YES the time to cut off the “freeloaders” is LONG overdue. I see signs all over asking for help and on the street corners “freeloaders” are just hanging around doing DRUGS, harassing people passing by and smoking cigarettes. (probably bought with the “free money” they are getting from not working. Apparently they do not realize they are being “covertly” turned into controlled communists, until “other people’s money” runs out, and they will be FORCED to work, but there will be no “paycheck”. You will be FORCED to be “working” for the “government” for your monthly “stipend”.
Wise up America, or expect to become another VENEZUELA, and eating out of the dumpsters of the ‘elites” to survive.
No. This is not about ‘freeloaders’ which is the lamest excuse I have been hearing for 50 years. Use you intelligence and look at what is happening, plus people still sick, no where to safely send kids, high rents and low wages….what jobs are open? Hairdressers, housecleaning, small low pay business, Oh how about HOSPITALS who need tons of staff from cooks, janitors, aides, nurses, doctors (since a great number have dies or gotten very ill trying to save us) and VOLUNTEERS. Go to work in a Hospital!
Yes Cliffy! Control those freeloaders!
And take away their cigarettes. That’ll show them!
Doug Litchfield
on July 14, 2021
Most of the freeloaders are not worth hiring when you see gaps in employment service. They show up late or not at all and always want weekends off. They are usually employee relations departments worst nightmare.
Those “freeloaders” are called teenagers and young adults.
on July 18, 2021
Get a job, go back to work, help bring our American back, instead of helping the communist democratic government fulfill their agendas and to control the freeloading people. Sitting on your butts drawing stolen monies doing nothing, well America doesn’t need your kind, leave America if you don’t want to be part of the free American Patriots.
You are somewhat correct. People need to get back to work so America can get back to what it was like before. That is how prices for things will begin to lower. That is how there will be enough food on our tables. That is how we will be able to grow as a nation.
It should go back to the way that unemployment insurance was meant to be. People worked, they and there employers paid into the fund. If a company went out of business or you lost your job for any other unseen reason, you were able to collect for a certain amount of time. It was used as a financial aid for that time. It was never meant to be a permanent income. During that time, you were meant to look for another job. Hopefully you would be able to find a job where you would earn close to what you were earning before. If you could not find that, you had to take a job where you were at least paid something. Then you were able to work, start replenishing that fund so if the time came where you or someone else needed it, funds were there for you.
Unemployment insurance should never be used as a primary source of income. It is meant for emergencies.
YES the time to cut off the “freeloaders” is LONG overdue. I see signs all over asking for help and on the street corners “freeloaders” are just hanging around doing DRUGS, harassing people passing by and smoking cigarettes. (probably bought with the “free money” they are getting from not working. Apparently they do not realize they are being “covertly” turned into controlled communists, until “other people’s money” runs out, and they will be FORCED to work, but there will be no “paycheck”. You will be FORCED to be “working” for the “government” for your monthly “stipend”.
Wise up America, or expect to become another VENEZUELA, and eating out of the dumpsters of the ‘elites” to survive.
No. This is not about ‘freeloaders’ which is the lamest excuse I have been hearing for 50 years. Use you intelligence and look at what is happening, plus people still sick, no where to safely send kids, high rents and low wages….what jobs are open? Hairdressers, housecleaning, small low pay business, Oh how about HOSPITALS who need tons of staff from cooks, janitors, aides, nurses, doctors (since a great number have dies or gotten very ill trying to save us) and VOLUNTEERS. Go to work in a Hospital!
Yes Cliffy! Control those freeloaders!
And take away their cigarettes. That’ll show them!
Most of the freeloaders are not worth hiring when you see gaps in employment service. They show up late or not at all and always want weekends off. They are usually employee relations departments worst nightmare.
Those “freeloaders” are called teenagers and young adults.
Get a job, go back to work, help bring our American back, instead of helping the communist democratic government fulfill their agendas and to control the freeloading people. Sitting on your butts drawing stolen monies doing nothing, well America doesn’t need your kind, leave America if you don’t want to be part of the free American Patriots.
You are somewhat correct. People need to get back to work so America can get back to what it was like before. That is how prices for things will begin to lower. That is how there will be enough food on our tables. That is how we will be able to grow as a nation.
It should go back to the way that unemployment insurance was meant to be. People worked, they and there employers paid into the fund. If a company went out of business or you lost your job for any other unseen reason, you were able to collect for a certain amount of time. It was used as a financial aid for that time. It was never meant to be a permanent income. During that time, you were meant to look for another job. Hopefully you would be able to find a job where you would earn close to what you were earning before. If you could not find that, you had to take a job where you were at least paid something. Then you were able to work, start replenishing that fund so if the time came where you or someone else needed it, funds were there for you.
Unemployment insurance should never be used as a primary source of income. It is meant for emergencies.