I hope that there is a relief package. The Republicans are fighting to the death so there will never be a relief bill to help the country. They are against anything that the Democrats propose. Their idea of an aid package is $0.00!
on March 3, 2021
Again you show your ignorance. This bill has nearly $1 Trillion going to the progressives dream projects. There is about $650 Billion in this bill to bail out the incompetent and wasteful governors of blue states. These people gave away billions that they didn’t have to unions and lobbying groups to buy their votes and now the progressives in Congress want every middle class taxpayer in the country to reward them by us paying for their stupidity.
Norman Hinderliter
on March 3, 2021
Of course, Republicans, funded by LARGE corporations, would see this as a “slush fund”, since it benefits the most truly needy Americans.
Namely, NOT corporations.
The American Rescue Plan is just one part of Mr. Bidens efforts at stabilizing and re-building the U.S. economy.
Funny thing. I notice how easy it is for people to condemn Mr. Bidens actions, on such sites, yet I have yet to hear any of these commenters making positive, alternative, suggestions.
I wonder why?
on March 3, 2021
The reason there’s no positive answer about biden is! You people have forgotten about the track record of his and Obumass when he was vp. He was crooked and didn’t give a da## about America then! And he’s still the same today. But, you dog lappers, sit at his feet waiting for his doggy treats, while he rips of the country.
Mary Murphy
on March 3, 2021
ssterestingly, my answer didn’t suit
on March 3, 2021
Its not there money, so why care how they spend it. American people don’t need any help, so they will send millions to all the country’s that hate the United States. Tax and spend, spend and tax, democratic motto.
The same thing the Republicans did twice last year. Except we got less money than what President Biden wants to give us!
on March 3, 2021
When are you going to wake up and realize that most of the $1.9 Trillion is not going to anything related to Covid relief? Do the math. If they give $1400 to every CITIZEN in the country, assuming a population of 350 million, they only would be giving a total of $490 billion. Most of the rest of this “slush fund” is going to liberal governors to save their jobs, and other liberal projects completely unrelated to the virus.
This is mainly to further bankrupt America per the socialist NWO agenda goals of ruining the U.S. That makes it easier to take over a country . After all , these dems are really a collection of soros NWO socialists , muslims & chinese backed communists . This plan has been in place since they let a born & bred muslim communist obama be an illegitimate “POTUS” .
I bet that you think that Donny was the only legitimate President in the history of our country. Donny the corrupt, cheating, lying President. Worse President ever.
on March 3, 2021
Boy doug, you really show your Ingnorance every time you get on this site. Therefore, for your information and to remind ” your so call small mind”, Trump gave up the pay for his presidency to charities. Unlike the corrupt biden and Obumass.
And he made millions having his cronies, fellow republicans and foreign dignitaries, lobbyists stay at his hotels. Every time someone or another country asked him for something, they had to stay at his D.C. hotel at a 400% room rate increase. Whenever he went anyplace he stayed at another one of his resorts and charged astronomical prices for his staff, secret service and fellow republican politicians which we ended up paying. Every time he played golf, he overcharged the secret service for golf carts, housing for SS on a yearly contract whether they used it or not. Who do you think pays for all of this. He overcharged the Republican election committee for using his ball rooms which is being investigated. If you plan to stay at his hotel tonight and tomorrow for his “swearing in ceremony “, I hope you are prepared to pay $1,200 to $1,600 a night. His fleecing of us continues. Why would he need his measly salary? He has stolen enough money from us already!
I thought Donny said he was superhuman in October? Is that why he didn’t tell us that he got vaccinated in January? Maybe he doesn’t want to let down his anti-vaccers? He doesn’t want them to see that he caved in to the science. He doesn’t want his followers to see that he actually agrees with Dr. Fauci! He is afraid that we might think that he was wrong all along. He is afraid of losing face! I know he doesn’t give a damn about us. He would NEVER want to set a good example!!! God forbid!!!
