I read your post earlier. It is the same as your other postings. More crazed nonsense from a schizophrenic.
I don’t know who controls you, but they need to increase your medication.
I can’t believe that in this day and age, you would want to round up all of the black people and put them on plantations.
You are one sick mother f****r!!!
on June 23, 2021
Because it is a meaningless trash holiday that is designed to try to retain some of the BLACK voters who are fleeing the democrat party because the democrats are ridiculous fools prone to perversion and greed much like you Douglas.
If there is to be a national holiday, it should be one that all races and creeds can and would celebrate equally. Christmas, the 4th of July, by example, are historic dates set aside to celebrate. It is what we as Americans, of all backgrounds, have a chosen option to celebrate. When only one group is serviced by a singular celebration, it marginalizes the objectivity of the celebration itself. What then is its point?
on June 22, 2021
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation Happened over 150 years ago, so why now. Obiden and the democratic government, deep state, swamp scum, are just trying to swing the black votes their way, just another left game they play, does everyone really believe they care for the honest reasons?
on June 22, 2021
Sorry, but in my opinion this “ploy” was just another way for dementia-Joe, his “handlers”, and the “deep state” democommunists to attempt to “claw back” all the REPUBLICAN-VOTING Black folks back to their “plantation”, that they lost by BRIBING them (like always). Hopefully they will not fall for the LIES and deception.
on June 22, 2021
No. Unnecessary holiday. But Repug voting should be clawed back. There is no way a Russia-controlled moron got 74 million votes. There’s your fraud right there. Were that many people really dumb enough and easily manipulated enough to fall for all the lies and stupidity of an incompetent egomaniac who, himself, has the IQ of a tree stump?
on June 29, 2021
There is no way a communist-chinese bought and owned “deep state” controlled, brain-dead dementia-indicted POS and his WHORE VP FRAUDS got 80 million “votes” the VOTER FRAUD , deception, and cheating by the deep state communists that RIGGED the “election”was so OBVIOUS a CHILD could see it. (that is unless you are an America-hating COMMUNIST LIKE YOU)
on June 22, 2021
How come you did not have an FNO answer?
Doug Litchfield
on June 22, 2021
How is adding more gravy to the already derailed government train going to help an out of control budget. These people’s insatiable appetite to waste taxpayer funds is mind boggling. If we declared a Lenin and Mao holiday, would that satisfy their lust?
Why make yet, another holiday. We have enough already!
on June 23, 2021
democrat’s are giving everything else away, why not this too ??
on June 23, 2021
They will probably come up with six or seven new holiday sin a desperate attempt to regain some of the lost minority voters now that so many states have passed laws to restrict the democrats voter fraud.
Marissa Thomas
on June 23, 2021
I am sorry, but this is another “reparation” wanna be holiday. A day that is about to cause conflict and I do not mean whites protesting, but blacks getting more bold and demanding.
One thing is to admit history proving how wrong things were at a time, how bad and unjustified a race was treated, other to keep blaming other race, that TODAY is not doing it, that wants to see blacks as people not differently because of their color, (And yes I know there are exceptions like with everything in life).
on June 29, 2021
we should also get rid of July Fourth, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Labor Day, Memorial Day AND ALL THE REST OF THE FEDERAL HOLIDAYS AS WELL AS THEY ARE DISCRIMINATORY JUST LIKE JUNETEENTH IS!
maria wennink
on June 29, 2021
Anything the evil democrats want to install is no good!! It will do nothing else but create more diversity and will divide the country even more than they have already done. Enough is enough is enough already!!
Norman Hinderliter
on June 30, 2021
The problem, that I have, with Juneteeth is that it is just more Racism, just like Mr. Haileys Roots series.
It is designed, NOT to UNITE Americans, but to divide us, further. Juneteenth is the OPPOSITE of the Forth of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving and other holidays.
These other holidays are for gathering, remembering, and sharing JOY. The total opposite of Juneteenth.
The United States needs holidays to remind us of who we are, as a PEOPLE. A NATION. This is what Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and other holidays are for. Rejoicing in what/who we have.
Robert Wayne
on June 30, 2021
Just another phony “holiday” for DemoRATs to kiss ass for more black votes.
on July 1, 2021
We already HAVE an AMERICAN “Independence Day” it is July 4th. We do not need another “holiday” that sucks up to the “blacks” to regain their “loyalty”, and “reintroduction” to the democommunist “PLANTATION” where they will be USED for the VOTES” again. (hopefully they will not fall for the “BRIBE”.)
We already have a black suck-up holiday to the criminal MLK , that only created riots , looting & destruction , repeatedly , back then , we don’t need another “holiday” that glorifies the rest of that criminal race .
