Cities run by elements of the jungle are the worst crime havens…in the jungle, it’s survival of the fittest (and best armed)… NYC, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and hundreds more…prime examples of incompetence of leadership…
Just like the states of Colorado, Florida, Georgia, and Texas.
on July 16, 2021
RM you are on target there. I gave the city of New Orleans 30 years of my life serving as one of their finest. New Orleans is now a Third World country with a democrat Black Female Mayor. I do not go into the city (except for businesss and unless I am ARMED (retired Law enforcement certified). I warn and tell people to NOT go there ( I live thirty miles away now) BAD Place. Street crime (shooting, car jackings and HOMICIDE is out of control). As MY President said “it is a shit hoel country”
on July 16, 2021
Wallace, you are spot on. No surprise that all of those coontowns that destroy history like New Orleans, Baltimore, Charlottesville (VA), Richmond (VA) are simply bad news. VA has a whigger governor. Hopefully the moving business is doing well in New Orleans. Two or three guys with a box truck could make some quick cash moving people out of those cities…
on July 7, 2021
Here in COMMUNIST-RUN N.Y. state “emperor” cuomo, his communist “minions in Albany, and “king warren wilhelm” (deblasio) “royally decreed” to empty out the jails, set incarcerated prisoners free on the streets of their cities, then publicly (on the “fake news” propaganda networks, “wonder why” CRIME is going up, people and are getting, MUGGED, attacked, and murdered. “MIGHT” have “something” to do with the “emperor’s” so-called “bail reform laws” that slaps career criminals on the hands , then lets them go again, to commit more crimes (as he BLAMES the “evil guns” and NOT the criminals doing the CRIMES) and PREDICTABLY calls for more USELESS “gun control” …TYPICAL COMMUNIST DICTATOR that calls for the disarmament of Law-abiding citizens, while coddling his CRIMINAL “friends” (HIS DEMOCOMMUNIST VOTERS)… (that are “allowed” to keep theirs), so they (his “friends”) will not be “harmed ” while committing their crimes against the helpless disarmed citizens.
on July 7, 2021
Only those who have not been brainwashed by the communists running those cities, see the truth. Like Chicago, LA, New York, etc. are run by communists using the name of democrat. These cities need to be treated as lost and burn them down to the ground with the terrorists and their communist supporters kept inside to die as well.
Don’t forget the White Supremacists and Militias endorsed by baby Donny.
And the baby himself who endorses violence everywhere and especially when he holds his rallies. Never in the history of our country has there been a President who endorses violence as much as he has!
on July 7, 2021
Never in the history of this country has there been a President more hated for putting America first. There also never has been a more deranged idiotic group of numbskulls willing to vent their hatred than now.
on July 8, 2021
Can you be that thick? Surprised you didn’t name Russia as responsible. At what rally did he endorse violence? Name a White Supremacist responsible for a crime.
Stevo, BLM and Antifa should both be outlawed and in one hell of a hurry too!!
The damage they did to the country is totally out of whack and should not be tolerated at all. They have pocketed all the loot, bought houses for themselves and ruined businesses. People have lost their incomes, their homes, their jobs, people have been murdered by them and they are still on the loose. How has this happened to a great country, which it was from 2016 to 2020!!!
Maria, staging a coup and storming the Capitol should be condemned. The person who incited it is guilty of treason and should be hung!
maria wennink
on July 7, 2021
Yes, all the democrats involved in that fiasco, should be jailed and fined together wit the Antifa and BLM, who were all involved in making a mess of a peaceful demonstration!!!
You are joking, right. Why would Democrats fight for a corrupt, conniving, repug baby to play president again?
You must have been watching the fake Q videos and not paying attention.
Doug Litchfield
on July 7, 2021
Think the democrats are waiting for Fatman and Ribbon to stomp out the forces of evil. Do they know that wrestling for dollars is fake along with dynamic duo? Let the men in blue do their jobs and boot out local DA’s who won’t uphold the existing laws. Letting unfiltered trash across our southern border just might be causing much of this dilemma that these whackjobs struggle figuring out.
