Since Occasional Cortex and Greta Thunkberg can’t cipher which end of the pencil to use, geniuses like the Incoherent American must be assisting in all the pencil whipped data. Whipping up coded programs to best suit one’s outcome can be attained drawing data from where the sun doesn’t shine. You can’t get this data unless you get massive donations to help guide one thru all the fog. Money honey and population control is all this is about.
on June 28, 2021
It’s out there to help all the uneducated, anti-American Repugs
realize that if they had actually set foot in a school, they might have picked up on something called SCIENCE. Also they’d be able to solve the equation 2+2=?
on June 28, 2021
Ok gregson. Since your the genius here explain the ice age to us and what happened to end it.
Yup gregson the simpiton the earth has been warming for 20,000 years. All those cavemen driving around their sun’s I guess. Right gregson!
How’s Fido doing Sally. I hope that he isn’t scratching you too bad.
on June 29, 2021
Hey pervert your a fool. You probably haven’t been out of you basement in years.
on June 27, 2021
Just to add on history has show that our climate changes every so often it is part of history.
on June 27, 2021
Joe and the ho are such lying sacks of s**t no one is to be believed…what really needs to happen is get Americans back to work like in 1965 pre-EPA, block imports from low wage countries, shut down the EPA, and then deal with the environment slowly…. What is not being said is the USA lost manufacturing and millions of US based jobs to China, India, etc. directly due to the EPA.
Do you drink water? Would you like to drink clean water? Do you take a shower or a bath? Would you like to take a shower in sewage? Do you like to eat fish? Would you eat fish from a polluted lake? Do you like freaks clean air? Would you like to breathe toxic polluted air?
I’m just curious.
on June 29, 2021
Noah changed the ocean temperature sensors from being on buoys to being in the biggest of ships. This raised the sensor readings three degrees.
NOAA did not tell anyone they did it. Every prediction since 1988 has been wrong becuase of the lies democrats create.
Second gregson you a dumb assgat becuase you have conflate require pution which climate change.
A.etica leads the world in pollution control. You want to see pollution look at India, China, or hong kong
I don’t know where you get your information, but “ocean temperature sensors” have been mounted on “ocean buoys” since before the 1970’s, over 50 years ago. Since the mid 70’s, “ocean temperature sensors” have been used on ships less and less over time, a span of roughly 46 years, because they gave inaccurate data. At least you got that little part correct! They are no longer used on ships for scientific temperature measurements, even the biggest of ships! So not EVERY prediction has been wrong since 1988 because of lies that the repugs made. I don’t know if you know that we had a Republican President named Ronald Reagan in 1988. We also had a Republican President named George Bush between the years of 1989 and 1993. Your hatred of the Democrats is so strong that you don’t know that we had a Republican President from 1981 to 1993! So if you really need to blame someone for lying, of course you do along with the rest of your fellow repugs, blame the correct people if you can for once. I know that is very hard for you to do!
I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are just dumb and don’t know shit! I would like to think that you are not simply lying and trying to make yourself sound halfway intelligent!
I don’t know who you say leads the world in pollution control, but the U.S. did before baby Donny decided to play president, and under President Biden we will once again, if the repugs allow us to and don’t block every effort to do so!
I know that raising carbon emissions, sulfur exhaust from coal burning and other toxins released into the atmosphere blocks ultraviolet rays that are naturally emitted from our sun, you know, that big yellow round thing in the sky, from escaping our atmosphere after it has entered our atmosphere. Do you follow what I am getting at Sally? When those rays become trapped in the upper atmosphere, the earth starts to warm up.
I don’t know if you were aware last year, Siberia, which is in the far northern areas of Russia, had their highest temperatures in recorded history. Normally Siberia doesn’t get above freezing temps even in the hottest summers. The temperatures reached well into the 80-90 degree Fahrenheit range. It was so hot that the “frozen tundra”, tundra is the frozen ice layer on top of certain areas on the planet, began melting. This tundra has been there for millions of years. It was so bad that huge sink holes began opening up. So far this summer, temperatures are even hotter there.
So obviously climate change is occurring and needs to be addressed!
on June 27, 2021
“Climate change is Bullshit” is a bumper sticker on the tail gate of my American made pick up. It enrages young liberal earth loving snowflakes.
on June 28, 2021
You’ve probably got another bumper sticker: Donald Dementia 2024–Give America Back to Russia
on June 29, 2021
Ok at you gregson. You know that biddn is a demented old rapist pedophile so you try to claim trump is like bixen.
