This has already been proven to be FACT, and “whistleblowers” (thanks to project Veritas) are coming forward to reveal what these COMMUNISTS are doing.
on May 28, 2021
If the democratic government’s/DS, puppeteers and their affiliates have nothing to hide, then why all the censoring from Facebook, Twitter, mainstream media.
on May 28, 2021
Facebook is doing its best to keep the Anti-American Repugs from having any more baseless conspiracy theories to swallow hook line and sinker.
Marissa Thomas
on May 28, 2021
I guess the CDC is a Repugs site, because studies that ARE on the CDC website about COVID, the inefficiency of masks, the numbers proven on studies of people wearing masks getting COVID same as those not wearing them, those FACTS from the CDC were NOT allowed to be shared in Facebook, those posting them like me getting warnings.
So the way I see it
Facebook is doing the best to keep the Anti American democRATS imbeciles from knowing the truth, so they live happy.
robert powell
on June 7, 2021
this Facebook is right down the stalinist playbook. zucky should be shot at sunrise for treason, sedition,interfearing in an election, constitution rights assault r.i.c.o.
Doug Litchfield
on May 28, 2021
Why do we Farce Book when we have Berry Sorta and Fable Joe laying it on thick. Speaking of thick, most people have a pretty good filter of when smoke is being forced in orifices. Then again, a select few want government to filter the haze wafting in mt cavities.
on May 28, 2021
Sources have just confirmed that vaccinated individuals are not allowed to donate blood plasma. Why not, you ask?
Because the vaccine wipes out your bodies antibodies.
“The Red Cross says anyone who has received their COVID-19 vaccine cannot donate convalescent plasma to help other COVID-19 patients. The vaccine wipes out antibodies.”
Wow. That’s suspicious. Don’t humans need antibodies to fight off diseases? Don’t we survive by creating antibodies each time we get sick?
But the vaccine kills off those antibodies? That seems counter productive.
And very scary.
If the vaccine is killing off COVID-19 antibodies, is it killing off our other antibodies as well? What about the antibodies we all have from the polio vaccine? Measles? Hepatitis?
So ask yourselves, what will happen if the roughly 40% of people who have taken the vaccine end up without any antibodies whatsoever?
But the bigger problem caused by this will be a lack of donated blood to help ailing patients. In fact, a blood shortage could soon become a very serious medical crisis.
Check it out for yourself this is factual truth.
on May 28, 2021
My previous comment will probably not be published because truth is censored.
Vaccinated, I think not for me, just like so many well informed American people. “My body my choice”
There is no proven science that vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccinated passports for experimental vaccines, really come on.
on May 28, 2021
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
on May 28, 2021
Yes I believe t Facebook is Suppressing The Truth. I still have a account on it but only to use as a “window”, but have Not been active in that nonsense for years. Little worm Mark Zuckerberg has let his success and wealth got to his head.
on May 28, 2021
The only people that facebook blocks are the Conservatives. The liberals can spout any anti-American lies they want. They can call this country any name they want. They can even advocate for our destruction, but facebook will gladly let them do it. This country was founded on freedom of speech and facebook and the liberal left are denying the right to those they don’t agree with.
on May 30, 2021
When youall going to stop using all of these tainted platforms and then complaining about them ?
maria wennink
on June 7, 2021
Face Book like all other media outlets are lying through their teeth, because that is what they are being paid for! The truth is being suppressed, so nobody knows, what is right anymore, at least that is what they would like you to believe!! The truth will come out, people, you just have to look for it. The U.S.A. can become a great country again, after this fiasco Biden has been kicked out of the White House and in jail, where and his family belongs! And the LEGAL President Donald Trump is put back where he never should have walked out from, the White House!!!
on June 7, 2021
I know for sure that Facebook suppresses the truth. A year or two ago I posted an article on Facebook. It was from ProPublica and written in 2011. It talks about how the Democrats stole California in the 2010 census. Today I got a message from Facebook saying nobody else can see my post. I think they claim it’s fake news about elections or something. But why do something about it now? Weird. I don’t even remember when I posted it. When the libs say something is fake news you know it’s the truth.
