It will work for absolutely zero methamphetamine addicts.
Doug Litchfield
on July 13, 2021
Promise them choppers like Nanci has, they can clack their way to their next fix. Sounds like another do gooder cause funded by excess revenue from genius money laundering toothless politicians. Gimmee a big smile!!!
Another communist program, send more money and this time it will work. Let the bastards die and the demand for illegal drugs will decline, simple economics.
It will work for absolutely zero methamphetamine addicts.
Promise them choppers like Nanci has, they can clack their way to their next fix. Sounds like another do gooder cause funded by excess revenue from genius money laundering toothless politicians. Gimmee a big smile!!!
Another communist program, send more money and this time it will work. Let the bastards die and the demand for illegal drugs will decline, simple economics.