Donny’s legal team doesn’t have to do a good job. No matter what defense they put up, the baby republicans are so afraid of him that there is no way he can loose. Now, if they weren’t chicken shit and voted correctly to convict him, that would be another story! We know they won’t do what’s right!
on February 1, 2021
Dougie boy,
Convict him on what charges, you know it was all planed by the democratic government, using antifa and blm just like the riots and destruction of business and lives. We all know there were bus’s loaded with antifa and blm made to appear as President Trump protesters, assigned by the democrats to attack the capital but they didn’t plan on President Trump’s plane being late and his speech wasn’t over before the attack on the capital started that’s why so many antifa and blm leaders have been arrested. Believe what you want, but over 100 million President Trump supporters know the truth, you get what you voted for, enjoy joebama biden while you can he is not Americans President and never will be
Have you found MTG,s Jew laser yet? Or did Antifa hide it. I can’t believe how stupid you are to believe all of this crap. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or to pity you. It is a shame after all of Donny’s lies, you still believe him!
on February 1, 2021
Just where do you get your facts stupid, no doubt you are tuned into the fake news and media. Like I said enjoy the corruption while you can, things can change in a matter of seconds. I do pity you, as I believe you are brain washed.
on February 1, 2021
If “private citizen” TRUMP can be UNCONSTITUTIONALLY “impeached” AFTER “losing” the “election” due to rampant voter fraud and cheating, that will open up a can of worms so we can then go after FRAUD obama for all the crimes HE openly committed, while infesting OUR Oval office. Whats good for one “party” should be the same for the other.
Even though Donny decided to stop being President a long time ago, he was still unfortunately president on January sixth when he attempted a coup! He became “private citizen” Donny way too late.
By the way, has the SS called you yet?
Greg Nelson
on February 1, 2021
Yes, there was fraud. There is no way 74 million Americans are howl-at-the-moon crazy enough to vote to re-elect the dumbest, most egomaniacal, most childish, and most mentally disturbed embarrassment-in-chief we’ve ever had to suffer. But his defense team doesn’t have to go anything; the spineless, obstructionist Repugs are too stupid and gutless to come to terms with the fact that this whackjob emperor, Dementia Donny, has no clothes–and is still trying to destroy this country, with the help of his anti-America right wing extremist qAnon comrades.
On a lighter note folks. I hate to change the subject, I do hope that all of you impacted by this horrific snow storm are somewhere safe and warm! Please be very careful if you have to go out!
Donny’s legal team doesn’t have to do a good job. No matter what defense they put up, the baby republicans are so afraid of him that there is no way he can loose. Now, if they weren’t chicken shit and voted correctly to convict him, that would be another story! We know they won’t do what’s right!
Dougie boy,
Convict him on what charges, you know it was all planed by the democratic government, using antifa and blm just like the riots and destruction of business and lives. We all know there were bus’s loaded with antifa and blm made to appear as President Trump protesters, assigned by the democrats to attack the capital but they didn’t plan on President Trump’s plane being late and his speech wasn’t over before the attack on the capital started that’s why so many antifa and blm leaders have been arrested. Believe what you want, but over 100 million President Trump supporters know the truth, you get what you voted for, enjoy joebama biden while you can he is not Americans President and never will be
Have you found MTG,s Jew laser yet? Or did Antifa hide it. I can’t believe how stupid you are to believe all of this crap. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or to pity you. It is a shame after all of Donny’s lies, you still believe him!
Just where do you get your facts stupid, no doubt you are tuned into the fake news and media. Like I said enjoy the corruption while you can, things can change in a matter of seconds. I do pity you, as I believe you are brain washed.
If “private citizen” TRUMP can be UNCONSTITUTIONALLY “impeached” AFTER “losing” the “election” due to rampant voter fraud and cheating, that will open up a can of worms so we can then go after FRAUD obama for all the crimes HE openly committed, while infesting OUR Oval office. Whats good for one “party” should be the same for the other.
Even though Donny decided to stop being President a long time ago, he was still unfortunately president on January sixth when he attempted a coup! He became “private citizen” Donny way too late.
By the way, has the SS called you yet?
Yes, there was fraud. There is no way 74 million Americans are howl-at-the-moon crazy enough to vote to re-elect the dumbest, most egomaniacal, most childish, and most mentally disturbed embarrassment-in-chief we’ve ever had to suffer. But his defense team doesn’t have to go anything; the spineless, obstructionist Repugs are too stupid and gutless to come to terms with the fact that this whackjob emperor, Dementia Donny, has no clothes–and is still trying to destroy this country, with the help of his anti-America right wing extremist qAnon comrades.
You are sooo right!!!
On a lighter note folks. I hate to change the subject, I do hope that all of you impacted by this horrific snow storm are somewhere safe and warm! Please be very careful if you have to go out!