Violent crimes have been rising fo decades. Along with robberies and gun violence. It Is getting worse in just about every city and state. You can’t turn on the news without seeing the violence in N.Y., Chicago, Florida, Texas, Colorado.
President Biden wants a 350 billion dollar bill passed that would fund state and local police. But for some reason repugs don’t.
President Biden wants less guns on the streets to try to alleviate some of the gun violence. Repugs want more guns on the streets so gun violence can increase.
President Biden is trying to come up with solutions to curb violence. Repugs are sitting on their asses.
Baby Donny had four years to do something about violent crimes, but chose to do nothing! So violent crimes increased.
Ultimately, it is up to the President of the United States to do something. President Biden is doing something. Baby Donny did not and decided to play golf instead.
It is true though! Something more needs to be done!
on July 7, 2021
You know Dougie, go change your diapers and suck on your pacifier because YOU are one dumb f**k. As far as gold odumma was the king of playing golf. And I guess according to YOUR ideas, gun control will be followed by the thrives, the violent and the murderers… know IF you had a brain cell maybe you could understand. You are probably one of those book smart but street stupid morons that follow the mentally disabled biden and the Kenyan. You know, since you don’t like this country than I suggest you pack your crap and get out. Maybe kenya will take you. YOU’D make a good fit.
The Queen of golf, baby Donny, played golf more than 2 times during his 1 term in office than, Obama played during his 2 terms. So I can see why you say Obama played more. Baby Donny’s outings also cost tax payers more than 3 times in his 1 term than it cost for Obama’s 2 terms.
Just for your information, 1 term is 4 years and 2 terms are 8 years. You got it Cyn?
Baby Donny earned over a million dollars during his 1 term professional golfing career, where Obama didn’t earn a cent.
You are the one who doesn’t like this country. It is perfectly fine with you that there is so much violence. I get sick over it. Every shooting on the street, in a store, or in a school breaks my heart. You just don’t give a damn!
on July 16, 2021
But douggie you forget your ovomit took the presidential wage for eight years, and wasted more American tax dollars on his agendas, President Trump did not take the presidential wage, he donated it to charity for all of his glorious years in office.
President Trump is a true American Patriot, and for the American people. The ovomit, joebama administration is only for their agendas to include the destruction of America and the American people. PERIOD
on July 16, 2021
Trump is a treasonous, anti-American lapdog of Putin. The dumbest, most childish, most egomaniacal and most mentally disturbed embarrassment-in-chief we’ve ever had to suffer. You really need to pay attention when you’re not busy sloppin’ them that hogs.
on July 8, 2021
“Violent crimes have been rising for decades” Douglas knows Not of which he pontificates. He sounds like a man with a paper asshole with cardboard trimmings. Pay no attention to him. He sounds like those stupid kids I use to “handle”. I put 30 years into investigating major crime and enforcing law in and for the Late great city of New Orleans. Crime has been going up in cities where the leftist have defunded police and let perpetrators go with out any consequences (a Democrat policy). What did Douglas EVER do.
Donald Nicholas
on July 7, 2021
Contrary to the democrat/MSM narrative it’s caused by people, not guns. People will use knives, hammers, cars, clubs, fists and yes, guns. With socialist their subject is rarely the subject. Their goal is total government control now and forever.
