The corrupt democratic government and players will finally be charged with fraudulent votes in this 2020 election. Their corruption will finally surface with undisputed proof of their election fraud, it can no longer be pushed under the carpet and hidden from the 74 + million President Trump voters. Hallelujah the start of the end of much corruption and crimes.
on January 4, 2021
Let the arrests, trials, convictions, and HANGINGS of the treasonous TRAITORS begin!
john lamb
on January 4, 2021
I can tell you one thing it will only take one to get a stiff prison sentence or get convicted and get a death sentence and the whole house of cards will cave. Anyone who sees that happen one weak link will break the chain. I am so sick of corrupt judges, lawyers and elected officials’ poll watchers,and anyone else who is laughing right now. People Judges, Lawyers and elected officials who blocked and obstructed every effort to clear up this mess. Who were afraid to do the right thing who didn’t have the backbone to fight for this Great Country of ours. The CIA personnel who helped aided and Abetted the corruption and crimes The FBI who failed on so many levels the Swamp who gave up the littlest one in the chain Clapper, Brenan,Comey Struke, Hillary who was clearly Guilty put them in jail.
on January 4, 2021
be aware yes something should happen legally . and stop this socialism party of Biden and even arrest Biden and Harris and all the lefties.
Marissa Thomas
on January 4, 2021
Not sure if the cheaters and criminals will pay for what they did, but losing the election and being exposed to the world, it will hurt LOL
on January 4, 2021
IF, and that is a BIG “if”dementia-(CHINA) joe and his constitutionally- ineligible “anchor baby HO” (also OWNED by china) slither into OUR white house, this will be the beginning of the END of this Constitutional Republic, the beginning of a communist-controlled, third-world “banana republic cesspool”, and also the end of ANY “free and fair” elections in this country.
Janice E. Prescott
on January 5, 2021
I am praying so hard for something to happen to stop this disgusting, so called election. I can’t believe that all the Democraps are this corrupt, but since they don’t speak up against this, I have to . What the hell happened to a party that used to be fairly honest. It’s been getting worse year after year for a long time now. I for one, don’t want to live in a socialist country, but the way it looks that’s what’s going to happen. God help us all. Then they re elect PIGLOSY. Dear God. Wonder what she offered them for their vote.
Hal Lemoyne
on January 5, 2021
❤💥👍CHRISTrumPence and our/his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers US 2020/2021 Elected/Reelected successful Landslides
will be successfully US ReInaugurated on Jan 20th, 2021
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
The corrupt democratic government and players will finally be charged with fraudulent votes in this 2020 election. Their corruption will finally surface with undisputed proof of their election fraud, it can no longer be pushed under the carpet and hidden from the 74 + million President Trump voters. Hallelujah the start of the end of much corruption and crimes.
Let the arrests, trials, convictions, and HANGINGS of the treasonous TRAITORS begin!
I can tell you one thing it will only take one to get a stiff prison sentence or get convicted and get a death sentence and the whole house of cards will cave. Anyone who sees that happen one weak link will break the chain. I am so sick of corrupt judges, lawyers and elected officials’ poll watchers,and anyone else who is laughing right now. People Judges, Lawyers and elected officials who blocked and obstructed every effort to clear up this mess. Who were afraid to do the right thing who didn’t have the backbone to fight for this Great Country of ours. The CIA personnel who helped aided and Abetted the corruption and crimes The FBI who failed on so many levels the Swamp who gave up the littlest one in the chain Clapper, Brenan,Comey Struke, Hillary who was clearly Guilty put them in jail.
be aware yes something should happen legally . and stop this socialism party of Biden and even arrest Biden and Harris and all the lefties.
Not sure if the cheaters and criminals will pay for what they did, but losing the election and being exposed to the world, it will hurt LOL
IF, and that is a BIG “if”dementia-(CHINA) joe and his constitutionally- ineligible “anchor baby HO” (also OWNED by china) slither into OUR white house, this will be the beginning of the END of this Constitutional Republic, the beginning of a communist-controlled, third-world “banana republic cesspool”, and also the end of ANY “free and fair” elections in this country.
I am praying so hard for something to happen to stop this disgusting, so called election. I can’t believe that all the Democraps are this corrupt, but since they don’t speak up against this, I have to . What the hell happened to a party that used to be fairly honest. It’s been getting worse year after year for a long time now. I for one, don’t want to live in a socialist country, but the way it looks that’s what’s going to happen. God help us all. Then they re elect PIGLOSY. Dear God. Wonder what she offered them for their vote.
❤💥👍CHRISTrumPence and our/his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers US 2020/2021 Elected/Reelected successful Landslides
will be successfully US ReInaugurated on Jan 20th, 2021
Amen & Amen👍💥❤