Also UNCONSTITUTIONAL. If this is allowed to happen to a “private citizen”, FRAUD hussein oblowme needs to be next.
Hal Lemoyne
on February 2, 2021
Let me just say, lets just wait and see
BUT I just bet President TRUMP has a Holy Spirit Favor holding his hand
which he always have
❤💥👍CHRISTrump and all his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020/2021/2024 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
on February 2, 2021
This is typical of the corrupt Democrats, run fast blindly and get nowhere. Without any evidence they just stir up trouble just like they did with antifa and blm riots, anything they can do to cause havoc and keep the spotlight off of themselves.
There are not enough chickens to vote against Comrade Donny. They all know that if they say or do anything that Putin’s baby doesn’t like, then their political careers are over. They will never grow a backbone strong enough to support a leaf. This only shows how week the Republican Party has become! They even feel that it is better to destroy Liz Chaney than to go after a certain freshman congresswoman who is Donny’s Q whore. She just can’t wait for her official screwing from the republican God himself. She’s already bent over!
Frederick Bays
on February 3, 2021
it will happen and then NYS is going to put his as ion SingSing for the rest of his natural born days
on February 3, 2021
Douglas once again you are showing your ignorance. This impeachment is a farce and a waste of our money. First, the impeachment is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Constitution clearly states that an impeachment is to be used to remove the President from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. Donald Trump is no longer the President so he can not be removed from an office that he doesn’t hold. Second, the impeachment itself was a travesty and an affront to the rule of law. There was no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence presented. The vote was just a petty, vindictive attempt to insure that Trump could not run in 2024.
If the democrats want to go down the road of impeaching a President after they leave office then we should impeach Obama for dereliction of his duty by not defending the consulate in Bengahzi and allowing four brave Americans to be killed. .
Unconstitutional ring a bell?? How long before the abuse of power of the Left will get noticed and stopped? The conservatives need to grow some gonads and put a stop to this. Not holding my breath, but there’s a lot of private citizens that know and notice what’s going on. Midterm elections will be a wake up call, but I’m pretty sure the ballot stuffing won’t end, either.
Also UNCONSTITUTIONAL. If this is allowed to happen to a “private citizen”, FRAUD hussein oblowme needs to be next.
Let me just say, lets just wait and see
BUT I just bet President TRUMP has a Holy Spirit Favor holding his hand
which he always have
❤💥👍CHRISTrump and all his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020/2021/2024 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
This is typical of the corrupt Democrats, run fast blindly and get nowhere. Without any evidence they just stir up trouble just like they did with antifa and blm riots, anything they can do to cause havoc and keep the spotlight off of themselves.
There are not enough chickens to vote against Comrade Donny. They all know that if they say or do anything that Putin’s baby doesn’t like, then their political careers are over. They will never grow a backbone strong enough to support a leaf. This only shows how week the Republican Party has become! They even feel that it is better to destroy Liz Chaney than to go after a certain freshman congresswoman who is Donny’s Q whore. She just can’t wait for her official screwing from the republican God himself. She’s already bent over!
it will happen and then NYS is going to put his as ion SingSing for the rest of his natural born days
Douglas once again you are showing your ignorance. This impeachment is a farce and a waste of our money. First, the impeachment is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Constitution clearly states that an impeachment is to be used to remove the President from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. Donald Trump is no longer the President so he can not be removed from an office that he doesn’t hold. Second, the impeachment itself was a travesty and an affront to the rule of law. There was no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence presented. The vote was just a petty, vindictive attempt to insure that Trump could not run in 2024.
If the democrats want to go down the road of impeaching a President after they leave office then we should impeach Obama for dereliction of his duty by not defending the consulate in Bengahzi and allowing four brave Americans to be killed. .
Unconstitutional ring a bell?? How long before the abuse of power of the Left will get noticed and stopped? The conservatives need to grow some gonads and put a stop to this. Not holding my breath, but there’s a lot of private citizens that know and notice what’s going on. Midterm elections will be a wake up call, but I’m pretty sure the ballot stuffing won’t end, either.