1. Obama Mourns the Loss of Close Friend
    • Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have expressed their profound sadness upon hearing the news of the passing of their dear friend, Charles Ogletree. Ogletree was known for his remarkable contributions as an advocate for social justice and was a mentor to many, including the Obamas.
  2. China and Russia’s Naval Operation Near Alaska
    • China and Russia conducted a joint naval operation near U.S. territory, triggering a significant response from the U.S. Navy. The operation consisted of 11 ships and neared Alaska’s southwestern coast.
  3. Pence’s Tense Exchange with Pro-Trump Hecklers
    • Several Trump supporters called Pence a “traitor” and “sellout” as he entered a town hall event in New Hampshire. Pence swiftly told them to read the Constitution.
  4. Israel’s Deep Political Crisis
    • Israel’s political crisis revolves around the sense that something deep and sacred has broken. Eran Schwartz, a former air-force reserve, appeared on Israeli television to discuss the situation.
  5. Trump’s Bold Promise for 2024
    • Former President Donald Trump delivered a bold promise at Alabama’s GOP dinner, vowing to dismantle the Deep State after securing victory in the 2024 election.