Of course they should, there is plenty of evidence of voter fraud. Are they really that stupid to think that only Presidential elections will be stolen in the future? That their seats will be safe because we will vote for them after they betray us? Betray the law and Constitution?
We will see.
R Walker
on December 19, 2020
Trump whined before the 2016 that the election was rigged against him and that he did not like the EC, that was until the EC went to him, then he shut his trap and Hilary being the Constitution following Patriotic adult conceded. Now that the popular and EC votes are against his he is still whining like a spoiled brat on a playground.
GOP wanting to change rules to suit their wants. It is amazing that the only states that he has accused of vote irregularities is states he LOST !!!! in. If the Democrats had rigged the election Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham would have been out.
on December 19, 2020
Perhaps you need to do some research before you open your piehole of WHO “changed the “rules” in the middle of the game. It was DEMOCOMMUNISTS in the “battleground states”, as well as the democommunists that insisted on FRAUD BY MAIL…(so WHO did you say “changed the rules???)
THINK before you YAP.
on December 20, 2020
“Amen” Cliff, typical democrats running off at the mouth without researching the facts, what else would you expect.
on December 19, 2020
It the “vote” (which was so OBVIOUSLY FRAUGHT WITH FRAUD that a “blind man” could “see it”) stands..Our constitutional republic will NEVER see another “fair” election ever again, as the DEMOCOMMUNISTS and their COMMUNIST “financiers” and “handlers” know they will keep getting away with the OBVIOUS THEFT of the American people’s votes.
on December 20, 2020
We’ve known for years that the communist democrat party was engaging in FRAUD during elections, but it was mostly kept under wraps. There was fraud and a rigged vote in 2016, but as more people turned out than anticipated, clinton still lost, even though she had been assured a “win”.
This year, they didn’t even TRY to hide their FRAUD and even some of their own have come forward with sworn statements of the fraud they witnessed! Does ANYONE REALLY believe that if this FRAUD isn’t addresses NOW that we can go forward with FREE and FAIR Elections in the future? There will be no going back if we don’t stop them NOW. This needs to STOPPED and the perpetrators need to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Hal Lemoyne
on December 21, 2020
All GOP must defend President TRUMP at all cost
Regardless, and that’s that
❤💥👍CHRISTrumPence and all his/our honorable US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020/2021 Elected/Reelected Landslides
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
Of course they should, there is plenty of evidence of voter fraud. Are they really that stupid to think that only Presidential elections will be stolen in the future? That their seats will be safe because we will vote for them after they betray us? Betray the law and Constitution?
We will see.
Trump whined before the 2016 that the election was rigged against him and that he did not like the EC, that was until the EC went to him, then he shut his trap and Hilary being the Constitution following Patriotic adult conceded. Now that the popular and EC votes are against his he is still whining like a spoiled brat on a playground.
GOP wanting to change rules to suit their wants. It is amazing that the only states that he has accused of vote irregularities is states he LOST !!!! in. If the Democrats had rigged the election Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham would have been out.
Perhaps you need to do some research before you open your piehole of WHO “changed the “rules” in the middle of the game. It was DEMOCOMMUNISTS in the “battleground states”, as well as the democommunists that insisted on FRAUD BY MAIL…(so WHO did you say “changed the rules???)
THINK before you YAP.
“Amen” Cliff, typical democrats running off at the mouth without researching the facts, what else would you expect.
It the “vote” (which was so OBVIOUSLY FRAUGHT WITH FRAUD that a “blind man” could “see it”) stands..Our constitutional republic will NEVER see another “fair” election ever again, as the DEMOCOMMUNISTS and their COMMUNIST “financiers” and “handlers” know they will keep getting away with the OBVIOUS THEFT of the American people’s votes.
We’ve known for years that the communist democrat party was engaging in FRAUD during elections, but it was mostly kept under wraps. There was fraud and a rigged vote in 2016, but as more people turned out than anticipated, clinton still lost, even though she had been assured a “win”.
This year, they didn’t even TRY to hide their FRAUD and even some of their own have come forward with sworn statements of the fraud they witnessed! Does ANYONE REALLY believe that if this FRAUD isn’t addresses NOW that we can go forward with FREE and FAIR Elections in the future? There will be no going back if we don’t stop them NOW. This needs to STOPPED and the perpetrators need to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
All GOP must defend President TRUMP at all cost
Regardless, and that’s that
❤💥👍CHRISTrumPence and all his/our honorable US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020/2021 Elected/Reelected Landslides
Amen & Amen👍💥❤