After all the strides that are being made in the fight against the virus, I hope they will not be deminished by the CPAC super spreader event in Orlando this past weekend and by all of the Republican states opening up completely yesterday and ending the use of protective measures in their states. If more people start getting sick and dying, we will know who’s fault it is!
One more day to go Qsters. Thursday is the big day. Will Donny make his triumphant return or not. Stand by, he may ask you to sacrifice yourselves.
Doug Litchfield
on March 3, 2021
Oh oh, serious echo of liberal insanity has started reverberating again on this topic. First one to the hog trough wins.
on March 3, 2021
Anyone that said “NO” has not taken the time to read up on this “bill”, and the greedy FOOLS are hoping for a “PAYDAY” for themselves. This “bill” reads like a “Christmas wish list” for democommunists, and their “friends” “pet projects”.
on March 3, 2021
on March 3, 2021
This is not a Covid relief bill, this is a blue state relief bill. Less than 10% of this bill goes for Covid relief. How dare they say this will help the US get back on it’s feet. This only gets a bridge to Canada for Schumer and a tunnel for Pelosi in Silicon Valley plus the proverbial Dem pork that they have to put into everything they do. How about Americans first? What a novel idea- Oh, that’s right, I stole that line from DJT.
Marissa Thomas
on March 3, 2021
It is going to be proven time after time, that the RATS are nothing but crooks that must be having a blast, robbing the country of everything they want, this time $1 for COVID relief, $1000000 for them and their friends.
Well… Trump only had started to prove the corruption in DC, and that is why he had to be TERMINATED one way or another, now we all will find out the unthinkable length the ENEMY, (Democrats) that hate this country are going to screw us all. Thank you morons libs!
on March 4, 2021
President Trump is not finished with the corrupt democratic government yet the best is yet to come.
Oh douggie 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 don’t bother responding to my comment, nothing you could blurt out matters to me or the 7000 + Republicans commenting on this post, have a good day with yourself.
Frederick Bays
on March 5, 2021
no it is not just a D’s slush fund it is being used by R’s too to funnel our tax dollars to the oligarchy
By our tax dollars I mean the bottom 80% for it is the top 20% who are getting this money.
why is it that very thing the democrats do has to be corrupt and underhanded. can;t they ever just think about he country.
Come to think about it why do you morons vote for this democrat creeps anyway? It is not like this is a neww story.
If the same size bill went solely to COVID relief, unemployment, PPP and additional SNAP, then it probably could be $10,000 rather than $1,400.
I hope that there is a relief package. The Republicans are fighting to the death so there will never be a relief bill to help the country. They are against anything that the Democrats propose. Their idea of an aid package is $0.00!
Again you show your ignorance. This bill has nearly $1 Trillion going to the progressives dream projects. There is about $650 Billion in this bill to bail out the incompetent and wasteful governors of blue states. These people gave away billions that they didn’t have to unions and lobbying groups to buy their votes and now the progressives in Congress want every middle class taxpayer in the country to reward them by us paying for their stupidity.
Of course, Republicans, funded by LARGE corporations, would see this as a “slush fund”, since it benefits the most truly needy Americans.
Namely, NOT corporations.
The American Rescue Plan is just one part of Mr. Bidens efforts at stabilizing and re-building the U.S. economy.
Funny thing. I notice how easy it is for people to condemn Mr. Bidens actions, on such sites, yet I have yet to hear any of these commenters making positive, alternative, suggestions.
I wonder why?
The reason there’s no positive answer about biden is! You people have forgotten about the track record of his and Obumass when he was vp. He was crooked and didn’t give a da## about America then! And he’s still the same today. But, you dog lappers, sit at his feet waiting for his doggy treats, while he rips of the country.
ssterestingly, my answer didn’t suit
Its not there money, so why care how they spend it. American people don’t need any help, so they will send millions to all the country’s that hate the United States. Tax and spend, spend and tax, democratic motto.
The same thing the Republicans did twice last year. Except we got less money than what President Biden wants to give us!