We already have a black suck-up holiday to the criminal MLK , that only created riots , looting & destruction , repeatedly , for years , back then , we don’t need another “holiday” that glorifies the rest of that criminal race .
Why is it ludicrous.
Because it doesn’t celebrate your ass?!?
Read my post below MORON.
I read your post earlier. It is the same as your other postings. More crazed nonsense from a schizophrenic.
I don’t know who controls you, but they need to increase your medication.
I can’t believe that in this day and age, you would want to round up all of the black people and put them on plantations.
You are one sick mother f****r!!!
Because it is a meaningless trash holiday that is designed to try to retain some of the BLACK voters who are fleeing the democrat party because the democrats are ridiculous fools prone to perversion and greed much like you Douglas.
How is your boyfriend Fido doing bitch? Are you still in heat?
If there is to be a national holiday, it should be one that all races and creeds can and would celebrate equally. Christmas, the 4th of July, by example, are historic dates set aside to celebrate. It is what we as Americans, of all backgrounds, have a chosen option to celebrate. When only one group is serviced by a singular celebration, it marginalizes the objectivity of the celebration itself. What then is its point?
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation Happened over 150 years ago, so why now. Obiden and the democratic government, deep state, swamp scum, are just trying to swing the black votes their way, just another left game they play, does everyone really believe they care for the honest reasons?
Sorry, but in my opinion this “ploy” was just another way for dementia-Joe, his “handlers”, and the “deep state” democommunists to attempt to “claw back” all the REPUBLICAN-VOTING Black folks back to their “plantation”, that they lost by BRIBING them (like always). Hopefully they will not fall for the LIES and deception.
No. Unnecessary holiday. But Repug voting should be clawed back. There is no way a Russia-controlled moron got 74 million votes. There’s your fraud right there. Were that many people really dumb enough and easily manipulated enough to fall for all the lies and stupidity of an incompetent egomaniac who, himself, has the IQ of a tree stump?
There is no way a communist-chinese bought and owned “deep state” controlled, brain-dead dementia-indicted POS and his WHORE VP FRAUDS got 80 million “votes” the VOTER FRAUD , deception, and cheating by the deep state communists that RIGGED the “election”was so OBVIOUS a CHILD could see it. (that is unless you are an America-hating COMMUNIST LIKE YOU)
How come you did not have an FNO answer?
How is adding more gravy to the already derailed government train going to help an out of control budget. These people’s insatiable appetite to waste taxpayer funds is mind boggling. If we declared a Lenin and Mao holiday, would that satisfy their lust?
I wonder what your responses be if baby Donny named it a federal holiday? Would they just be as asinine as they are today!
Why make yet, another holiday. We have enough already!
democrat’s are giving everything else away, why not this too ??
They will probably come up with six or seven new holiday sin a desperate attempt to regain some of the lost minority voters now that so many states have passed laws to restrict the democrats voter fraud.
I am sorry, but this is another “reparation” wanna be holiday. A day that is about to cause conflict and I do not mean whites protesting, but blacks getting more bold and demanding.
One thing is to admit history proving how wrong things were at a time, how bad and unjustified a race was treated, other to keep blaming other race, that TODAY is not doing it, that wants to see blacks as people not differently because of their color, (And yes I know there are exceptions like with everything in life).
we should also get rid of July Fourth, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Labor Day, Memorial Day AND ALL THE REST OF THE FEDERAL HOLIDAYS AS WELL AS THEY ARE DISCRIMINATORY JUST LIKE JUNETEENTH IS!
Anything the evil democrats want to install is no good!! It will do nothing else but create more diversity and will divide the country even more than they have already done. Enough is enough is enough already!!
The problem, that I have, with Juneteeth is that it is just more Racism, just like Mr. Haileys Roots series.
It is designed, NOT to UNITE Americans, but to divide us, further. Juneteenth is the OPPOSITE of the Forth of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving and other holidays.
These other holidays are for gathering, remembering, and sharing JOY. The total opposite of Juneteenth.
The United States needs holidays to remind us of who we are, as a PEOPLE. A NATION. This is what Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and other holidays are for. Rejoicing in what/who we have.
Just another phony “holiday” for DemoRATs to kiss ass for more black votes.
We already HAVE an AMERICAN “Independence Day” it is July 4th. We do not need another “holiday” that sucks up to the “blacks” to regain their “loyalty”, and “reintroduction” to the democommunist “PLANTATION” where they will be USED for the VOTES” again. (hopefully they will not fall for the “BRIBE”.)
We already have a black suck-up holiday to the criminal MLK , that only created riots , looting & destruction , repeatedly , back then , we don’t need another “holiday” that glorifies the rest of that criminal race .
We already have a black suck-up holiday to the criminal MLK , that only created riots , looting & destruction , repeatedly , for years , back then , we don’t need another “holiday” that glorifies the rest of that criminal race .