Anarchy, is happening in the corrupt democratic states, yes cut all federal funding to these states immediately,
The democrats need to start, for once thinking about Americans and not what is in it for them.
as usual they don’t care about the safety and well-being of Americans only for themselves and how they can Get at President Trump.
on September 21, 2020
Anarchy, is happening in the corrupt democratic states, yes cut all federal funding to these states immediately,
The democrats need to start, for once thinking about Americans and not what is in it for them.
as usual they don’t care about the safety and well-being of Americans only for themselves and how they can Get at President Trump.
on September 22, 2020
These “acts” of VIOLENCE and the “actors” Perpetrating them, (rioters, anarchists, “antifa”, black LIES matter SCUM )have been HIRED, bought, and paid for by YOUR beloved “democrat” party, soros, “mr. MANDATORY vaccine, mark of the beast and “population control czar” bill gates, and “new world order”, one world government” “globalist” billionaires, in an attempt to take over this Constitutional Republic and turn it into a communist-controlled cesspool. FACE IT MY FRIENDS….democommunists do NOT or will NEVER care about this country, OR the citizens. They LUST for complete POWER, CONTROL, as well as grabbing as much of OUR taxpayer dollars they can STEAL to continually fund their cushy lifestyles, and to push their NEFARIOUS “agenda” to turn ALL the citizens of this country into controlled “subjects” they are then free to USE, ABUSE, TAX TO DEATH, REGULATE BEYOND BELIEF or (if all do not kowtow to all their “royal decrees”) you will be “ELIMINATED”. (just as “Mr.mandatory vaccine” bill gates has opined) Open your eyes America before it is too late. Vote OUT any and ALL democommunists coming up for reelection, unless you desire to be SLAVES to your new “masters” if people are foolish enough to allow them to regain power by WASTING your vote.
Rodger Shull
on September 22, 2020
get rid of the mayors and governors, REPLACE the TRAITORS.
on September 22, 2020
Pres. Trump must cut off funding to states, counties, or cities that support mob disorder. Sixty years ago, law enforcement would simply bring in the guard and dozens of buses to haul off mob participants to jail and keep streets and businesses open. Pres. Trump MUST issue executive orders to repeal Sec. 230 of the Communications Act and other provisions allowing on line censoring of US internet traffic. Censoring and election tampering (a Federal crime) go hand in hand. Pres. Trump also must direct federal agencies cut off federal welfare, food stamps, student loans, municipal assistance, etc. to states, counties, or cities where historic monuments have been removed/relocated or where historic schools, parks, etc. have been renamed. In the meantime, Mr. Trump needs to send the funds to complete the border wall until ALL of the historic monuments are professionally restored at the locations they were removed from, and ALL historic place names restored….
Rodger Shull
on September 22, 2020
give these demo-communist controlled , NOTHING , CUT THEM OFF 1000% , give these cities a BAD TIME, a VERY BAD TIME, like they have gave the GOOD CITIZENS a BAD TIME. And when the rioters are arrested and they are from out of town, put on and extra ten years to their sentence.
Anarchy, is happening in the corrupt democratic states, yes cut all federal funding to these states immediately,
The democrats need to start, for once thinking about Americans and not what is in it for them.
as usual they don’t care about the safety and well-being of Americans only for themselves and how they can Get at President Trump.
Anarchy, is happening in the corrupt democratic states, yes cut all federal funding to these states immediately,
The democrats need to start, for once thinking about Americans and not what is in it for them.
as usual they don’t care about the safety and well-being of Americans only for themselves and how they can Get at President Trump.
These “acts” of VIOLENCE and the “actors” Perpetrating them, (rioters, anarchists, “antifa”, black LIES matter SCUM )have been HIRED, bought, and paid for by YOUR beloved “democrat” party, soros, “mr. MANDATORY vaccine, mark of the beast and “population control czar” bill gates, and “new world order”, one world government” “globalist” billionaires, in an attempt to take over this Constitutional Republic and turn it into a communist-controlled cesspool. FACE IT MY FRIENDS….democommunists do NOT or will NEVER care about this country, OR the citizens. They LUST for complete POWER, CONTROL, as well as grabbing as much of OUR taxpayer dollars they can STEAL to continually fund their cushy lifestyles, and to push their NEFARIOUS “agenda” to turn ALL the citizens of this country into controlled “subjects” they are then free to USE, ABUSE, TAX TO DEATH, REGULATE BEYOND BELIEF or (if all do not kowtow to all their “royal decrees”) you will be “ELIMINATED”. (just as “Mr.mandatory vaccine” bill gates has opined) Open your eyes America before it is too late. Vote OUT any and ALL democommunists coming up for reelection, unless you desire to be SLAVES to your new “masters” if people are foolish enough to allow them to regain power by WASTING your vote.
get rid of the mayors and governors, REPLACE the TRAITORS.
Pres. Trump must cut off funding to states, counties, or cities that support mob disorder. Sixty years ago, law enforcement would simply bring in the guard and dozens of buses to haul off mob participants to jail and keep streets and businesses open. Pres. Trump MUST issue executive orders to repeal Sec. 230 of the Communications Act and other provisions allowing on line censoring of US internet traffic. Censoring and election tampering (a Federal crime) go hand in hand. Pres. Trump also must direct federal agencies cut off federal welfare, food stamps, student loans, municipal assistance, etc. to states, counties, or cities where historic monuments have been removed/relocated or where historic schools, parks, etc. have been renamed. In the meantime, Mr. Trump needs to send the funds to complete the border wall until ALL of the historic monuments are professionally restored at the locations they were removed from, and ALL historic place names restored….
give these demo-communist controlled , NOTHING , CUT THEM OFF 1000% , give these cities a BAD TIME, a VERY BAD TIME, like they have gave the GOOD CITIZENS a BAD TIME. And when the rioters are arrested and they are from out of town, put on and extra ten years to their sentence.