They’ve tried harassment, the set up impeachment hoax, the covid purge and the race card to terrorize America and remove President Trump This is the action of the Marxist, Islamists, and the Socialist/Communist leaders in governing positions and Congress. Minneapolis and other large cities will be vulnerable to Sharia patrols or law, if they defund the police. There is an underlying strategy behind all the lawlessness, other then as Obama said, a revolution to get things done. All lives matter, and the destruction of cities, historical monuments, and the pandemic scare is only to intimidate to dominate. I don’t understand, why they don’t just arrest the Seattle criminals as any others, because they are breaking the law. It is not peaceful protests, when cities and businesses are being destroyed. I think, President Trump can use the Insurrection Act of 1807 to establish order.
Rodger Shull
on June 26, 2020
and who wants that more than anyone the LOSER of the 2016 election clinton,obama,soros,dncp, stop the money and take the corrupt into federal custody and with NO BAIL, and see where this goes, But you have to go get these SHOT CALLERS,
yup the dumacrats seem to be a cross or mixture of hitler and his brown shirts ,lenin and marxs crowd just like any communist regime trying to end freedom and free speech and the american way of life ,burning american flags ,distorying statues and government property . all blm is an bunch of ruffeins, looters ,arsonist and killers and murders running the streets using police mistakes as an excuse to break laws and cry about every they don’t want to take responsibilty for
on June 27, 2020
One democrat blm actually came out and said that.
on June 27, 2020
Welcome to the lib CHAZ CHOP SHOP!!!! Globalist Soros and his minions the Deep State NAZI Commie Satanist liberal party corrupted to the core, MSM (Fake news) , Antifa, BLM, CIA, FBI, Activist Judges, SJW, Hollywood Rats, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, All the useful idiots, RINOs etc…are responsible for this rioting, looting and destruction throughout the country. This treasonous act should not go unpunished! It’s about time these deep State rats are held accountable! Patriots, we need to save the country from turning into another Commie shit hole just like all the other lib run cities!!
They’ve tried harassment, the set up impeachment hoax, the covid purge and the race card to terrorize America and remove President Trump This is the action of the Marxist, Islamists, and the Socialist/Communist leaders in governing positions and Congress. Minneapolis and other large cities will be vulnerable to Sharia patrols or law, if they defund the police. There is an underlying strategy behind all the lawlessness, other then as Obama said, a revolution to get things done. All lives matter, and the destruction of cities, historical monuments, and the pandemic scare is only to intimidate to dominate. I don’t understand, why they don’t just arrest the Seattle criminals as any others, because they are breaking the law. It is not peaceful protests, when cities and businesses are being destroyed. I think, President Trump can use the Insurrection Act of 1807 to establish order.
and who wants that more than anyone the LOSER of the 2016 election clinton,obama,soros,dncp, stop the money and take the corrupt into federal custody and with NO BAIL, and see where this goes, But you have to go get these SHOT CALLERS,
yup the dumacrats seem to be a cross or mixture of hitler and his brown shirts ,lenin and marxs crowd just like any communist regime trying to end freedom and free speech and the american way of life ,burning american flags ,distorying statues and government property . all blm is an bunch of ruffeins, looters ,arsonist and killers and murders running the streets using police mistakes as an excuse to break laws and cry about every they don’t want to take responsibilty for
One democrat blm actually came out and said that.
Welcome to the lib CHAZ CHOP SHOP!!!! Globalist Soros and his minions the Deep State NAZI Commie Satanist liberal party corrupted to the core, MSM (Fake news) , Antifa, BLM, CIA, FBI, Activist Judges, SJW, Hollywood Rats, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, All the useful idiots, RINOs etc…are responsible for this rioting, looting and destruction throughout the country. This treasonous act should not go unpunished! It’s about time these deep State rats are held accountable! Patriots, we need to save the country from turning into another Commie shit hole just like all the other lib run cities!!
they are the Democrat party!!!!!!!!!!!