Only four more weeks John John. I bet it will be like Christmas in August for you!
on July 11, 2021
How about no more masks, no more talk about vaccines, door to door propaganda, vaccine passports, and thinking about forcing people to get vaccinated or else. The democrats are loosing control of the American people. All of this fake crap is about communist democrats controlling the American people. Well news flash, 80 + million or more Americans say NOT ONLY NO BUT HELL NO, PACK IT IN YOUR ***, corrupt communist democrats, deep state, swamp scum, invisible enemies can rot in hell or look forward too lengthy prison sentences. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE FREE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STAND TALL.
Yeah! Just let the fools who don’t want to get vaccinated live together so they can all die off on their own terms. Just keep them away from people who don’t want to die.
Another news flash, over 100 million people know that the repugs are going to lead to the downfall of our country! We are sick and tired of corrupt repugs!!!
on July 14, 2021
I don’t like to fly as it is simpy because I do not like the reginmentation. I don’t care for being arond people either (misanthpoe by nature) However, First mask, then they ( airlines/TSA) will want to see your Vaccine Card. I guess next, they will then start “anal swabs”.
Doug Litchfield
on July 17, 2021
They can use them for suppositories for all I care. Flew many many miles during my career and will never darken the cabin entrance hatch again. About the only places they transport one to is third world cess pools.
Hey John,
Out of 3 million ballots cast, Arizona county election officials have found 182 cases representing instances wher problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review.
Only 4 cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation.
No one has been convicted.
No person’s vote were counted twice.
So much for your massive fraud conspiracy in Arizona!
The so called “sham audit” was only a waste of time and money. As any sane person knew it was!
I would say that, if it did not sow so much doubt in our elections, it would be funny.
But instead, it is very sad!
on July 17, 2021
You know douggie, apparently you don’t have the capability to comprehend the real world, voter fraud is being investigated and proven every day. Each and every county and states are now finding democratic voter fraud.
YES THE SOONER THE BETTER, THEY DO NOT WORK AT ALL, they cause more harm than good, they also cause severe health issues. PROVEN. PERIOD.
Only four more weeks John John. I bet it will be like Christmas in August for you!
How about no more masks, no more talk about vaccines, door to door propaganda, vaccine passports, and thinking about forcing people to get vaccinated or else. The democrats are loosing control of the American people. All of this fake crap is about communist democrats controlling the American people. Well news flash, 80 + million or more Americans say NOT ONLY NO BUT HELL NO, PACK IT IN YOUR ***, corrupt communist democrats, deep state, swamp scum, invisible enemies can rot in hell or look forward too lengthy prison sentences. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE FREE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STAND TALL.
Yeah! Just let the fools who don’t want to get vaccinated live together so they can all die off on their own terms. Just keep them away from people who don’t want to die.
Another news flash, over 100 million people know that the repugs are going to lead to the downfall of our country! We are sick and tired of corrupt repugs!!!
I don’t like to fly as it is simpy because I do not like the reginmentation. I don’t care for being arond people either (misanthpoe by nature) However, First mask, then they ( airlines/TSA) will want to see your Vaccine Card. I guess next, they will then start “anal swabs”.
They can use them for suppositories for all I care. Flew many many miles during my career and will never darken the cabin entrance hatch again. About the only places they transport one to is third world cess pools.
I am sure you not flying again is not by choice.
Hey John,
Out of 3 million ballots cast, Arizona county election officials have found 182 cases representing instances wher problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review.
Only 4 cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation.
No one has been convicted.
No person’s vote were counted twice.
So much for your massive fraud conspiracy in Arizona!
The so called “sham audit” was only a waste of time and money. As any sane person knew it was!
I would say that, if it did not sow so much doubt in our elections, it would be funny.
But instead, it is very sad!
You know douggie, apparently you don’t have the capability to comprehend the real world, voter fraud is being investigated and proven every day. Each and every county and states are now finding democratic voter fraud.
Yes. Conspiracies are being investigated. But there still isn’t any fraud proven to be true.
You are being duped!