did. I for one could not be in the military not because I didn’t have a sense of duty, but because of my disabilities and lack of proper fitness. That is why I am a part of the Wounded Warriors Program, various other veterans charities and have been on the Veterans Administration board. That is how I fill my sense of duty.
The reason why we have to build a southern wall is because we are the best country in the world. People would much rather come here instead of Russia and China. Here we have freedoms like no other country has.
A few years ago, I was in the hospital for 6 months and over that time, one of my roommates was a veteran from WWII. He thought me a lot. He helped me understand more about our country than anyone else. He was an absolute wonderful, wonderful man. Someone who I will never forget. I apologize for getting off target. What I am trying to say, is that this country does not do enough for you, him, and all of our veterans and active service members and their families. That is why I left the VA and all of their beuracacy. I will never be able to honor you the proper way that you deserve! This country is indebted to you Sir! May God bless you and yours forever!
This country is not indebted to Rush Limbaugh or people like him. Anyone who thinks of him as a hero, doesn’t know what a hero truly is!
on April 8, 2021
Douglas, YOU are a liberal “air bag”. I was a police officer for thirty years and DID run in to a burning building and save a four year old boy in the ghetto, not to mention many other lives saved over my thirty years of service. I have a Son who serves in our military Now. WHAT DID YOU EVER DO DOUGLAS ? All of us who post here would love to know WHAT YOU EVER DID you little win bag. AND I listened to Rush on the radio while on patrol during those thirty years of service. He brought me and many officers and firemen a little Sanity in the world of insanity of a big violent city during our daily tours of duty and therefore RUSH IS A HERO. Again enlighten us all…… what DID YOU EVER DO BUT SHOOT YOUR STUPID LITTLE MOUTH OFF. Now get back in your wheel chair or what ever and go down to your parent’s basements.>
First of all I thank you very much for your 30 years of service and for the commitment your son is making for our country. I can tell you that I have never served the same way that you have and your son is. God bless you both and your families!
I have served in other ways for our country. Please read my response to DanOldGuy so you may be able to understand me. Thank you.
Second. I have the upmost respect for our law enforcement. That is why I am very disheartened by Donny’s insurrection of the Capitol! I hate that two officers died from it and so many were wounded!
I also feel that police officers are treated so unfairly in some cases. For example, in most situations you have only a split second to make a decision. Do you shoot a criminal who can either shoot you or an innocent civilian and take the heat from people questioning your actions because you had to protect people in harms way. Or do you hesitate for a split second with the possibility of an innocent civilian getting shot or possibly killed and then you are blamed for a disastrous outcome by those same people. You are in an in enviable situation where people will treat you unfairly with whatever you choose! I feel terrible for that!
So yes! I may not be a hero like you and your son, but I am trying my best to help our wounded veterans and any veteran who needs our help. That is what I dedicate my life too! Helping them!
I hope what I say here in response to you is ok and that it is not all hot air to you.
I love this country as much as you do! I may even love our veterans more than you do! Just look into the Wounded Warriors Program and you will see what I choose to do!
Doug Litchfield
on April 7, 2021
Rush was a true patriot and understood liberal mentality. When a group is so thick and snowblind, they start acting like poster boy douggie. Sunglasses anyone !!!
He is not a hero! The word hero is thrown around too much! It lessens its true meaning.
Athletes aren’t hero’s, politicians aren’t hero’s, normal everyday people aren’t hero’s.
Rush Limbaugh and people like home, certainly aren’t hero’s!!!
Don Nicholas
on April 8, 2021
You can learn as much by who hates a person as much as who loved and respected them. With Rush it’s both, the elites hated him and we deplorables loved him and respected him.
on April 8, 2021
Rush was a hero in the sense he was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in. In a fashion, we’re all that way. As I get older, I care less and less who I offend, but I will stand up for what I believe in and my principles are not negotiable. The only one I kneel to is God. I do like to listen to both sides as I believe we all have something to offer, even if it’s reinforcing the fact that some people will never get the point and are too busy going thru this world promoting “fluff”. Also as I get older, I’m much more choosy about who I spend my valuable time on this earth with. Rush was worth spending time with, just like Hannity, Leo Terrell, Mike Pillsbury, Kudlow, and others for various reasons. We’re still all entitled to our opinions, whether or not others agree with us.
Rush was a teller of the TRUTH , using FACTS and pithy comments to back him up, which the corrupt America-hating, PROPAGANDA-PUSHING, DEMOCOMMUNISTS could not stand because it interfered with their communist “AGENDA”, and the FRAUD obama’s”fundamental transformation” of our Constitutional republic into a third-world, communist controlled, banana republic CESSPOOL that is occurring right NOW thanks to “deep state” sanctioned and “financed”, rampant voter fraud, LIES, deception, and “death threats” to anyone that attempts to interfere with their Take over” of this county.
An anti-American, hateful Fascist gasbag is not a hero by any stretch of the imagination.
