With democrats controlling selection and mission, anything short of a mass suicide won’t be acceptable to the swamp.
Doug Litchfield
on April 10, 2021
What group of rabble always resorts to this type of activity? Republicans-no, democrats / liberals- ya think. There is only one group that has this MO all over it. Squandering donor money to fund this type of activity is common practice when you don’t have majority support. There, I just saved Americans millions in useless lawyer fees.
Don’t worry. The money that Donny and the repugs are scamming off of their own donors can be used to pay the lawyer fees! Then the repugs don’t have to threaten their donors, by telling Donny how they are abandoning him, if they can’t afford the weekly donations that they are demanding that they pay!
That’s a better way to make sure that all of those scammed donations are best utilized. Don’t you think?!?
on April 10, 2021
Actually there had already been a “coverup”. Anyone that watched the videos could see that there were PAID “antifa” and “black LIES matter terrorists that were “escorted”, arrived, in vans into the event, given “MAGA” gear to “blend in”, then let in (also caught on video) by the capitol police, and started causing trouble LONG before President Trump’s speech was finished. I will admit some of the Trump supporters were “enticed” by the terrorists to participate, (but in MY opinion, that was part of their “orders” to do so) probably by ordered by soros,, piglosi , schumer, or “representatives ” of the DNC.
Ohhh Cliffy. Finally I agree with you. This is the biggest coverup ever perpetrated! I have seen all of the videos. They weren’t from the Capitol though. They were shot in Hollywood with the most famous actors and directed by James Cameron. There was Sylvester Stallone, Sylvester the Cat, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Betty White, Popeye the Sailor Man, Michael J Fox, Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Everyone’s favorite, Tom Hanks, who actually took time off from raping kids and drinking their blood. His wife, Rita Wilson, played the part of the woman who was shot dead.
Their costumes were spot on. The action was sooo real, as if we were there with them.
They all were so nice that they donated the money that they were paid to the Republican Party. The videos of the officer being crushed and the officers almost being killed were amazing!
The guy with the zip ties pictured hurdling over the railing was a world famous Olympian, who for the life of me, I can’t remember his name. Ohhhh yeah! Caitlin Jenner!
And the gallows that they constructed to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pilosi would win the Oscar for best set design.
I can’t wait til they put all of the videos together and release them in theaters. I would definitely go see that movie. Mask or no mask!
The BEST ACTOR award should definitely go to Bozo the Clown, who played the part of Donny!!! That speech he gave and his Twitter video when he said how much he loved his cultist rioters was sooo heartwarming! He was AMAZING!!! I used Donny’s favorite word to tell you how he feels about himself!
So, you are sooooo right about the “fake” videos you IDIOT!!!
I’m not negative and mean. I am just making a point. Cliff believes only in conspiracies. When he tells lies like he just did, more and more people believe in those lies. Just like the lies that Donny says. I don’t mean to offend you , but what Cliff just said is total bs. The videos aren’t of paid actors. They are Donny’s supporters who killed a police officer and is responsible for another to take his own life. The truth is before everyone’s eyes, but he says noooo! It is all fake to make Donny look bad! These people tried to overthrow our country and murder politicians whose crimes were that they were only doing their jobs. To say other is total lunacy!
A lot of the people who were arrested, most notably “The Shaman” have said that they believe that they were following Donny’s orders! Still Cliff tells us otherwise!
Thank God no more people were killed that day. Thank God they didn’t get Pence, Pilosi and other Democrats were not found, because they WOULD HAVE BEEN MURDERED!!!
Qsters like Cliff are tearing this country apart!
THEY have to be stopped!
I love this country with all of my heart. I work very hard for it’s success! Qsters are a disgrace to this country!
If I remember correctly Ma’am, I believe that you once said that you are an older woman with grandchildren in your 70’s. I thought that you would be much wiser and not believe these Qanon conspiracies. I hope that I am correct!
on April 10, 2021
Yes, install a commission to root a out all those treasonous Trump dummies. And to get rid of the mentally ill qAnon believers and conspiracy theory swallowers like the weak-minded Cliffy here.
There should be an investigation that will prove what we already know. That Donny’s words and actions and lies led to to most disgusting day in our history! And that Donny will get what he deserves!
Whoops, had a fat finger event. When you speak the truth it takes very few words to get the point across. Run on blather can wear out keyboard and is easy to spot.
With democrats controlling selection and mission, anything short of a mass suicide won’t be acceptable to the swamp.