Unfortunately for you trumps press secretary was nor called little red lyinghood and trump wasn’t led around like a decrepit little old demented pants peeing fool.
Ok Sally. You certainly have a big problem with pedophilia. Were you sexually assaulted when you were a child by your father, an uncle, another family member or someone else? The way you call everyone a pedophile, it makes me wonder what happened to you. Did someone make sexual advances on you? Or did you make sexual advances on someone else and was rejected? I wonder. Maybe men have never found you attractive? Maybe you are an old “Spinster”? Is that why you can only have sex with animals? Do you even enjoy sex. Are you so fat that no cock can get inside of you?
I wonder!
on June 27, 2021
As the democrats ALWAYS do. they outright lie or cherry pick the science to only use points that back their agenda. Climate change is real,and has been a constant feature or this planet for nearly 4.4 billion years. The climate is changing, but there is little man can do to stop it. Humans must do what we can to minimize our impact, but we can only slow slightly the changes that are a natural occurrence in the life of this” little blue marble” as Carl Sagan called us.
Do you think it is a good agenda or a bad agenda to have clean, fresh air to breathe and pure, unpolluted water to drink? What would you prefer.
It is simple. The Democrats want fresh air and clean water. Thr repugs do not!
Anybody that has a high school knowledge of science and chemistry can determine by themselves what causes global warming, climate change and stop listening to those with “something to gain” whether politically or business.
Yes. We should stop listening to people who have “something to gain”. All we have to gain is our survival.
on June 28, 2021
The fake democratic Climate change is just that, just another way to try and control the we the people. Of course they have succeeded in brainwashing a few followers, but informed people know climate change is and has always been a natural, Mother Nature occurrence. Nothing the corrupt politicians, deep state, swamp scum, invisible enemies, can do to change Mother Nature, their agendas are to control the American people.
I will coin a phrase used by the swamp “SCIENCE IS NOT TO BE QUESTIONED”.
Yes, informed people know what climate change is all about. We know that there are cycles to it. We know there are years when it is too cold or too hot. We know that there are years when it is too wet or too dry. We know that we will never be able to to completely stop the affects of “global warming”. But we know that there are things that we can do to lessen the affects, slow them down. We know that what we are doing concerning the emissions that we release causes what is called a “greenhouse effect” that is warming the earth’s temperatures and worsening the affects of a natural occurring global change. We have know this for over 50 years now! We know by releasing other pollutants and chemicals in the atmosphere has a negative impact on global warming. But yet most people and governments continue to refuse to to anything about it.
Finally, governments around the world are trying to find how we can slow down the negative effects. But they are being ridiculed for their attempts! People insist that we are “killing all of the birds” and “killing everything”. That is simply not true. It is alright with them “that we pollute what clean fresh water we have left”. They are not good people.
No matter what you may think John, “climate change is not fake”, it is “very real”.
It all depends on how we want to deal with it!
I know that you are a follower and that your God, baby Donny has brainwashed you. You are just like Cliff. I honestly feel sorry for the two of you. But if you are really adults, you will “pull up yourselves by your bootstraps” and get out from under his control and start thinking for yourselves!!!
on July 6, 2021
So tell me why every time there is a democrat in the white house (ha ha ha) this kind of stuff always comes up,
(it is the democratic way to justify the tax dollars being stolen) from the American people and used for their agendas, crimes against humanity and treasonous acts. Whenever there is a Republican in the White House this kind of thing doesn’t happen. The climate crisis isn’t there, it is a natural occurrence throughout history.
Donald Nicholas
on June 28, 2021
Only from the beginning when it was global cooling. It’s a political tactic to take control, socialist control of all aspects of society.
How can you say that it is s political tactic when “global warming” is affecting the entire globe? Can you explain it to us please? Or are you just full of shit?
on July 6, 2021
As usual douggie and greggie, it always has to do with our real PRESIDENT TRUMP, not the real topic.
douggie and greggie climate change is all in the democratic, swamp scums, deep state, invisible enemies, destroying America, agendas. YOU IDIOTS NEED TO FOLLOW THE REAL SCIENCE, not the manipulated information from the democRATs pencil.
on July 7, 2021
douggie and greggie did your parents have any children that lived, you are sure a couples of dead heads
Since Occasional Cortex and Greta Thunkberg can’t cipher which end of the pencil to use, geniuses like the Incoherent American must be assisting in all the pencil whipped data. Whipping up coded programs to best suit one’s outcome can be attained drawing data from where the sun doesn’t shine. You can’t get this data unless you get massive donations to help guide one thru all the fog. Money honey and population control is all this is about.
