The mental midgets advising him appear to be as thick as a can of corn. Parading Joe the turnip out to represent their agenda makes one wonder who has any mental facilities remaining in that group of deep thinkers. Oh that’s right, it’s all about portraying the image that we care and numbed up feelings is the guiding light. Once in awhile, turn on the greenie driven light before more groping in the dark.
on June 17, 2021
Biden’s brain is fine, while Donald J. Dumbshit has never acted like he even has one. Mythomaniacal, childish, the IQ of a tree stump, and very mentally disturbed. Throw in the fact that he’s anti-American and actually Putin’s puppet it’s no wonder Donny Boy is a complete failure and total embarrassment to this country.
on June 17, 2021
If Biden’s brain is so fine, why did Putin just hand it to him yesterday? He is worse than his former boss. The reason the other countries were so happy to see him is because things will go back to the way it was – useless U.S. presidents except for paying the bills.
So Trump was anti-American? That’s why unemployment was down, job creation up, taxes down, cost of fuel down, illegal border crossings down and so much more. If you still believe the Putin story, you have the IQ of a tree stump. As for an embarrassment, he didn’t need his wife, who is a former model and speaks 5 languages, to chase him down when he veered off-course.
on June 24, 2021
You left out that hundreds of thousands of Americans died because of Donny Dumbshit’s incompetence and dishonesty.
Claxson 68
on June 29, 2021
When & where did those “hundreds of thousands of Americans” die?
Brad Schriber
on July 4, 2021
It is too bad the 858 who think sleepy’s brain is fine didn’t die. Would have increased the intelligence of the country by a great amount. Only a fool would follow an impaired clown like sleepy.
Marissa Thomas
on June 17, 2021
You can not help the blind that do NOT want to see, or to stop those Kool-Aid drinkers, that without it would have to see the REAL WORLD.
You are hilarious man, sad but hilarious!
The senile clown is hurting OUR country, helping OUR enemies, but Trump was the bad guy? ROTFLMAO
on June 18, 2021
Putin just handed dementia-Joe his ass on a platter you clueless moron. (as well as making the U.S A. the laughing stock of the world). Wise up, get your head out of your posterior and stop defending this indefensible, dementia-inflicted, fraudulently “elected” chinese communist bought and owned “deep state CONTROLLABLE “hair-sniffing” POS.
(or do you enjoy the fact our constitutional republic is becoming a communist-controlled third-world banana republic CESSPOOL, and the citizens communist “subjects”?)
on June 30, 2021
Nice try asswipe. Dealing with you ignorant assholed is like shooting fish in a barrel: no challenge. Just how stupid do you knuckle-draggers have to be to so easily manipulated by an incompetent, anti-American blowhard who has the I.Q. of a tree stump.
on June 23, 2021
hehehehehe. what stupid ass world did you come from.
Bruce Walters
on June 23, 2021
If you think Biden is you’re hero, then you are worse that him. Looking up to Biden as you do, only means your are miles beneath him. That means you are a worse moron than he is.
Joe Biden never had a brain to start off with. Pity, but true. Shows up in all their “transparent” operations and actions. No brains seems to be an asset for being a democrat.
At least President Biden isn’t delusional and in need of help from shrinks.
The baby really thinks that he is going to be reinstated by August. At least he tells some great jokes.
I hope you guys have all bought your tickets. There are only 5,000 of the 6,000 left.
You ou better hurry.
on June 16, 2021
Again you have proven yourself to be a delusional, mentally-ill communist. Are you being paid by the DNC or soros to keep pushing the corrupt communist agenda hoping someone MIGHT believe your BULLSHIT?
Or are you so brainwashed and indoctrinated you believe your own lies?
Hey its Douglas tge pedophile. You climb out of your basement Douglas. How many girl boys and girls you keeping down there now Douglas? Is it 4 or 5?
Douglas your comments on pitch are too stupid to bother with but you perverted sick sex habits should be in a book
Doug Litchfield
on June 16, 2021
Douggie, wouldn’t brag too much of being on the same wave length with Joe the turnip. Short circuited waves rarely hit the beach.
on June 17, 2021
Dodger is definitely on Joe’s wave length. They are both pedophiles
on June 17, 2021
Using the 25 amendment biden will be in a rubber room by the 4th of July, 2021, and pam harris will be your president ! !
OH; goody; I can hardly wate ????
on June 17, 2021
Joe Biden’s trip to Europe put his mental decline on the world stage. He always seemed lost and confused. He had to be led around by Boris Johnson or “Dr.” Jill. His statements were meandering and almost impossible to understand. The world leaders like Joe because, unlike Trump, they can play him and get anything they want. They didn’t like Trump because he made them live up to their commitments and put the people of the United States first. It is clear that Biden’s foreign policy is appeasement and capitulation
maria wennink
on June 23, 2021
You deserve a medal, Richard!!!
on June 17, 2021
Biden was in trouble back when he was with Obama. Sad.
on June 23, 2021
BRAIN?? What brain? Call him Pinocchio the “puppet”… no brain and his “handlers” are holding his strings.
