April 15, 2021
Yes, I expect Biden, Democrats will PASS legislation to be able to pack the surpreme court.. They, Democrats, have the current advantage of more seats in the House, Rinos, even, in the Senate and Biden a Democrat..The the money of lobbiests, far left donors like Soros, Hollywood and the collusion of the FAKE NEWS.. Without the unlikely event of “stroming the bastile”, rebellion, how are they going to be stopped. Thus resulting in a Dictatorship. Any ideas with all of these ‘odds’ against stopping them. what does the majority of the Country feel?
You have hit the nail on the head. The majority of the country has voted a conman out of the White House. They know that baby Donny wants to be exactly like his buddy Vlad and favorite son Kimmy!
President Biden would like to add Judges so the repugs will be forced to find a way to win elections legally without having the Supreme Court save their losing asses.
Of course the Democratic Party has more money than the Republicans. They don’t have someone like baby Donny to steal all of their donations and fill his pockets. But, not for lack of effort. They are thinking of new ways to scam their donors out of their money everyday, and if that doesn’t work, the repugs can always threaten their own donors! Now that is how a great political party is supposed to work!
There is one more thought, maybe if the the repugs decided to work for this country, instead of tearing it apart, they just might get some of that Hollywood money, large donations from honorable companies and big time donors!
on April 15, 2021
Let me burst your bubble of ignorance. The man in the White House now is the real conman. During the campaign he said the things that his progressive/socialist handlers told him too say. Unlike Trump who tried to do all the things he had promised, Biden had no intention to keep any of their empty promises. They will not succeed because there are a few democrat Senators who know that the people of this country are strongly against packing the court and will vote against it. The socialists think that the American people are too stupid to see this for what it is. It would be a very transparent power grab that would destroy our system of government and checks and balances. The Constitution would no longer be the law of this land.
The American people have already seen the “power grab” that the repugs have committed and have seen how miserably it has failed to elect a loser. Besides, we are not the ones who elect Judges. The repugs have and are still destroying our system of government and our country.
I do agree with you a little bit. The “Biden University “ and the “Biden Charity” were found to be such a scam the he lost millions in dollars in court that he had to pay it all back to the people he scammed. It is surprising how President Biden was able to sweep it under the rug so well that we never even heard of it!
Ohhh wait! That was the king of scammers, Donny, and everyone knows about those cons.
And we even remember the con about the wall that Mexico was going to build that won him the election in 2016!
And how about those over 30,000 lies since 2015?
If Donny is the billionaire that he claims to be, why does he need need to scam his own donors and threaten them to give him all of their money instead of buying less important things in life, like food and paying bills and rent?
Can you explain that one!
I would love to see what answers you come up for that one.
on April 16, 2021
Yes, let’s hope he does pack the court to counteract the underhanded and hypocritical BS pulled off by Moscow Mitch and the rest of the cowering, spineless, anti-American Repugs
on April 15, 2021
Just another “method” of cheating, and the continuation of FRAUD obama’s “fundamental transformation” of our constitutional republic into a third-world, communist controlled, banana republic cesspool under one “party” DICTATORSHIP. This will NOT stand, as the Law-abiding ARMED Patriots of this country have had more than enough,and the “rumor” is: , many are ready and willing to “water the tree of Liberty”, and REMOVE the communists to take our country back.
You are right Cliffy. It is just another way of cheating just like your repugs do. They thought that by packing the S.C., Donny would surely win re-election, but they would wrong as usual. Donny lost in a landslide and thaw Judges wouldn’t overturn the country’s wishes. They know that Donny is corrupt, a fraud, and a lying conman. They know that they should never allow him to be president ever again.
I see that you are still listening to rumors. Don’t you think that it is time for you to learn to think for yourself and ditch Q? It is time for you to finally grow up!
The only proof of fraud attempted in the election was by republican voters and Donny the loser! He is still looking for those votes in Georgia!
He can try, but will fail. Only repugs can pack the Supreme Court! In O’bamas last year, the repugs denied his nominee, because they said he was not allowed to name a new Judge in an election year. The repugs said that only Donny can name a new judge in an election year, even though it was only a little more than a month before the election, because they needed a backup plan for when baby Donny lost. They knew that if they couldn’t rig the election, they would need the courts to throw out millions of legally casted votes. They brought suits in almost every state that they lost and lost every court case except for one. The courts were too smart for Donny, that is not very hard to be, by stating sooo many one sentence decisions! His case didn’t have merit. The reason for not having merit is because he didn’t have proof of any fraud being committed by the Democrats. Donny cried and cried and is still crying today, but his plan failed. Thank God Donny ran out of time because I am sure that he would have tried to kill any Democratic installed Judge. One of his idiot lawyers named to the bench.