It’s out there to help all the uneducated, anti-American Repugs
realize that if they had actually set foot in a school, they might have picked up on something called SCIENCE. Also they’d be able to solve the equation 2+2=?
Ok gregson. Since your the genius here explain the ice age to us and what happened to end it.
Yup gregson the simpiton the earth has been warming for 20,000 years. All those cavemen driving around their sun’s I guess. Right gregson!
Your not bright Gregson.
How’s Fido doing Sally. I hope that he isn’t scratching you too bad.
Hey pervert your a fool. You probably haven’t been out of you basement in years.
Just to add on history has show that our climate changes every so often it is part of history.
Joe and the ho are such lying sacks of s**t no one is to be believed…what really needs to happen is get Americans back to work like in 1965 pre-EPA, block imports from low wage countries, shut down the EPA, and then deal with the environment slowly…. What is not being said is the USA lost manufacturing and millions of US based jobs to China, India, etc. directly due to the EPA.
Do you drink water? Would you like to drink clean water? Do you take a shower or a bath? Would you like to take a shower in sewage? Do you like to eat fish? Would you eat fish from a polluted lake? Do you like freaks clean air? Would you like to breathe toxic polluted air?
I’m just curious.
Noah changed the ocean temperature sensors from being on buoys to being in the biggest of ships. This raised the sensor readings three degrees.
NOAA did not tell anyone they did it. Every prediction since 1988 has been wrong becuase of the lies democrats create.
Second gregson you a dumb assgat becuase you have conflate require pution which climate change.
A.etica leads the world in pollution control. You want to see pollution look at India, China, or hong kong
I don’t know where you get your information, but “ocean temperature sensors” have been mounted on “ocean buoys” since before the 1970’s, over 50 years ago. Since the mid 70’s, “ocean temperature sensors” have been used on ships less and less over time, a span of roughly 46 years, because they gave inaccurate data. At least you got that little part correct! They are no longer used on ships for scientific temperature measurements, even the biggest of ships! So not EVERY prediction has been wrong since 1988 because of lies that the repugs made. I don’t know if you know that we had a Republican President named Ronald Reagan in 1988. We also had a Republican President named George Bush between the years of 1989 and 1993. Your hatred of the Democrats is so strong that you don’t know that we had a Republican President from 1981 to 1993! So if you really need to blame someone for lying, of course you do along with the rest of your fellow repugs, blame the correct people if you can for once. I know that is very hard for you to do!
I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are just dumb and don’t know shit! I would like to think that you are not simply lying and trying to make yourself sound halfway intelligent!
I don’t know who you say leads the world in pollution control, but the U.S. did before baby Donny decided to play president, and under President Biden we will once again, if the repugs allow us to and don’t block every effort to do so!
So rm, do you like drinking clean water? If you don’t, you can live in California.
You have no logic at have conflate climate change with general pollution.
Douglas you can not fix a problem you can not define and you can’t define the problem. That makes you a dumb asshat
I know that raising carbon emissions, sulfur exhaust from coal burning and other toxins released into the atmosphere blocks ultraviolet rays that are naturally emitted from our sun, you know, that big yellow round thing in the sky, from escaping our atmosphere after it has entered our atmosphere. Do you follow what I am getting at Sally? When those rays become trapped in the upper atmosphere, the earth starts to warm up.
I don’t know if you were aware last year, Siberia, which is in the far northern areas of Russia, had their highest temperatures in recorded history. Normally Siberia doesn’t get above freezing temps even in the hottest summers. The temperatures reached well into the 80-90 degree Fahrenheit range. It was so hot that the “frozen tundra”, tundra is the frozen ice layer on top of certain areas on the planet, began melting. This tundra has been there for millions of years. It was so bad that huge sink holes began opening up. So far this summer, temperatures are even hotter there.
So obviously climate change is occurring and needs to be addressed!
“Climate change is Bullshit” is a bumper sticker on the tail gate of my American made pick up. It enrages young liberal earth loving snowflakes.
