Yes gas prices, are already to high, as well as everything else, I hope the corrupt democratic government, deep state, swamp scum, invisible enemies, CHOKE TO DEATH ON THE MONIES THEY HAVE BEEN STEALING FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They will in time, in some way pay (maybe long prison sentences) for their crimes against humanity, and their treasonous acts against America for their own SELFISH agendas.
Hal Lemoyne
on July 3, 2021
Ain’t no tellin how high gas prices will rise
and that needs to be criminal how high gas prices will get
that’s ashame
on July 3, 2021
Until the FRAUDULENTLY “deep state” “elected”, communist-Chinese bought, and owned CONTROLLABLE “PUPPETS” dementia-Joe, and the constitutionally-ineligible “anchor baby HO”, “heels-up harris” (as well as many CON-gress people that were “elected” in the same manner) are removed, (as they should be) and we get our country back, expect prices of all good and services, including TAXES and REGULATIONS to go through the roof. That my friends, is what democommunists ALWAYS do when they are in power. TAX, SPEND, REGULATE, and CONTROL as they are POWER-HUNGRY.
I for one cannot understand why people in this country cannot seem to see the same “pattern” every time democommunists assume power. WE the PEOPLE suffer, as the government “elites” get richer.
on July 3, 2021
The thing is, the scum was never elected, they were appointed by other corrupt government over and over again, and as far as POWER, these swamp creatures don’t have the power they think they do, as the American people are wise to what they are all about and are taking our country back. The American people will no longer tolerate their corrupt agendas, crimes against humanity, their treasonous acts, the power belongs to the American people. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS belong to the we the people. The current politicians are to follow the Constitution when they were sworn in, reads as:
The President is also required by the Constitution to take an Oath of Office. Article 2, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution prescribes the Oath. It says, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The Bible that Biden swore upon was in his family since 1893
Oath of Office political offices
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
THEY CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION AND ARE HELL BENT TO DESTROY IT. This will soon change as they WILL be replaced and sent to prison for their crimes, (as the Constitution states), when election fraud is proven in many states.
In California gas prices are already at $5.00 and going UP>They now want to add more tax to the price.Thank you gov newsom and the democratic controlled legislator.I am a native of Calif.
Norman Hinderliter
on July 3, 2021
Here is my suggestion, for keeping gas prices affordable.
If the public begins a petition calling on law enforcement to mount a CRIMINAL investigation of the REASON behind rising gas prices, then stations, wanting to avoid being investigated, will bring gas prices back DOWN, to yearly normals.
After all, what gas station would want to face fines, and penalties, as well as the bad media coverage, for being charged with “Price Gouging” or “Profiteering”.
If the American people stand, TOGETHER, and put pressure, on law enforcement, to investigate rising gas prices, then prices will come back down. NO company wants to face criminal charges, for “Price Gouging”.
Trust me. Even if just 25 million American stand together, then gas prices will be forced back to normal levels.
on July 4, 2021
With Mr MagooBiden at the helm, he will run the whole thing aground.
Doug Litchfield
on July 4, 2021
Price of fuel has always been cyclical. Refineries take maintenance outages for repairs in favorable weather conditions thus depleting excess reserves. After labor day holiday they will recede again as demand goes down and supplies increase. Just assume the position if one travels thru democrat run states with excess taxing in place to help cover for their ineptness of keeping law and order.
on July 4, 2021
To the 8% of you who know it is your presidents fault and don;t want to admit the crisis. Gas is already 4 dollars a gallon in a lot of places and over 5 a gallon in some. Biden has totally screwed the punch on energy.
Just like he has totally screwed the punch on race relations, the border, the economy, health care, voting rights, international affairs, and public speaking.
All part of biden being part of the NWO agenda that has the goals of destroying America – ANY WAY POSSIBLE – & this seditious , treasonous , career organized crime criminal proves that every day !
maria wennink
on July 10, 2021
Stevo; That is exactly what I said in 2016 as soon as the Antifa and BLM showed up via the democrats vile actions. And it is proven to be right. It also proves I was right all along in saying, that the democrats have rigged the 2020 voting, which Trump won, but the evil democrats grabbed in a power surge, but totally ILLEGAL! So impeach Biden already and throw him and all his cronies in jail for treason, murder, rioting, looting, crimes committed by lying, cheating and email-deleting and anything else a good lawyer can get his hands on.
I clicked “NO” because I don’t want our guv’ment to know our expectations are that they will got higher, hence they’ll raise them higher via our somehow expressed “expectations”. They’ll take the “yes” answer and use it against us… no doubt.
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
on July 10, 2021
We have an idiot for a president so anything is possible and at the rate he’s going even WWIII.
Rodger Shull
on July 10, 2021
And these IDIOTS and MORONS in power at the w.h.d.c. are paying for their gas on the TAXPAYER DOLLARS , so why should they care, ??? it is not coming out of their overpaid under worked salary . IMPEACH the WHITE HOUSE communist, all of them.
on July 15, 2021
Every thing is costing more and more,
Most everything has gone up at least 25% and will go higher ???? where will it go,, nobody knows ???