Bruce Walters
on June 23, 2021
The only reason they picked Biden to be POTUS, was that he was so far in la la land, it would be a breeze to control him. Even his Vice Prez laughs at him to his face.
on June 25, 2021
This is funny but oh how so very true check it out
The mental midgets advising him appear to be as thick as a can of corn. Parading Joe the turnip out to represent their agenda makes one wonder who has any mental facilities remaining in that group of deep thinkers. Oh that’s right, it’s all about portraying the image that we care and numbed up feelings is the guiding light. Once in awhile, turn on the greenie driven light before more groping in the dark.
Biden’s brain is fine, while Donald J. Dumbshit has never acted like he even has one. Mythomaniacal, childish, the IQ of a tree stump, and very mentally disturbed. Throw in the fact that he’s anti-American and actually Putin’s puppet it’s no wonder Donny Boy is a complete failure and total embarrassment to this country.
If Biden’s brain is so fine, why did Putin just hand it to him yesterday? He is worse than his former boss. The reason the other countries were so happy to see him is because things will go back to the way it was – useless U.S. presidents except for paying the bills.
So Trump was anti-American? That’s why unemployment was down, job creation up, taxes down, cost of fuel down, illegal border crossings down and so much more. If you still believe the Putin story, you have the IQ of a tree stump. As for an embarrassment, he didn’t need his wife, who is a former model and speaks 5 languages, to chase him down when he veered off-course.
You left out that hundreds of thousands of Americans died because of Donny Dumbshit’s incompetence and dishonesty.
When & where did those “hundreds of thousands of Americans” die?
It is too bad the 858 who think sleepy’s brain is fine didn’t die. Would have increased the intelligence of the country by a great amount. Only a fool would follow an impaired clown like sleepy.
You can not help the blind that do NOT want to see, or to stop those Kool-Aid drinkers, that without it would have to see the REAL WORLD.
You are hilarious man, sad but hilarious!
The senile clown is hurting OUR country, helping OUR enemies, but Trump was the bad guy? ROTFLMAO
Putin just handed dementia-Joe his ass on a platter you clueless moron. (as well as making the U.S A. the laughing stock of the world). Wise up, get your head out of your posterior and stop defending this indefensible, dementia-inflicted, fraudulently “elected” chinese communist bought and owned “deep state CONTROLLABLE “hair-sniffing” POS.
(or do you enjoy the fact our constitutional republic is becoming a communist-controlled third-world banana republic CESSPOOL, and the citizens communist “subjects”?)
Nice try asswipe. Dealing with you ignorant assholed is like shooting fish in a barrel: no challenge. Just how stupid do you knuckle-draggers have to be to so easily manipulated by an incompetent, anti-American blowhard who has the I.Q. of a tree stump.
hehehehehe. what stupid ass world did you come from.
If you think Biden is you’re hero, then you are worse that him. Looking up to Biden as you do, only means your are miles beneath him. That means you are a worse moron than he is.
Hay greggie check this out here is your hero biden
Joe Biden never had a brain to start off with. Pity, but true. Shows up in all their “transparent” operations and actions. No brains seems to be an asset for being a democrat.
At least President Biden isn’t delusional and in need of help from shrinks.
The baby really thinks that he is going to be reinstated by August. At least he tells some great jokes.
I hope you guys have all bought your tickets. There are only 5,000 of the 6,000 left.
You ou better hurry.
Again you have proven yourself to be a delusional, mentally-ill communist. Are you being paid by the DNC or soros to keep pushing the corrupt communist agenda hoping someone MIGHT believe your BULLSHIT?
Or are you so brainwashed and indoctrinated you believe your own lies?
Actually I am being paid by
Hey its Douglas tge pedophile. You climb out of your basement Douglas. How many girl boys and girls you keeping down there now Douglas? Is it 4 or 5?
Douglas your comments on pitch are too stupid to bother with but you perverted sick sex habits should be in a book
Douggie, wouldn’t brag too much of being on the same wave length with Joe the turnip. Short circuited waves rarely hit the beach.
Dodger is definitely on Joe’s wave length. They are both pedophiles
Using the 25 amendment biden will be in a rubber room by the 4th of July, 2021, and pam harris will be your president ! !
OH; goody; I can hardly wate ????
Joe Biden’s trip to Europe put his mental decline on the world stage. He always seemed lost and confused. He had to be led around by Boris Johnson or “Dr.” Jill. His statements were meandering and almost impossible to understand. The world leaders like Joe because, unlike Trump, they can play him and get anything they want. They didn’t like Trump because he made them live up to their commitments and put the people of the United States first. It is clear that Biden’s foreign policy is appeasement and capitulation
You deserve a medal, Richard!!!
Biden was in trouble back when he was with Obama. Sad.
BRAIN?? What brain? Call him Pinocchio the “puppet”… no brain and his “handlers” are holding his strings.
The only reason they picked Biden to be POTUS, was that he was so far in la la land, it would be a breeze to control him. Even his Vice Prez laughs at him to his face.
This is funny but oh how so very true check it out