You’ve probably got another bumper sticker: Donald Dementia 2024–Give America Back to Russia
Ok at you gregson. You know that biddn is a demented old rapist pedophile so you try to claim trump is like bixen.
Unfortunately for you trumps press secretary was nor called little red lyinghood and trump wasn’t led around like a decrepit little old demented pants peeing fool.
Ok Sally. You certainly have a big problem with pedophilia. Were you sexually assaulted when you were a child by your father, an uncle, another family member or someone else? The way you call everyone a pedophile, it makes me wonder what happened to you. Did someone make sexual advances on you? Or did you make sexual advances on someone else and was rejected? I wonder. Maybe men have never found you attractive? Maybe you are an old “Spinster”? Is that why you can only have sex with animals? Do you even enjoy sex. Are you so fat that no cock can get inside of you?
I wonder!
As the democrats ALWAYS do. they outright lie or cherry pick the science to only use points that back their agenda. Climate change is real,and has been a constant feature or this planet for nearly 4.4 billion years. The climate is changing, but there is little man can do to stop it. Humans must do what we can to minimize our impact, but we can only slow slightly the changes that are a natural occurrence in the life of this” little blue marble” as Carl Sagan called us.
Do you think it is a good agenda or a bad agenda to have clean, fresh air to breathe and pure, unpolluted water to drink? What would you prefer.
It is simple. The Democrats want fresh air and clean water. Thr repugs do not!
It’s getting worse as you exhale.
Then don’t exhale!
Don’t fish bump uglies in that water?
Anybody that has a high school knowledge of science and chemistry can determine by themselves what causes global warming, climate change and stop listening to those with “something to gain” whether politically or business.
Yes. We should stop listening to people who have “something to gain”. All we have to gain is our survival.
The fake democratic Climate change is just that, just another way to try and control the we the people. Of course they have succeeded in brainwashing a few followers, but informed people know climate change is and has always been a natural, Mother Nature occurrence. Nothing the corrupt politicians, deep state, swamp scum, invisible enemies, can do to change Mother Nature, their agendas are to control the American people.
I will coin a phrase used by the swamp “SCIENCE IS NOT TO BE QUESTIONED”.
Yes, informed people know what climate change is all about. We know that there are cycles to it. We know there are years when it is too cold or too hot. We know that there are years when it is too wet or too dry. We know that we will never be able to to completely stop the affects of “global warming”. But we know that there are things that we can do to lessen the affects, slow them down. We know that what we are doing concerning the emissions that we release causes what is called a “greenhouse effect” that is warming the earth’s temperatures and worsening the affects of a natural occurring global change. We have know this for over 50 years now! We know by releasing other pollutants and chemicals in the atmosphere has a negative impact on global warming. But yet most people and governments continue to refuse to to anything about it.
Finally, governments around the world are trying to find how we can slow down the negative effects. But they are being ridiculed for their attempts! People insist that we are “killing all of the birds” and “killing everything”. That is simply not true. It is alright with them “that we pollute what clean fresh water we have left”. They are not good people.
No matter what you may think John, “climate change is not fake”, it is “very real”.
It all depends on how we want to deal with it!
I know that you are a follower and that your God, baby Donny has brainwashed you. You are just like Cliff. I honestly feel sorry for the two of you. But if you are really adults, you will “pull up yourselves by your bootstraps” and get out from under his control and start thinking for yourselves!!!
So tell me why every time there is a democrat in the white house (ha ha ha) this kind of stuff always comes up,
(it is the democratic way to justify the tax dollars being stolen) from the American people and used for their agendas, crimes against humanity and treasonous acts. Whenever there is a Republican in the White House this kind of thing doesn’t happen. The climate crisis isn’t there, it is a natural occurrence throughout history.
Only from the beginning when it was global cooling. It’s a political tactic to take control, socialist control of all aspects of society.
How can you say that it is s political tactic when “global warming” is affecting the entire globe? Can you explain it to us please? Or are you just full of shit?
As usual douggie and greggie, it always has to do with our real PRESIDENT TRUMP, not the real topic.
douggie and greggie climate change is all in the democratic, swamp scums, deep state, invisible enemies, destroying America, agendas. YOU IDIOTS NEED TO FOLLOW THE REAL SCIENCE, not the manipulated information from the democRATs pencil.
douggie and greggie did your parents have any children that lived, you are sure a couples of dead heads