Haven’t darkened the doors of three businesses in over a year. One is a big chain coffee shop, a large bulk food chain that requires masks, and the other is an American company that sells mostly Chinese made goods. Do I regret this decision, absolutely not. Supporting locally owned businesses is good business.
on April 22, 2021
Boycott the leftist’s businesses? Why, because they promote patriotism and are anti-racist, as opposed to My Pillow, which might as well be called My Anti-democracy Dildo?
Keep printing the names of these companies so more people can boycott their products.
on April 22, 2021
Yes, keep printing them so we know who stands up to anti-American Fascists like Donny Dementia.
on April 21, 2021
When people “vote with their wallets” that is the BEST way to “wake up” these “woke” companies.
When their “bottom line” goes down, and they start to lose money, they will realize we mean business.
People will decide where they want to shop or not too shop. They want the highest quality that they can get at a fair price. Large stores will always sell quality merchandise at a reasonable price, so people will continue to shop from them. If it is not quality, they will no longer offer to sell it. It will get dumped. An example of that was when Macys stopped Donny’s Chinese made clothes line because he wanted a higher price for a less quality product. Donny got sooo upset that he insisted that everyone boycott Macys! That didn’t work out too well, as Macys is still here!
So, how much boycotting will actually hurt a business?
on April 21, 2021
You seem to be oblivious to the truth that Macy’s has been in and out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is now just hanging on by a thread.
You will see that the All Star game that MLB ripped away from Atlanta because of lies spread by the liberal mob will be the lowest rated game in decades. MLB bolted because of the lies they told about the GA. voting law and moved the game to Colorado which has much stricter voting rules than GA. does now. They believed the lie that the new rules would hurt the minority voter, So they pulled the game from Atlanta which is about 52% black costing those black run businesses millions. They then give the game to Colorado which is maybe 9% black. So much for MLB caring about helping the black community.
Don Nicholas
on April 21, 2021
I won’t drive all day to keep from dealing with them and since there’s very little of what I might buy that I don’t already have too much of, I’ll just pass on new purchase. Not dramatic, but my bit. I don’t watch sports, rarely go to Hollywood junk fests and won’t watch any of the pop culture’s self congratulatory awards shows.
on April 23, 2021
I have been doing that for years, but it is an individual choice. For instance I “do not Google anything” and have ceased doing business with Amazon and got off Facebook years ago.
Haven’t darkened the doors of three businesses in over a year. One is a big chain coffee shop, a large bulk food chain that requires masks, and the other is an American company that sells mostly Chinese made goods. Do I regret this decision, absolutely not. Supporting locally owned businesses is good business.
Boycott the leftist’s businesses? Why, because they promote patriotism and are anti-racist, as opposed to My Pillow, which might as well be called My Anti-democracy Dildo?
Keep printing the names of these companies so more people can boycott their products.
Yes, keep printing them so we know who stands up to anti-American Fascists like Donny Dementia.
When people “vote with their wallets” that is the BEST way to “wake up” these “woke” companies.
When their “bottom line” goes down, and they start to lose money, they will realize we mean business.
People will decide where they want to shop or not too shop. They want the highest quality that they can get at a fair price. Large stores will always sell quality merchandise at a reasonable price, so people will continue to shop from them. If it is not quality, they will no longer offer to sell it. It will get dumped. An example of that was when Macys stopped Donny’s Chinese made clothes line because he wanted a higher price for a less quality product. Donny got sooo upset that he insisted that everyone boycott Macys! That didn’t work out too well, as Macys is still here!
So, how much boycotting will actually hurt a business?
You seem to be oblivious to the truth that Macy’s has been in and out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is now just hanging on by a thread.
You will see that the All Star game that MLB ripped away from Atlanta because of lies spread by the liberal mob will be the lowest rated game in decades. MLB bolted because of the lies they told about the GA. voting law and moved the game to Colorado which has much stricter voting rules than GA. does now. They believed the lie that the new rules would hurt the minority voter, So they pulled the game from Atlanta which is about 52% black costing those black run businesses millions. They then give the game to Colorado which is maybe 9% black. So much for MLB caring about helping the black community.
I won’t drive all day to keep from dealing with them and since there’s very little of what I might buy that I don’t already have too much of, I’ll just pass on new purchase. Not dramatic, but my bit. I don’t watch sports, rarely go to Hollywood junk fests and won’t watch any of the pop culture’s self congratulatory awards shows.
I have been doing that for years, but it is an individual choice. For instance I “do not Google anything” and have ceased doing business with Amazon and got off Facebook years ago.