If there is so much gun violence, why do we need even more guns?
on July 7, 2021
To protect ourselves from clueless MORONS like you that love the fact criminals are coddled, let go on the streets to commit more crime. Shows your mentality. Seek professional help, Trump derangement syndrome has CONSUMED your tiny brain to the point of insanity, as you cannot stop talking about him.
on July 16, 2021
douggie our forefathers wrote the following.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against Tierney in government
It is the duty of the patriots to protect its country from its government
Never trust the government doesn’t trust on citizens with a gun
When government takes away citizens rights to bear arms it becomes citizens duties to take away governments right to govern
A free people are not only be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them which would include their own government
Violent crime?! It’s virtually running unchecked, rampant since biden and his handlers took control of our nation.
on July 7, 2021
Yes violent crime is skyrocketing especially in the blue cities. The idiot commentators on CNN deny it, but I guess the 5 or 6 people who still watch that channel will believe it. In Chicago over this last July Forth weekend there were 90 shooting and I believe 19 homicides. In St’ Louis last weekend 4 little children were shot in three separate incidents. Defunding the police, a democrat idea, and releasing violent criminals back on to the streets with no bail to commit more violent crimes is destroying the safety of American Citizens. At this point it is almost safer to be in Afganistan then to walk the streets of Chicago.
on July 7, 2021
You can thank Holley-wood, demarcates and video games for the crime wave, No punishment for crimes, leads to more crime………….
You are seemingly addicted to making idiotic statements every time you write something. This crime wave is the sole possession of the democrat party. It is aided and abetted by the Soros backed prosecutors in blue cities who refuse to prosecute even violent criminals. I challenge you to come up with even one recording of a Republican advocating to defund the police.
Brian Hogan
on July 16, 2021
Richard, you have to remember that Douglas’ brain, what little he has, has been infected with the TDS virus. Of course, it doesn’t help that Douglas never had a working brain to begin with.
on July 16, 2021
Violent crime has nothing to do with who is president, unless you’re talking about the Anti-American, murdering terrorists who stormed the Capitol under the direction of the treasonous moronic failure who preceded Biden.
on July 16, 2021
Gun control;
A steady trigger squeeze,
so not to disrupt the sight picture,
then a quick fallow up shot !!!
on July 16, 2021
Gun control;
A steady trigger squeeze,
so not to up set your sight picture,
Then a fast fallow up shot………………………
Marissa Thomas
on July 16, 2021
Of course it is, but till starts affecting the ELITE, nothing will happen. The “regular people” are expendable, unless you are black in a controversial situation against police, and no matter if you are a criminal high on drugs, they make you a victim and a martyr…
YES ! ! ! Something I know a lot about.
Cities run by elements of the jungle are the worst crime havens…in the jungle, it’s survival of the fittest (and best armed)… NYC, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and hundreds more…prime examples of incompetence of leadership…
Just like the states of Colorado, Florida, Georgia, and Texas.
RM you are on target there. I gave the city of New Orleans 30 years of my life serving as one of their finest. New Orleans is now a Third World country with a democrat Black Female Mayor. I do not go into the city (except for businesss and unless I am ARMED (retired Law enforcement certified). I warn and tell people to NOT go there ( I live thirty miles away now) BAD Place. Street crime (shooting, car jackings and HOMICIDE is out of control). As MY President said “it is a shit hoel country”
Wallace, you are spot on. No surprise that all of those coontowns that destroy history like New Orleans, Baltimore, Charlottesville (VA), Richmond (VA) are simply bad news. VA has a whigger governor. Hopefully the moving business is doing well in New Orleans. Two or three guys with a box truck could make some quick cash moving people out of those cities…
Here in COMMUNIST-RUN N.Y. state “emperor” cuomo, his communist “minions in Albany, and “king warren wilhelm” (deblasio) “royally decreed” to empty out the jails, set incarcerated prisoners free on the streets of their cities, then publicly (on the “fake news” propaganda networks, “wonder why” CRIME is going up, people and are getting, MUGGED, attacked, and murdered. “MIGHT” have “something” to do with the “emperor’s” so-called “bail reform laws” that slaps career criminals on the hands , then lets them go again, to commit more crimes (as he BLAMES the “evil guns” and NOT the criminals doing the CRIMES) and PREDICTABLY calls for more USELESS “gun control” …TYPICAL COMMUNIST DICTATOR that calls for the disarmament of Law-abiding citizens, while coddling his CRIMINAL “friends” (HIS DEMOCOMMUNIST VOTERS)… (that are “allowed” to keep theirs), so they (his “friends”) will not be “harmed ” while committing their crimes against the helpless disarmed citizens.
