I don’t trust that Donny wouldn’t try to sell them.
Briben biden
on February 27, 2021
yooo wooo Douglas. Douglas you in there? donny isn’t the president anymore and he did not sell them so at this point your comment just says your not very bright.
on February 27, 2021
“Poor” Douglas is still under the influence of TDS caused by contestant exposure to the fake news propaganda pushers, and just another democommunist “shill”. that was brainwashed , and indoctrinated beyond help..Should check into a secure mental facility for a long “rest”. BTW dementia-joe biden is a threat to national security as he and his “HO” are both bought and owned by communist china, and like hitlery (that sold our20% of our uranium to RUSSIA), HE probably would not hesitate to sell the “codes” if he thought he and his crime family could make more millions, and further the destruction of this country.
on February 28, 2021
It is getting old and boring Douglas. Give it a rest.
Briben biden
on February 27, 2021
As much as i think briben biden is not competent to be in charge of nuclear missiles I go back to my basic statement. Elections have consequences. Its the presidents job and you can not have a committee meeting during a crisis.
If the liberals / democrats had not committed voter fruad we would not be having this discussion. So now the voter fruad democrats will just have to put up with briben biden controlling the nukes.
Besides he is not going to launch nukes at china. he makes too much money from China. There is no real reason to launch them at Russia. the only countries we might have to think about are north korean and Iran
You need checks and balances when you have a COMMUNIST for POTUS & V.POTUS . As anti-America these 2 criminals are they will use the a-bomb on red states , to benefit America’s enemies like iran & china !
on February 27, 2021
Joe and the ho are loose cannons on deck…
Briben biden
on February 27, 2021
you don’t change our policies and procedures because of one demented president. We heard lots of crap about trump shooting off nukes and that never happened and it wasn’t going to happen. We need to leave it alone and hope that Briben biden doesn’t go completely insane.
Besides he would rather nuke Texas or Nebraska then china.
on February 27, 2021
We needed checks and balances on the nuclear football four years ago when a egomaniacal, thin-skinned, incredibly stupid and mentally disturbed America-hating, Fascist puppet of Putin was somehow elected president.
on February 27, 2021
You mean FRAUD OBAMA??? That stated on a “hot mike” after his “reelection” (another fraudulent one) he would have more “latitude” and to tell “Vlad”??? (or have you “conveniently “forgotten”…… ” You have TDS seek help immediately.
It is a bad idea for one person to have complete control. In case of a situation where the President is compromised. Either by health concerns or possible outside influence where an adversary may have control over the President as in Donny’s case. Or even where the President may be in a bad financial situation where he can sell them to the highest bidder as in Donny’s case again. And when you have a schizophrenic like Donny!
Hey Duffus….oops Douglas, it is better to remain silent and appear a fool then to speak and remove ALL doubt. You are obviously a weak minded liberal who is easily led.
Most especially with the present occupant in the White House.I don’t trust Biden to replace the toilet paper roll.So Biden/Harris do not have my vote of confidence to handle anything.
on February 27, 2021
The dementia biden needs to if he even has the codes to Relinquish them right away, before he does more stupid things.
I voted against, Biden, that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron that spent eight years-in the White House with obama trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into Muslim loving, socialist crap hole like obama tried. President Trump and the American patriots changed all that to MAGA.
Donny lost the 2020 election and is still crying over it.
on February 27, 2021
Hiliary lost the 2016 election and she and the democrats are still calling Trump illegitimate.
Hal Lemoyne
on February 27, 2021
The only people that need serious restricting when it comes to bring
a illegitimate President of any kind are liberal demoncrats
at anytime frame, whomever they are
Noting that they aren’t suppose to be there and/or they aren’t/weren’t never
and that’s not just biden/harris, that to ever US Political candidate that
successfully were never voted into any of our US Elected powers
and neverTRUMP politicians need not to ever apply again
❤💥👍CHRISTrumpOwens and all his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2021/2022/2024 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
on February 27, 2021
It is the democrats who are wanting to take the control away from Joe. They obviously are beginning what I said would happen the day he was nominated. They are, as Pelosi tried to do, setting the stage for removal of Biden from the Presidency and installing Commie Harris. I am not feeling very safe when the man who wakes up every morning and asks his wife, “where are we” has his finger on the nuclear button, but I would not trust anyone in this socialist cabal either.
Marissa Thomas
on February 27, 2021
With any other President, no matter how radical… I would have voted no, he has the authority no matter what.
With Biden please…….. those that voted no in this case, must think is a great idea to let a 7 year old kid, to pilot a 747 full of passengers…
I don’t trust that boy to go to the bathroom by himself much less a finger on the nuclear button.