When are you going to wake up and realize that most of the $1.9 Trillion is not going to anything related to Covid relief? Do the math. If they give $1400 to every CITIZEN in the country, assuming a population of 350 million, they only would be giving a total of $490 billion. Most of the rest of this “slush fund” is going to liberal governors to save their jobs, and other liberal projects completely unrelated to the virus.
This is mainly to further bankrupt America per the socialist NWO agenda goals of ruining the U.S. That makes it easier to take over a country . After all , these dems are really a collection of soros NWO socialists , muslims & chinese backed communists . This plan has been in place since they let a born & bred muslim communist obama be an illegitimate “POTUS” .
I bet that you think that Donny was the only legitimate President in the history of our country. Donny the corrupt, cheating, lying President. Worse President ever.
Boy doug, you really show your Ingnorance every time you get on this site. Therefore, for your information and to remind ” your so call small mind”, Trump gave up the pay for his presidency to charities. Unlike the corrupt biden and Obumass.
And he made millions having his cronies, fellow republicans and foreign dignitaries, lobbyists stay at his hotels. Every time someone or another country asked him for something, they had to stay at his D.C. hotel at a 400% room rate increase. Whenever he went anyplace he stayed at another one of his resorts and charged astronomical prices for his staff, secret service and fellow republican politicians which we ended up paying. Every time he played golf, he overcharged the secret service for golf carts, housing for SS on a yearly contract whether they used it or not. Who do you think pays for all of this. He overcharged the Republican election committee for using his ball rooms which is being investigated. If you plan to stay at his hotel tonight and tomorrow for his “swearing in ceremony “, I hope you are prepared to pay $1,200 to $1,600 a night. His fleecing of us continues. Why would he need his measly salary? He has stolen enough money from us already!
I thought Donny said he was superhuman in October? Is that why he didn’t tell us that he got vaccinated in January? Maybe he doesn’t want to let down his anti-vaccers? He doesn’t want them to see that he caved in to the science. He doesn’t want his followers to see that he actually agrees with Dr. Fauci! He is afraid that we might think that he was wrong all along. He is afraid of losing face! I know he doesn’t give a damn about us. He would NEVER want to set a good example!!! God forbid!!!
After all the strides that are being made in the fight against the virus, I hope they will not be deminished by the CPAC super spreader event in Orlando this past weekend and by all of the Republican states opening up completely yesterday and ending the use of protective measures in their states. If more people start getting sick and dying, we will know who’s fault it is!
One more day to go Qsters. Thursday is the big day. Will Donny make his triumphant return or not. Stand by, he may ask you to sacrifice yourselves.
Oh oh, serious echo of liberal insanity has started reverberating again on this topic. First one to the hog trough wins.
Anyone that said “NO” has not taken the time to read up on this “bill”, and the greedy FOOLS are hoping for a “PAYDAY” for themselves. This “bill” reads like a “Christmas wish list” for democommunists, and their “friends” “pet projects”.
This is not a Covid relief bill, this is a blue state relief bill. Less than 10% of this bill goes for Covid relief. How dare they say this will help the US get back on it’s feet. This only gets a bridge to Canada for Schumer and a tunnel for Pelosi in Silicon Valley plus the proverbial Dem pork that they have to put into everything they do. How about Americans first? What a novel idea- Oh, that’s right, I stole that line from DJT.
It is going to be proven time after time, that the RATS are nothing but crooks that must be having a blast, robbing the country of everything they want, this time $1 for COVID relief, $1000000 for them and their friends.
Well… Trump only had started to prove the corruption in DC, and that is why he had to be TERMINATED one way or another, now we all will find out the unthinkable length the ENEMY, (Democrats) that hate this country are going to screw us all. Thank you morons libs!
President Trump is not finished with the corrupt democratic government yet the best is yet to come.
Oh douggie 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 don’t bother responding to my comment, nothing you could blurt out matters to me or the 7000 + Republicans commenting on this post, have a good day with yourself.
no it is not just a D’s slush fund it is being used by R’s too to funnel our tax dollars to the oligarchy
By our tax dollars I mean the bottom 80% for it is the top 20% who are getting this money.