If legislation is passed to add four more Judges, the repugs will NEVER admit President Biden to nominate Judges. They will fight him and not allow a vote for another three years and then say that it is too close to the election. You can “mark” Lindsey Graham’s words!
Hal Lemoyne
on April 15, 2021
I sure hope not, if the Republicans have political powers and they don’t not use
their political powers
Well that’s same them being bed agreeing with demoncrats
and mcconnell leading that charge in illlegally packing our
US Supreme Court Justice overwhelmingly in their hateful
Seriously folks, you don’t have too worry. The Democrats have a conscience and know that the idea of packing the courts is not a good one.
The repugs still have a chance to have their ideas passed in the Supreme Court, unless the American people are totally against them!
So, you Republicans can all sleep soundly! The S.C. had your backs!
R Walker
on April 15, 2021
Just like Trump packed the court with “conservative” judges. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Amazing how much the “conservatives” scream foul when their own rules are used against them.
It is not so much repugs rules. It is about what laws can be made. There is no law law restricting the expansion of the Supreme Court. The repugs know that it will make it more difficult for them to cheat to have their agenda hold up in court. They believe that they are the dominant party and will do anything to come out ahead! And if they don’t, they will cry to the American people and tell us how wicked President Biden and fellow Democrats are! They believe that only their las is what is good for America!
Don Nicholas
on April 16, 2021
FDR actually won in a landslide, but almost got thrown out for wanting to pack the court. Of course there was a real media and Hollywood had both parties and they were still able to publicly say so without getting blacklisted. Both unheard of now days.
Well! Donny did pack pack the court and lost in a landslide!
Marissa Thomas
on April 16, 2021
I said no, but with reservations. The OUTRAGEOUS promises the democRATS made during the campaign, that many considered as just a way to motivate their base, are coming true one by one, none to better the country but to destroy it, with the Republicans being the usual NOBODY to stop them.
We will see, I hope those that didn’t like Trump are happy now that the country are going in the toilet at light speed, under the usurper thief regime of traitors.
April 15, 2021
Yes, I expect Biden, Democrats will PASS legislation to be able to pack the surpreme court.. They, Democrats, have the current advantage of more seats in the House, Rinos, even, in the Senate and Biden a Democrat..The the money of lobbiests, far left donors like Soros, Hollywood and the collusion of the FAKE NEWS.. Without the unlikely event of “stroming the bastile”, rebellion, how are they going to be stopped. Thus resulting in a Dictatorship. Any ideas with all of these ‘odds’ against stopping them. what does the majority of the Country feel?
You have hit the nail on the head. The majority of the country has voted a conman out of the White House. They know that baby Donny wants to be exactly like his buddy Vlad and favorite son Kimmy!
President Biden would like to add Judges so the repugs will be forced to find a way to win elections legally without having the Supreme Court save their losing asses.
Of course the Democratic Party has more money than the Republicans. They don’t have someone like baby Donny to steal all of their donations and fill his pockets. But, not for lack of effort. They are thinking of new ways to scam their donors out of their money everyday, and if that doesn’t work, the repugs can always threaten their own donors! Now that is how a great political party is supposed to work!
There is one more thought, maybe if the the repugs decided to work for this country, instead of tearing it apart, they just might get some of that Hollywood money, large donations from honorable companies and big time donors!
Let me burst your bubble of ignorance. The man in the White House now is the real conman. During the campaign he said the things that his progressive/socialist handlers told him too say. Unlike Trump who tried to do all the things he had promised, Biden had no intention to keep any of their empty promises. They will not succeed because there are a few democrat Senators who know that the people of this country are strongly against packing the court and will vote against it. The socialists think that the American people are too stupid to see this for what it is. It would be a very transparent power grab that would destroy our system of government and checks and balances. The Constitution would no longer be the law of this land.
The American people have already seen the “power grab” that the repugs have committed and have seen how miserably it has failed to elect a loser. Besides, we are not the ones who elect Judges. The repugs have and are still destroying our system of government and our country.
I do agree with you a little bit. The “Biden University “ and the “Biden Charity” were found to be such a scam the he lost millions in dollars in court that he had to pay it all back to the people he scammed. It is surprising how President Biden was able to sweep it under the rug so well that we never even heard of it!
