There are some people, who have trouble breathing with the masks, so distancing is wiser. I imagine, people with portable oxygen equipment would find it challenging, also. It was rumored, that some areas were making it mandatory for some groups, but not for others. This has created hostility and is unconstitutional. It should be a choice. We are in a heat wave, which affects breathing, for some. So we question, if covid patients are being included in these, for number inflation, as they did before. The numbers quoted, are a very small percentage of the milllions of Americans. Many think it is a fear tactic, to keep us diminished, while the liberals continue their programs of riots and demonstrations, or mail in voting.
Thanks for your erudite comment. More of us need to OBJECT to MANDATORY rules. I personally cannot breathe when wearing a mask (I am a senior) and dread going to the supermarket, as masks are compulsory in my state, CA.
Cecilia DuVall
on July 1, 2020
There is still not a consensus on whether wearing a mask is even 100% effective, and the govt should never be able to mandate the wearing of anything, especially regarding the health of anyone. I have heard several physicians say that masks can be harmful and also that masks not worn properly can actually cause damage to your immune system. Wear them or don’t wear them, but don’t mandate it. Mandating it gives the powers that be control over everyone’s lives.
Christa Gunda Angelone
on June 30, 2020
I guess you have a point
on June 30, 2020
I have respiratory issues. I had to wear a mask to enter a a grocery store. Tried to explain that it interfered with my breathing but the fascists didn’t care. A few minutes later they were helping me up off the ground. For me wearing a mask is dangerous!
on July 1, 2020
It is against our rights,,if enforced then the demo’s needs to wear them 24-7
There are some people, who have trouble breathing with the masks, so distancing is wiser. I imagine, people with portable oxygen equipment would find it challenging, also. It was rumored, that some areas were making it mandatory for some groups, but not for others. This has created hostility and is unconstitutional. It should be a choice. We are in a heat wave, which affects breathing, for some. So we question, if covid patients are being included in these, for number inflation, as they did before. The numbers quoted, are a very small percentage of the milllions of Americans. Many think it is a fear tactic, to keep us diminished, while the liberals continue their programs of riots and demonstrations, or mail in voting.
Thanks for your erudite comment. More of us need to OBJECT to MANDATORY rules. I personally cannot breathe when wearing a mask (I am a senior) and dread going to the supermarket, as masks are compulsory in my state, CA.
There is still not a consensus on whether wearing a mask is even 100% effective, and the govt should never be able to mandate the wearing of anything, especially regarding the health of anyone. I have heard several physicians say that masks can be harmful and also that masks not worn properly can actually cause damage to your immune system. Wear them or don’t wear them, but don’t mandate it. Mandating it gives the powers that be control over everyone’s lives.
I guess you have a point
I have respiratory issues. I had to wear a mask to enter a a grocery store. Tried to explain that it interfered with my breathing but the fascists didn’t care. A few minutes later they were helping me up off the ground. For me wearing a mask is dangerous!
It is against our rights,,if enforced then the demo’s needs to wear them 24-7