1. Senate Republicans See Biden Impeachment as Fraught With Risk: Senate Republicans are being cautious about the idea of impeaching President Biden. They believe that the political and institutional implications could set a dangerous precedent. Instead of focusing on impeachment, they are more interested in winning back the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms, which would naturally limit Biden’s power.
  2. Trump Gets Bad News From His Own Pollster’s Firm: A recent poll from Fabrizio Ward and Impact Research, a firm associated with Trump’s own pollster, reveals some unfavorable news for the former president. The poll shows that President Biden is leading over Trump in 40 competitive House districts. However, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis poses a more significant threat to Biden, with the two tied at 45% in a hypothetical matchup.
  3. Education Dept. Opens Civil Rights Inquiry Into Harvard’s Legacy Admissions: The Department of Education has opened a civil rights investigation into Harvard University’s legacy admissions practices. The inquiry will examine whether the Ivy League school’s policy of giving an edge to relatives of alumni discriminates against Asian-American applicants.
  4. The Very Private Life of Melania Trump: The New York Times provides an insight into the private life of former First Lady Melania Trump. Since leaving the White House, she has mostly retreated from public view and steered clear of the campaign trail while her husband fights to return to the White House and faces increasing legal peril.
  5. Trump Plans to Expand Presidential Power Over Agencies in 2025: The New York Times reveals that former President Trump and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies if he returns to office in 2025. This plan is part of Trump’s broader strategy to reshape the executive branch to more closely align with his policy goals.