Ohhh wait! That was the king of scammers, Donny, and everyone knows about those cons.
And we even remember the con about the wall that Mexico was going to build that won him the election in 2016!
And how about those over 30,000 lies since 2015?
If Donny is the billionaire that he claims to be, why does he need need to scam his own donors and threaten them to give him all of their money instead of buying less important things in life, like food and paying bills and rent?
Can you explain that one!
I would love to see what answers you come up for that one.
Yes, let’s hope he does pack the court to counteract the underhanded and hypocritical BS pulled off by Moscow Mitch and the rest of the cowering, spineless, anti-American Repugs
Just another “method” of cheating, and the continuation of FRAUD obama’s “fundamental transformation” of our constitutional republic into a third-world, communist controlled, banana republic cesspool under one “party” DICTATORSHIP. This will NOT stand, as the Law-abiding ARMED Patriots of this country have had more than enough,and the “rumor” is: , many are ready and willing to “water the tree of Liberty”, and REMOVE the communists to take our country back.
You are right Cliffy. It is just another way of cheating just like your repugs do. They thought that by packing the S.C., Donny would surely win re-election, but they would wrong as usual. Donny lost in a landslide and thaw Judges wouldn’t overturn the country’s wishes. They know that Donny is corrupt, a fraud, and a lying conman. They know that they should never allow him to be president ever again.
I see that you are still listening to rumors. Don’t you think that it is time for you to learn to think for yourself and ditch Q? It is time for you to finally grow up!
The only proof of fraud attempted in the election was by republican voters and Donny the loser! He is still looking for those votes in Georgia!
He can try, but will fail. Only repugs can pack the Supreme Court! In O’bamas last year, the repugs denied his nominee, because they said he was not allowed to name a new Judge in an election year. The repugs said that only Donny can name a new judge in an election year, even though it was only a little more than a month before the election, because they needed a backup plan for when baby Donny lost. They knew that if they couldn’t rig the election, they would need the courts to throw out millions of legally casted votes. They brought suits in almost every state that they lost and lost every court case except for one. The courts were too smart for Donny, that is not very hard to be, by stating sooo many one sentence decisions! His case didn’t have merit. The reason for not having merit is because he didn’t have proof of any fraud being committed by the Democrats. Donny cried and cried and is still crying today, but his plan failed. Thank God Donny ran out of time because I am sure that he would have tried to kill any Democratic installed Judge. One of his idiot lawyers named to the bench.
If legislation is passed to add four more Judges, the repugs will NEVER admit President Biden to nominate Judges. They will fight him and not allow a vote for another three years and then say that it is too close to the election. You can “mark” Lindsey Graham’s words!
I sure hope not, if the Republicans have political powers and they don’t not use
their political powers
Well that’s same them being bed agreeing with demoncrats
and mcconnell leading that charge in illlegally packing our
US Supreme Court Justice overwhelmingly in their hateful
criminal neverTRUMP favor
that is not good at all
Seriously folks, you don’t have too worry. The Democrats have a conscience and know that the idea of packing the courts is not a good one.
The repugs still have a chance to have their ideas passed in the Supreme Court, unless the American people are totally against them!
So, you Republicans can all sleep soundly! The S.C. had your backs!
Just like Trump packed the court with “conservative” judges. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Amazing how much the “conservatives” scream foul when their own rules are used against them.
It is not so much repugs rules. It is about what laws can be made. There is no law law restricting the expansion of the Supreme Court. The repugs know that it will make it more difficult for them to cheat to have their agenda hold up in court. They believe that they are the dominant party and will do anything to come out ahead! And if they don’t, they will cry to the American people and tell us how wicked President Biden and fellow Democrats are! They believe that only their las is what is good for America!
FDR actually won in a landslide, but almost got thrown out for wanting to pack the court. Of course there was a real media and Hollywood had both parties and they were still able to publicly say so without getting blacklisted. Both unheard of now days.
Well! Donny did pack pack the court and lost in a landslide!
I said no, but with reservations. The OUTRAGEOUS promises the democRATS made during the campaign, that many considered as just a way to motivate their base, are coming true one by one, none to better the country but to destroy it, with the Republicans being the usual NOBODY to stop them.
We will see, I hope those that didn’t like Trump are happy now that the country are going in the toilet at light speed, under the usurper thief regime of traitors.