I don’t trust that Donny wouldn’t try to sell them.
yooo wooo Douglas. Douglas you in there? donny isn’t the president anymore and he did not sell them so at this point your comment just says your not very bright.
“Poor” Douglas is still under the influence of TDS caused by contestant exposure to the fake news propaganda pushers, and just another democommunist “shill”. that was brainwashed , and indoctrinated beyond help..Should check into a secure mental facility for a long “rest”. BTW dementia-joe biden is a threat to national security as he and his “HO” are both bought and owned by communist china, and like hitlery (that sold our20% of our uranium to RUSSIA), HE probably would not hesitate to sell the “codes” if he thought he and his crime family could make more millions, and further the destruction of this country.
It is getting old and boring Douglas. Give it a rest.
As much as i think briben biden is not competent to be in charge of nuclear missiles I go back to my basic statement. Elections have consequences. Its the presidents job and you can not have a committee meeting during a crisis.
If the liberals / democrats had not committed voter fruad we would not be having this discussion. So now the voter fruad democrats will just have to put up with briben biden controlling the nukes.
Besides he is not going to launch nukes at china. he makes too much money from China. There is no real reason to launch them at Russia. the only countries we might have to think about are north korean and Iran
You need checks and balances when you have a COMMUNIST for POTUS & V.POTUS . As anti-America these 2 criminals are they will use the a-bomb on red states , to benefit America’s enemies like iran & china !
Joe and the ho are loose cannons on deck…
you don’t change our policies and procedures because of one demented president. We heard lots of crap about trump shooting off nukes and that never happened and it wasn’t going to happen. We need to leave it alone and hope that Briben biden doesn’t go completely insane.
Besides he would rather nuke Texas or Nebraska then china.
We needed checks and balances on the nuclear football four years ago when a egomaniacal, thin-skinned, incredibly stupid and mentally disturbed America-hating, Fascist puppet of Putin was somehow elected president.
You mean FRAUD OBAMA??? That stated on a “hot mike” after his “reelection” (another fraudulent one) he would have more “latitude” and to tell “Vlad”??? (or have you “conveniently “forgotten”…… ” You have TDS seek help immediately.
It is a bad idea for one person to have complete control. In case of a situation where the President is compromised. Either by health concerns or possible outside influence where an adversary may have control over the President as in Donny’s case. Or even where the President may be in a bad financial situation where he can sell them to the highest bidder as in Donny’s case again. And when you have a schizophrenic like Donny!
You have a real hard– for the former President don’t you?
Ohh yes! I love our baby Donny! He is just sooo cute! All orangy.
Ohh baby! Maybe we can have a threesome!
Hey Duffus….oops Douglas, it is better to remain silent and appear a fool then to speak and remove ALL doubt. You are obviously a weak minded liberal who is easily led.
Most especially with the present occupant in the White House.I don’t trust Biden to replace the toilet paper roll.So Biden/Harris do not have my vote of confidence to handle anything.
The dementia biden needs to if he even has the codes to Relinquish them right away, before he does more stupid things.
I voted against, Biden, that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron that spent eight years-in the White House with obama trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into Muslim loving, socialist crap hole like obama tried. President Trump and the American patriots changed all that to MAGA.
WOW! Don’t hold back. Why don’t you tell us how you truly feel?
I just did
At least we don’t have to worry about Donny. He won’t be Pres ever again!
Again stupid hide and watch you foolish Biden loving fool. President Trump 2020 – 2028 Remember you heard it here first
Excuse me. Isn’t this 2021, Rip vanWinkle?
Donny lost the 2020 election and is still crying over it.
Hiliary lost the 2016 election and she and the democrats are still calling Trump illegitimate.
The only people that need serious restricting when it comes to bring
a illegitimate President of any kind are liberal demoncrats
at anytime frame, whomever they are
Noting that they aren’t suppose to be there and/or they aren’t/weren’t never
and that’s not just biden/harris, that to ever US Political candidate that
successfully were never voted into any of our US Elected powers
and neverTRUMP politicians need not to ever apply again
❤💥👍CHRISTrumpOwens and all his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2021/2022/2024 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
It is the democrats who are wanting to take the control away from Joe. They obviously are beginning what I said would happen the day he was nominated. They are, as Pelosi tried to do, setting the stage for removal of Biden from the Presidency and installing Commie Harris. I am not feeling very safe when the man who wakes up every morning and asks his wife, “where are we” has his finger on the nuclear button, but I would not trust anyone in this socialist cabal either.
With any other President, no matter how radical… I would have voted no, he has the authority no matter what.
With Biden please…….. those that voted no in this case, must think is a great idea to let a 7 year old kid, to pilot a 747 full of passengers…