Behind the Poll

Ever since Biden was elected in November 2020, there have been concerns about his ability to carry out the duties of the office of the presidency. These concerns have only grown greater since he was sworn into office.

Sometimes President Biden appears physically frail, as he did when he stumbled up the stairs to board Air Force One. But of greater concern are what appear to be his declining cognitive abilities.

On many occasions, Biden has appeared confused and seemed to forget what he was saying. On many other occasions, he has spoken gibberish that nobody can understand.

While these videos often go viral because they’re humorous to watch, it’s also sad and disconcerting that the U.S. President has difficulty speaking full sentences in front of the nation.

Just The News reports on the lastest polling numbers regarding Biden’s health, and they’re not good…

According to a poll from Politico/Morning Consult, just 40% of voters agreed that the president “is in good health,” 50% disagreed. The 10-percentage-point gap represents a 29-point shift since just over a year ago, when voters, by a 19-point margin believed Biden to be in good health.

The numbers suggest the concern about the president’s mental and physical health goes beyond his partisan detractors.

When asked whether the president is mentally fit, 46% responded that he is, while 48% disagreed. Last October, voters felt Biden was mentally fit by a 21-point margin.

So… what do you think: Is Joe Biden unfit for the presidency?