Only those who have not been brainwashed by the communists running those cities, see the truth. Like Chicago, LA, New York, etc. are run by communists using the name of democrat. These cities need to be treated as lost and burn them down to the ground with the terrorists and their communist supporters kept inside to die as well.
YES thanks to BLM & antifa & muslim terrorists – ALL funded by biden , harris & 7/8 of Congress with stolen U.S. taxpayer funds !
Don’t forget the White Supremacists and Militias endorsed by baby Donny.
And the baby himself who endorses violence everywhere and especially when he holds his rallies. Never in the history of our country has there been a President who endorses violence as much as he has!
Never in the history of this country has there been a President more hated for putting America first. There also never has been a more deranged idiotic group of numbskulls willing to vent their hatred than now.
Can you be that thick? Surprised you didn’t name Russia as responsible. At what rally did he endorse violence? Name a White Supremacist responsible for a crime.
All of them.
Stevo, BLM and Antifa should both be outlawed and in one hell of a hurry too!!
The damage they did to the country is totally out of whack and should not be tolerated at all. They have pocketed all the loot, bought houses for themselves and ruined businesses. People have lost their incomes, their homes, their jobs, people have been murdered by them and they are still on the loose. How has this happened to a great country, which it was from 2016 to 2020!!!
Maria, staging a coup and storming the Capitol should be condemned. The person who incited it is guilty of treason and should be hung!
Yes, all the democrats involved in that fiasco, should be jailed and fined together wit the Antifa and BLM, who were all involved in making a mess of a peaceful demonstration!!!
You are joking, right. Why would Democrats fight for a corrupt, conniving, repug baby to play president again?
You must have been watching the fake Q videos and not paying attention.
Think the democrats are waiting for Fatman and Ribbon to stomp out the forces of evil. Do they know that wrestling for dollars is fake along with dynamic duo? Let the men in blue do their jobs and boot out local DA’s who won’t uphold the existing laws. Letting unfiltered trash across our southern border just might be causing much of this dilemma that these whackjobs struggle figuring out.
Thank God that the N.Y. DA is upholding the law. It is good that you approve of him.
I would care less if I read in the paper the NY DA Letitia James got run over by a drunk driver…who would then cop a plea and walk…
Violent crimes have been rising fo decades. Along with robberies and gun violence. It Is getting worse in just about every city and state. You can’t turn on the news without seeing the violence in N.Y., Chicago, Florida, Texas, Colorado.
President Biden wants a 350 billion dollar bill passed that would fund state and local police. But for some reason repugs don’t.
President Biden wants less guns on the streets to try to alleviate some of the gun violence. Repugs want more guns on the streets so gun violence can increase.
President Biden is trying to come up with solutions to curb violence. Repugs are sitting on their asses.
Baby Donny had four years to do something about violent crimes, but chose to do nothing! So violent crimes increased.
Ultimately, it is up to the President of the United States to do something. President Biden is doing something. Baby Donny did not and decided to play golf instead.
It is true though! Something more needs to be done!
You know Dougie, go change your diapers and suck on your pacifier because YOU are one dumb f**k. As far as gold odumma was the king of playing golf. And I guess according to YOUR ideas, gun control will be followed by the thrives, the violent and the murderers… know IF you had a brain cell maybe you could understand. You are probably one of those book smart but street stupid morons that follow the mentally disabled biden and the Kenyan. You know, since you don’t like this country than I suggest you pack your crap and get out. Maybe kenya will take you. YOU’D make a good fit.
The Queen of golf, baby Donny, played golf more than 2 times during his 1 term in office than, Obama played during his 2 terms. So I can see why you say Obama played more. Baby Donny’s outings also cost tax payers more than 3 times in his 1 term than it cost for Obama’s 2 terms.
Just for your information, 1 term is 4 years and 2 terms are 8 years. You got it Cyn?