What group of rabble always resorts to this type of activity? Republicans-no, democrats / liberals- ya think. There is only one group that has this MO all over it. Squandering donor money to fund this type of activity is common practice when you don’t have majority support. There, I just saved Americans millions in useless lawyer fees.
Don’t worry. The money that Donny and the repugs are scamming off of their own donors can be used to pay the lawyer fees! Then the repugs don’t have to threaten their donors, by telling Donny how they are abandoning him, if they can’t afford the weekly donations that they are demanding that they pay!
That’s a better way to make sure that all of those scammed donations are best utilized. Don’t you think?!?
Actually there had already been a “coverup”. Anyone that watched the videos could see that there were PAID “antifa” and “black LIES matter terrorists that were “escorted”, arrived, in vans into the event, given “MAGA” gear to “blend in”, then let in (also caught on video) by the capitol police, and started causing trouble LONG before President Trump’s speech was finished. I will admit some of the Trump supporters were “enticed” by the terrorists to participate, (but in MY opinion, that was part of their “orders” to do so) probably by ordered by soros,, piglosi , schumer, or “representatives ” of the DNC.
Ohhh Cliffy. Finally I agree with you. This is the biggest coverup ever perpetrated! I have seen all of the videos. They weren’t from the Capitol though. They were shot in Hollywood with the most famous actors and directed by James Cameron. There was Sylvester Stallone, Sylvester the Cat, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Betty White, Popeye the Sailor Man, Michael J Fox, Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Everyone’s favorite, Tom Hanks, who actually took time off from raping kids and drinking their blood. His wife, Rita Wilson, played the part of the woman who was shot dead.
Their costumes were spot on. The action was sooo real, as if we were there with them.
They all were so nice that they donated the money that they were paid to the Republican Party. The videos of the officer being crushed and the officers almost being killed were amazing!
The guy with the zip ties pictured hurdling over the railing was a world famous Olympian, who for the life of me, I can’t remember his name. Ohhhh yeah! Caitlin Jenner!
And the gallows that they constructed to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pilosi would win the Oscar for best set design.
I can’t wait til they put all of the videos together and release them in theaters. I would definitely go see that movie. Mask or no mask!
The BEST ACTOR award should definitely go to Bozo the Clown, who played the part of Donny!!! That speech he gave and his Twitter video when he said how much he loved his cultist rioters was sooo heartwarming! He was AMAZING!!! I used Donny’s favorite word to tell you how he feels about himself!
So, you are sooooo right about the “fake” videos you IDIOT!!!
I’m not negative and mean. I am just making a point. Cliff believes only in conspiracies. When he tells lies like he just did, more and more people believe in those lies. Just like the lies that Donny says. I don’t mean to offend you , but what Cliff just said is total bs. The videos aren’t of paid actors. They are Donny’s supporters who killed a police officer and is responsible for another to take his own life. The truth is before everyone’s eyes, but he says noooo! It is all fake to make Donny look bad! These people tried to overthrow our country and murder politicians whose crimes were that they were only doing their jobs. To say other is total lunacy!
A lot of the people who were arrested, most notably “The Shaman” have said that they believe that they were following Donny’s orders! Still Cliff tells us otherwise!
Thank God no more people were killed that day. Thank God they didn’t get Pence, Pilosi and other Democrats were not found, because they WOULD HAVE BEEN MURDERED!!!
Qsters like Cliff are tearing this country apart!
THEY have to be stopped!
I love this country with all of my heart. I work very hard for it’s success! Qsters are a disgrace to this country!
If I remember correctly Ma’am, I believe that you once said that you are an older woman with grandchildren in your 70’s. I thought that you would be much wiser and not believe these Qanon conspiracies. I hope that I am correct!
Yes, install a commission to root a out all those treasonous Trump dummies. And to get rid of the mentally ill qAnon believers and conspiracy theory swallowers like the weak-minded Cliffy here.
There should be an investigation that will prove what we already know. That Donny’s words and actions and lies led to to most disgusting day in our history! And that Donny will get what he deserves!
It takes very few words to speak the tru
Thank God we now have a President who does.
Whoops, had a fat finger event. When you speak the truth it takes very few words to get the point across. Run on blather can wear out keyboard and is easy to spot.
I realized that you have the attention span of a baby, so I should answer you in as few words as possible.
If a commission for that, there should be a commission to investigate why riots & vandalism were allowed to happen in 2020?