This is the stupidest question ever! What has he done to be considered a hero? Has he run into a burning building and saved someone. Was he a police officer who protected people’s lives? Was he a soldier fighting to protect our country? Has he ever climbed up a tree to rescue some child’s cat? Did he come up with a medical cure to stop some sort of disease? Was he a doctor working 18 hour days to save and comfort people?
NO! He was only a hot airbag!
Hero’s are people who are willing to put their own lives on the line for the betterment of others!!!
Not people like RUSH LIMBAUGH,
I agree on the “stupid question” part. He is not my hero, but he is definitely a hero to very many people. Just like a person who climbs a tree to save a cat. No athletes are heroes. I chose to wear a uniform and serve twenty years in the military, not to be a hero, but to satisfy my own sense of need to do something for the opportunity to live in the greatest country on earth. We’ve made some mistakes, but I don’t see the Russians or the Chinese having to build walls to keep people from coming in.
To me sir, you are a hero! I can understand why you did what you did. I for one could not be in the military not because I didn’t have a sense of duty, but because of my disabilities and lack of proper fitness. That is why I am a part of the Wounded Warriors Program, various other veterans charities and have been on the Veterans Administration board. That is how I fill my sense of duty.
The reason why we have to build a southern wall is because we are the best country in the world. People would much rather come here instead of Russia and China. Here we have freedoms like no other country has.
A few years ago, I was in the hospital for 6 months and over that time, one of my roommates was a veteran from WWII. He thought me a lot. He helped me understand more about our country than anyone else. He was an absolute wonderful, wonderful man. Someone who I will never forget. I apologize for getting off target. What I am trying to say, is that this country does not do enough for you, him, and all of our veterans and active service members and their families. That is why I left the VA and all of their beuracacy. I will never be able to honor you the proper way that you deserve! This country is indebted to you Sir! May God bless you and yours forever!
This country is not indebted to Rush Limbaugh or people like him. Anyone who thinks of him as a hero, doesn’t know what a hero truly is!
Douglas, YOU are a liberal “air bag”. I was a police officer for thirty years and DID run in to a burning building and save a four year old boy in the ghetto, not to mention many other lives saved over my thirty years of service. I have a Son who serves in our military Now. WHAT DID YOU EVER DO DOUGLAS ? All of us who post here would love to know WHAT YOU EVER DID you little win bag. AND I listened to Rush on the radio while on patrol during those thirty years of service. He brought me and many officers and firemen a little Sanity in the world of insanity of a big violent city during our daily tours of duty and therefore RUSH IS A HERO. Again enlighten us all…… what DID YOU EVER DO BUT SHOOT YOUR STUPID LITTLE MOUTH OFF. Now get back in your wheel chair or what ever and go down to your parent’s basements.>
First of all I thank you very much for your 30 years of service and for the commitment your son is making for our country. I can tell you that I have never served the same way that you have and your son is. God bless you both and your families!
I have served in other ways for our country. Please read my response to DanOldGuy so you may be able to understand me. Thank you.
Second. I have the upmost respect for our law enforcement. That is why I am very disheartened by Donny’s insurrection of the Capitol! I hate that two officers died from it and so many were wounded!
I also feel that police officers are treated so unfairly in some cases. For example, in most situations you have only a split second to make a decision. Do you shoot a criminal who can either shoot you or an innocent civilian and take the heat from people questioning your actions because you had to protect people in harms way. Or do you hesitate for a split second with the possibility of an innocent civilian getting shot or possibly killed and then you are blamed for a disastrous outcome by those same people. You are in an in enviable situation where people will treat you unfairly with whatever you choose! I feel terrible for that!
So yes! I may not be a hero like you and your son, but I am trying my best to help our wounded veterans and any veteran who needs our help. That is what I dedicate my life too! Helping them!
I hope what I say here in response to you is ok and that it is not all hot air to you.
I love this country as much as you do! I may even love our veterans more than you do! Just look into the Wounded Warriors Program and you will see what I choose to do!
Rush was a true patriot and understood liberal mentality. When a group is so thick and snowblind, they start acting like poster boy douggie. Sunglasses anyone !!!
He is not a hero! The word hero is thrown around too much! It lessens its true meaning.
Athletes aren’t hero’s, politicians aren’t hero’s, normal everyday people aren’t hero’s.
Rush Limbaugh and people like home, certainly aren’t hero’s!!!
You can learn as much by who hates a person as much as who loved and respected them. With Rush it’s both, the elites hated him and we deplorables loved him and respected him.
Rush was a hero in the sense he was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in. In a fashion, we’re all that way. As I get older, I care less and less who I offend, but I will stand up for what I believe in and my principles are not negotiable. The only one I kneel to is God. I do like to listen to both sides as I believe we all have something to offer, even if it’s reinforcing the fact that some people will never get the point and are too busy going thru this world promoting “fluff”. Also as I get older, I’m much more choosy about who I spend my valuable time on this earth with. Rush was worth spending time with, just like Hannity, Leo Terrell, Mike Pillsbury, Kudlow, and others for various reasons. We’re still all entitled to our opinions, whether or not others agree with us.