Baby Donny earned over a million dollars during his 1 term professional golfing career, where Obama didn’t earn a cent.
You are the one who doesn’t like this country. It is perfectly fine with you that there is so much violence. I get sick over it. Every shooting on the street, in a store, or in a school breaks my heart. You just don’t give a damn!
But douggie you forget your ovomit took the presidential wage for eight years, and wasted more American tax dollars on his agendas, President Trump did not take the presidential wage, he donated it to charity for all of his glorious years in office.
President Trump is a true American Patriot, and for the American people. The ovomit, joebama administration is only for their agendas to include the destruction of America and the American people. PERIOD
Trump is a treasonous, anti-American lapdog of Putin. The dumbest, most childish, most egomaniacal and most mentally disturbed embarrassment-in-chief we’ve ever had to suffer. You really need to pay attention when you’re not busy sloppin’ them that hogs.
“Violent crimes have been rising for decades” Douglas knows Not of which he pontificates. He sounds like a man with a paper asshole with cardboard trimmings. Pay no attention to him. He sounds like those stupid kids I use to “handle”. I put 30 years into investigating major crime and enforcing law in and for the Late great city of New Orleans. Crime has been going up in cities where the leftist have defunded police and let perpetrators go with out any consequences (a Democrat policy). What did Douglas EVER do.
Contrary to the democrat/MSM narrative it’s caused by people, not guns. People will use knives, hammers, cars, clubs, fists and yes, guns. With socialist their subject is rarely the subject. Their goal is total government control now and forever.
If there is so much gun violence, why do we need even more guns?
To protect ourselves from clueless MORONS like you that love the fact criminals are coddled, let go on the streets to commit more crime. Shows your mentality. Seek professional help, Trump derangement syndrome has CONSUMED your tiny brain to the point of insanity, as you cannot stop talking about him.
douggie our forefathers wrote the following.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against Tierney in government
It is the duty of the patriots to protect its country from its government
Never trust the government doesn’t trust on citizens with a gun
When government takes away citizens rights to bear arms it becomes citizens duties to take away governments right to govern
A free people are not only be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them which would include their own government
Violent crime?! It’s virtually running unchecked, rampant since biden and his handlers took control of our nation.
Yes violent crime is skyrocketing especially in the blue cities. The idiot commentators on CNN deny it, but I guess the 5 or 6 people who still watch that channel will believe it. In Chicago over this last July Forth weekend there were 90 shooting and I believe 19 homicides. In St’ Louis last weekend 4 little children were shot in three separate incidents. Defunding the police, a democrat idea, and releasing violent criminals back on to the streets with no bail to commit more violent crimes is destroying the safety of American Citizens. At this point it is almost safer to be in Afganistan then to walk the streets of Chicago.
You can thank Holley-wood, demarcates and video games for the crime wave, No punishment for crimes, leads to more crime………….
Don’t forget to add the repugs to your list.
You are seemingly addicted to making idiotic statements every time you write something. This crime wave is the sole possession of the democrat party. It is aided and abetted by the Soros backed prosecutors in blue cities who refuse to prosecute even violent criminals. I challenge you to come up with even one recording of a Republican advocating to defund the police.
Richard, you have to remember that Douglas’ brain, what little he has, has been infected with the TDS virus. Of course, it doesn’t help that Douglas never had a working brain to begin with.
Violent crime has nothing to do with who is president, unless you’re talking about the Anti-American, murdering terrorists who stormed the Capitol under the direction of the treasonous moronic failure who preceded Biden.
Gun control;
A steady trigger squeeze,
so not to disrupt the sight picture,
then a quick fallow up shot !!!
Gun control;
A steady trigger squeeze,
so not to up set your sight picture,
Then a fast fallow up shot………………………
Of course it is, but till starts affecting the ELITE, nothing will happen. The “regular people” are expendable, unless you are black in a controversial situation against police, and no matter if you are a criminal high on drugs, they make you a victim and a martyr…