The bible gives one a moral compass to live by. It also says render to Caesar, does the IRS want to throw that part out? Aligning ones self closer to the message that is conveyed thru the good book creates much agitation among those that want to continue defying the laws of nature. That certainly sounds closer to misguided democrat lusting.
on June 25, 2021
The Bible does teach right from wrong by giving us God’s Commandments. Since the liberal fools do not want to be reminded that they are disobeying God, the will say that it only supports one party. However, it does not support any political party. Only those who want to follow the devil want the Bible excluded in our lives.
How are the liberals disobeying God? What are they doing?
Do you disobey God?
I believe that no matter how hard we try not to, we all end up disobeying God.
After all, we are only human.
If you want to say that only liberals are disobeying God, you should take a good look at the leader of the Republican Party. He not only is breaking the 10th commandment which states “we shall not covet”, he has also broken the 7th commandment numerous times which states “one shall not commit adultery”.
I do not believe that “teaching the Bible”, is the same as supporting the Republican Party.
It should continue to be taught in any way possible.
on June 25, 2021
If anything, the Bible teachings are more in line with Democrats than Republicans. The Bible, particularly the New Testament, teaches acceptance of others, forgiveness and to look out for your fellow man. These are concepts that Lincoln’s Republican party followed but the CURRENT Republican party have abandoned.
on June 26, 2021
The bible does teach acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness. Those are three principles that today’s democrat party does not believe in or practice. The “party of tolerance” is the most intolerant people in this country. They demonize ANYONE who does not agree with and accept their destructive agenda. They are today the party of division and hate.
maria wennink
on June 25, 2021
The Bible teaching nothing else but straight living and not doing things outside of the Ten Commandments. so when you live by the Ten Commandments, you are okay. When you start murdering babies, and create riots, plunder, and put people out of business, like the democrats are doing on a daily basis since 2016 and before because they did not want Donald Trump in and now because they took the White House over totally illegal and they are afraid of losing it again, which they really have already by their actions since getting in.
This is a tricky question for me. The Bible is not teaching to be Republican, but the Bible is a moral compass, and PROVEN that most democRATS, have NONE!
When to kill a baby with abortion is OK to them to begin with, what morals do they prove to have?
So, a real Christian wouldn’t turn out to be democRAT.
It’s plain out and out ludicrous for anyone to say ANY politico party is supported by the “Bible”! The Bible’s non-political. We can and I do follow God, Jesus, study my Bible without following any particular political party. I’m a non-partisan conservative voter. I always have been, I always will be. I don’t sell my soul, my beliefs out to any political movement, let alone any politico party!
The bible gives one a moral compass to live by. It also says render to Caesar, does the IRS want to throw that part out? Aligning ones self closer to the message that is conveyed thru the good book creates much agitation among those that want to continue defying the laws of nature. That certainly sounds closer to misguided democrat lusting.
The Bible does teach right from wrong by giving us God’s Commandments. Since the liberal fools do not want to be reminded that they are disobeying God, the will say that it only supports one party. However, it does not support any political party. Only those who want to follow the devil want the Bible excluded in our lives.
How are the liberals disobeying God? What are they doing?
Do you disobey God?
I believe that no matter how hard we try not to, we all end up disobeying God.
After all, we are only human.
If you want to say that only liberals are disobeying God, you should take a good look at the leader of the Republican Party. He not only is breaking the 10th commandment which states “we shall not covet”, he has also broken the 7th commandment numerous times which states “one shall not commit adultery”.
I do not believe that “teaching the Bible”, is the same as supporting the Republican Party.
It should continue to be taught in any way possible.
If anything, the Bible teachings are more in line with Democrats than Republicans. The Bible, particularly the New Testament, teaches acceptance of others, forgiveness and to look out for your fellow man. These are concepts that Lincoln’s Republican party followed but the CURRENT Republican party have abandoned.
The bible does teach acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness. Those are three principles that today’s democrat party does not believe in or practice. The “party of tolerance” is the most intolerant people in this country. They demonize ANYONE who does not agree with and accept their destructive agenda. They are today the party of division and hate.
The Bible teaching nothing else but straight living and not doing things outside of the Ten Commandments. so when you live by the Ten Commandments, you are okay. When you start murdering babies, and create riots, plunder, and put people out of business, like the democrats are doing on a daily basis since 2016 and before because they did not want Donald Trump in and now because they took the White House over totally illegal and they are afraid of losing it again, which they really have already by their actions since getting in.
Then, why has baby Donny broken the 7th and 10th commandments?
next they will try to tax breathing because it supports the Republican Party
Who will tax breathing? The repugs?
This is a tricky question for me. The Bible is not teaching to be Republican, but the Bible is a moral compass, and PROVEN that most democRATS, have NONE!
When to kill a baby with abortion is OK to them to begin with, what morals do they prove to have?
So, a real Christian wouldn’t turn out to be democRAT.
It’s plain out and out ludicrous for anyone to say ANY politico party is supported by the “Bible”! The Bible’s non-political. We can and I do follow God, Jesus, study my Bible without following any particular political party. I’m a non-partisan conservative voter. I always have been, I always will be. I don’t sell my soul, my beliefs out to any political movement, let alone any politico party!
A insane suggestion. Totally ridiculous.