If people in this country are indoctrinated, and brainwashed enough to FOOLISHLY vote for ANY DEMOCOMMUNIST, I guess they will not mind being turned into CONTROLLED, MINDLESS, OBEDIENT COMMUNIST DRONES, (“subjects”) and their new COMMUNIST “masters” will then be free to use, abuse, tax to death, regulate beyond belief, or if ALL do not kowtow to every “royal decree” or whims of their “masters” they will be have set on them, one of the DNC PAID terrorists groups ( “antifa”… “black LIES matter”) to attack, injure maim, or MURDER anyone that will not conform to the communist agenda. Wise up America Open your eyes. What is happening in democommunist-controlled cities is only a “taste” of what YOUR life will be like under democommunist “rule”.
Cliff you are 100% Correct I just HOPE people Listen
Robert Walker
on October 14, 2020
No more than the Hypocritical GOP stacking with ultra conservatives.. Mitch McConnell with backing of other GOPers refused to let President Obama nominate a justice, saying he could not do it during an election year. Well as usual GOP changes rules to suit their own needs.
on October 14, 2020
Yeah Robert, just look how Obumass ruined many people’s lives with his lies. Affordable healthcare act. Affordable? Bullsh##! So, quit looking through the demarates dream scape glasses. Demarates are nothing more than liers.
Rodger Shull
on October 14, 2020
YES THEY WOULD try and pack the SCOTUS, and probably with 2 obamas. I think that is their main point, for put one or both of them on the SCOTUS.
If people in this country are indoctrinated, and brainwashed enough to FOOLISHLY vote for ANY DEMOCOMMUNIST, I guess they will not mind being turned into CONTROLLED, MINDLESS, OBEDIENT COMMUNIST DRONES, (“subjects”) and their new COMMUNIST “masters” will then be free to use, abuse, tax to death, regulate beyond belief, or if ALL do not kowtow to every “royal decree” or whims of their “masters” they will be have set on them, one of the DNC PAID terrorists groups ( “antifa”… “black LIES matter”) to attack, injure maim, or MURDER anyone that will not conform to the communist agenda. Wise up America Open your eyes. What is happening in democommunist-controlled cities is only a “taste” of what YOUR life will be like under democommunist “rule”.
Cliff you are 100% Correct I just HOPE people Listen
No more than the Hypocritical GOP stacking with ultra conservatives.. Mitch McConnell with backing of other GOPers refused to let President Obama nominate a justice, saying he could not do it during an election year. Well as usual GOP changes rules to suit their own needs.
Yeah Robert, just look how Obumass ruined many people’s lives with his lies. Affordable healthcare act. Affordable? Bullsh##! So, quit looking through the demarates dream scape glasses. Demarates are nothing more than liers.
YES THEY WOULD try and pack the SCOTUS, and probably with 2 obamas. I think that is their main point, for put one or both of them on the SCOTUS.