This has already been proven to be FACT, and “whistleblowers” (thanks to project Veritas) are coming forward to reveal what these COMMUNISTS are doing.
If the democratic government’s/DS, puppeteers and their affiliates have nothing to hide, then why all the censoring from Facebook, Twitter, mainstream media.
Facebook is doing its best to keep the Anti-American Repugs from having any more baseless conspiracy theories to swallow hook line and sinker.
I guess the CDC is a Repugs site, because studies that ARE on the CDC website about COVID, the inefficiency of masks, the numbers proven on studies of people wearing masks getting COVID same as those not wearing them, those FACTS from the CDC were NOT allowed to be shared in Facebook, those posting them like me getting warnings.
So the way I see it
Facebook is doing the best to keep the Anti American democRATS imbeciles from knowing the truth, so they live happy.
this Facebook is right down the stalinist playbook. zucky should be shot at sunrise for treason, sedition,interfearing in an election, constitution rights assault r.i.c.o.
Why do we Farce Book when we have Berry Sorta and Fable Joe laying it on thick. Speaking of thick, most people have a pretty good filter of when smoke is being forced in orifices. Then again, a select few want government to filter the haze wafting in mt cavities.
Sources have just confirmed that vaccinated individuals are not allowed to donate blood plasma. Why not, you ask?
Because the vaccine wipes out your bodies antibodies.
“The Red Cross says anyone who has received their COVID-19 vaccine cannot donate convalescent plasma to help other COVID-19 patients. The vaccine wipes out antibodies.”
Wow. That’s suspicious. Don’t humans need antibodies to fight off diseases? Don’t we survive by creating antibodies each time we get sick?
But the vaccine kills off those antibodies? That seems counter productive.
And very scary.
If the vaccine is killing off COVID-19 antibodies, is it killing off our other antibodies as well? What about the antibodies we all have from the polio vaccine? Measles? Hepatitis?
So ask yourselves, what will happen if the roughly 40% of people who have taken the vaccine end up without any antibodies whatsoever?
But the bigger problem caused by this will be a lack of donated blood to help ailing patients. In fact, a blood shortage could soon become a very serious medical crisis.
Check it out for yourself this is factual truth.
My previous comment will probably not be published because truth is censored.
Vaccinated, I think not for me, just like so many well informed American people. “My body my choice”
There is no proven science that vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccinated passports for experimental vaccines, really come on.
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
Yes I believe t Facebook is Suppressing The Truth. I still have a account on it but only to use as a “window”, but have Not been active in that nonsense for years. Little worm Mark Zuckerberg has let his success and wealth got to his head.
The only people that facebook blocks are the Conservatives. The liberals can spout any anti-American lies they want. They can call this country any name they want. They can even advocate for our destruction, but facebook will gladly let them do it. This country was founded on freedom of speech and facebook and the liberal left are denying the right to those they don’t agree with.
When youall going to stop using all of these tainted platforms and then complaining about them ?
Face Book like all other media outlets are lying through their teeth, because that is what they are being paid for! The truth is being suppressed, so nobody knows, what is right anymore, at least that is what they would like you to believe!! The truth will come out, people, you just have to look for it. The U.S.A. can become a great country again, after this fiasco Biden has been kicked out of the White House and in jail, where and his family belongs! And the LEGAL President Donald Trump is put back where he never should have walked out from, the White House!!!
I know for sure that Facebook suppresses the truth. A year or two ago I posted an article on Facebook. It was from ProPublica and written in 2011. It talks about how the Democrats stole California in the 2010 census. Today I got a message from Facebook saying nobody else can see my post. I think they claim it’s fake news about elections or something. But why do something about it now? Weird. I don’t even remember when I posted it. When the libs say something is fake news you know it’s the truth.