These establishments can observe the “rules” and still operate even at 1/2 capacity. If people can SHOP in the “big box stores”, shop and buy liquor, gamble, “PROTEST”, LOOT”, and Destroy property in large groups, why can’t people sit down and EAT? The democommunist “elites” seem to do what they want (while telling US we cannot) OR, are they “immune” to their bought and paid for wuhan “control-us virus”?
Randy Justice
on December 5, 2020
The government will NEVER be allowed to tell ME what I can do or where I can go, THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY AND I AM FREE, WHITE, AND WELL OVER 21 !!!The government works FOR US, not the other way around, I will not allow the government to think that they can protect me from myself, EVER !!! This kind of action is what gets people killed !!! MIND YOUR OWN DAM BUSINESS OR ELSE !!!
Marissa Thomas
on December 5, 2020
Of course they should stay open and being protected against the law suits by lunatics that spend day after day at Walmart or Menards, then they say they got COVID at their bar or restaurant.
People should be FREE to choose if they want to risk their lives (total BS scaredemic), or not.
The communist ways already being in place, waiting for Czar Biden to take over, hell NOT!
on December 5, 2020
Randy, your words are the sound of a real AMERICAN. Just like those who told and fought the Brits in 1776. Its “WE” the people! Not ” WE” the government. They work for us. Not the other way around. This why they’ve stopped teaching civics to the children in the last twenty years. They don’t even teach the documents that is the frame and foundation of this country. Those documents are our papers of Freedom. And everyone should posses those documents. And you can get these documents at HILLSDALE COLLEGE in Michigan. Those documents are: the “CONSTITUTION”, “BILL of RIGHTS” and the “ARTICLES of CONFEDERATION”. You can contact them and request them. And I highly recommend it if you believe in your FREEDOM!
John S
on December 5, 2020
The on difference between the coronavirus and the H1N1 virus is the coronavirus happened when we have a Republican President Trump and the H1N1 virus, we had a democratic president Obama.
Smart, well informed American people know the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the H1N1 virus,
But the fake news media is trying very hard to make you believe otherwise.
Coronavirus = fear, fake information, lock downs, controlling America, and the crashing of America’s economy
Democrats = corruption, lies, crime against America, fake information, lockdowns, CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL.
Republican President Trump = America, the American people, freedom, draining the corrupt swamp.
Bernadette Shea
on December 5, 2020
People went about their business during previous pandemics. Life does not stop during the flu season (which can vary) and before someone mentions there’s a vaccine flu, 3 companies have developed a vaccine for COVID-19 so why should this be treated differently?
you are born, you live, and you die but how you live your life is up to you and you alone.
R Walker
on December 6, 2020
If they want to open so be it. If employees want to risk getting sick so be it. If patrons want to risk getting sick so be it. But none of them can say a word or beg for financial support if they do get sick. Cases are rapidly increasing again. Deaths are rising.
on December 6, 2020
You appear to be part of the problem. We are guaranteed nothing in this life. We live with “risk” from the moment of birth until our death. Including viruses which we are exposed to from the moment we draw our FIRST BREATH! As stated above, it’s WE THE PEOPLE not We the Government. The government works FOR the people. They are elected to SERVE the people, NOT the other way around!
I prefer to LIVE my life as I see fit. I do not take extreme risks, but do NOT consider dining out with family, attending Mass or going shopping to be a risk.
I work on keeping my immune system active and healthy. That means plenty of fresh air and sunshine, exercise and keeping a regular schedule. I do not wear a mask as it not only is UNHEALTHY, but prohibits me from getting the oxygen my body needs to function properly.
I do not believe the false media narrative which has been punching the panic button since around March of this year. As for Fauci and the CDC, they have been waffling back and forth all year, so you can’t trust a word they say.
on December 10, 2020
Walker, go a head and stick your head in the sand for all I care. People like you have no honor in this country. Therefore, move your communist ass out of this country.
Hal Lemoyne
on December 7, 2020
Defy the shut down order as much as possible, starting NOW
These establishments can observe the “rules” and still operate even at 1/2 capacity. If people can SHOP in the “big box stores”, shop and buy liquor, gamble, “PROTEST”, LOOT”, and Destroy property in large groups, why can’t people sit down and EAT? The democommunist “elites” seem to do what they want (while telling US we cannot) OR, are they “immune” to their bought and paid for wuhan “control-us virus”?
The government will NEVER be allowed to tell ME what I can do or where I can go, THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY AND I AM FREE, WHITE, AND WELL OVER 21 !!!The government works FOR US, not the other way around, I will not allow the government to think that they can protect me from myself, EVER !!! This kind of action is what gets people killed !!! MIND YOUR OWN DAM BUSINESS OR ELSE !!!
Of course they should stay open and being protected against the law suits by lunatics that spend day after day at Walmart or Menards, then they say they got COVID at their bar or restaurant.
People should be FREE to choose if they want to risk their lives (total BS scaredemic), or not.
The communist ways already being in place, waiting for Czar Biden to take over, hell NOT!
Randy, your words are the sound of a real AMERICAN. Just like those who told and fought the Brits in 1776. Its “WE” the people! Not ” WE” the government. They work for us. Not the other way around. This why they’ve stopped teaching civics to the children in the last twenty years. They don’t even teach the documents that is the frame and foundation of this country. Those documents are our papers of Freedom. And everyone should posses those documents. And you can get these documents at HILLSDALE COLLEGE in Michigan. Those documents are: the “CONSTITUTION”, “BILL of RIGHTS” and the “ARTICLES of CONFEDERATION”. You can contact them and request them. And I highly recommend it if you believe in your FREEDOM!
The on difference between the coronavirus and the H1N1 virus is the coronavirus happened when we have a Republican President Trump and the H1N1 virus, we had a democratic president Obama.
Smart, well informed American people know the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the H1N1 virus,
But the fake news media is trying very hard to make you believe otherwise.
Coronavirus = fear, fake information, lock downs, controlling America, and the crashing of America’s economy
Democrats = corruption, lies, crime against America, fake information, lockdowns, CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL.
Republican President Trump = America, the American people, freedom, draining the corrupt swamp.
People went about their business during previous pandemics. Life does not stop during the flu season (which can vary) and before someone mentions there’s a vaccine flu, 3 companies have developed a vaccine for COVID-19 so why should this be treated differently?
you are born, you live, and you die but how you live your life is up to you and you alone.
If they want to open so be it. If employees want to risk getting sick so be it. If patrons want to risk getting sick so be it. But none of them can say a word or beg for financial support if they do get sick. Cases are rapidly increasing again. Deaths are rising.
You appear to be part of the problem. We are guaranteed nothing in this life. We live with “risk” from the moment of birth until our death. Including viruses which we are exposed to from the moment we draw our FIRST BREATH! As stated above, it’s WE THE PEOPLE not We the Government. The government works FOR the people. They are elected to SERVE the people, NOT the other way around!
I prefer to LIVE my life as I see fit. I do not take extreme risks, but do NOT consider dining out with family, attending Mass or going shopping to be a risk.
I work on keeping my immune system active and healthy. That means plenty of fresh air and sunshine, exercise and keeping a regular schedule. I do not wear a mask as it not only is UNHEALTHY, but prohibits me from getting the oxygen my body needs to function properly.
I do not believe the false media narrative which has been punching the panic button since around March of this year. As for Fauci and the CDC, they have been waffling back and forth all year, so you can’t trust a word they say.
Walker, go a head and stick your head in the sand for all I care. People like you have no honor in this country. Therefore, move your communist ass out of this country.
Defy the shut down order as much as possible, starting NOW