Yes gas prices, are already to high, as well as everything else, I hope the corrupt democratic government, deep state, swamp scum, invisible enemies, CHOKE TO DEATH ON THE MONIES THEY HAVE BEEN STEALING FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They will in time, in some way pay (maybe long prison sentences) for their crimes against humanity, and their treasonous acts against America for their own SELFISH agendas.
Ain’t no tellin how high gas prices will rise
and that needs to be criminal how high gas prices will get
that’s ashame
Until the FRAUDULENTLY “deep state” “elected”, communist-Chinese bought, and owned CONTROLLABLE “PUPPETS” dementia-Joe, and the constitutionally-ineligible “anchor baby HO”, “heels-up harris” (as well as many CON-gress people that were “elected” in the same manner) are removed, (as they should be) and we get our country back, expect prices of all good and services, including TAXES and REGULATIONS to go through the roof. That my friends, is what democommunists ALWAYS do when they are in power. TAX, SPEND, REGULATE, and CONTROL as they are POWER-HUNGRY.
I for one cannot understand why people in this country cannot seem to see the same “pattern” every time democommunists assume power. WE the PEOPLE suffer, as the government “elites” get richer.
The thing is, the scum was never elected, they were appointed by other corrupt government over and over again, and as far as POWER, these swamp creatures don’t have the power they think they do, as the American people are wise to what they are all about and are taking our country back. The American people will no longer tolerate their corrupt agendas, crimes against humanity, their treasonous acts, the power belongs to the American people. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS belong to the we the people. The current politicians are to follow the Constitution when they were sworn in, reads as:
The President is also required by the Constitution to take an Oath of Office. Article 2, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution prescribes the Oath. It says, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The Bible that Biden swore upon was in his family since 1893
Oath of Office political offices
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
THEY CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION AND ARE HELL BENT TO DESTROY IT. This will soon change as they WILL be replaced and sent to prison for their crimes, (as the Constitution states), when election fraud is proven in many states.
In California gas prices are already at $5.00 and going UP>They now want to add more tax to the price.Thank you gov newsom and the democratic controlled legislator.I am a native of Calif.
Here is my suggestion, for keeping gas prices affordable.
If the public begins a petition calling on law enforcement to mount a CRIMINAL investigation of the REASON behind rising gas prices, then stations, wanting to avoid being investigated, will bring gas prices back DOWN, to yearly normals.
After all, what gas station would want to face fines, and penalties, as well as the bad media coverage, for being charged with “Price Gouging” or “Profiteering”.
If the American people stand, TOGETHER, and put pressure, on law enforcement, to investigate rising gas prices, then prices will come back down. NO company wants to face criminal charges, for “Price Gouging”.
Trust me. Even if just 25 million American stand together, then gas prices will be forced back to normal levels.
With Mr MagooBiden at the helm, he will run the whole thing aground.
Price of fuel has always been cyclical. Refineries take maintenance outages for repairs in favorable weather conditions thus depleting excess reserves. After labor day holiday they will recede again as demand goes down and supplies increase. Just assume the position if one travels thru democrat run states with excess taxing in place to help cover for their ineptness of keeping law and order.
To the 8% of you who know it is your presidents fault and don;t want to admit the crisis. Gas is already 4 dollars a gallon in a lot of places and over 5 a gallon in some. Biden has totally screwed the punch on energy.
Just like he has totally screwed the punch on race relations, the border, the economy, health care, voting rights, international affairs, and public speaking.
Impeach Biden.
Joe and his administration are Pathetic
They are all Most $5.00 a gal in Cambria.Calif. We can thank the democratic run gov in calif.. Impeach Newsom
All part of biden being part of the NWO agenda that has the goals of destroying America – ANY WAY POSSIBLE – & this seditious , treasonous , career organized crime criminal proves that every day !
Stevo; That is exactly what I said in 2016 as soon as the Antifa and BLM showed up via the democrats vile actions. And it is proven to be right. It also proves I was right all along in saying, that the democrats have rigged the 2020 voting, which Trump won, but the evil democrats grabbed in a power surge, but totally ILLEGAL! So impeach Biden already and throw him and all his cronies in jail for treason, murder, rioting, looting, crimes committed by lying, cheating and email-deleting and anything else a good lawyer can get his hands on.
I clicked “NO” because I don’t want our guv’ment to know our expectations are that they will got higher, hence they’ll raise them higher via our somehow expressed “expectations”. They’ll take the “yes” answer and use it against us… no doubt.
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
We have an idiot for a president so anything is possible and at the rate he’s going even WWIII.
And these IDIOTS and MORONS in power at the w.h.d.c. are paying for their gas on the TAXPAYER DOLLARS , so why should they care, ??? it is not coming out of their overpaid under worked salary . IMPEACH the WHITE HOUSE communist, all of them.
Every thing is costing more and more,
Most everything has gone up at least 25% and will go higher ???? where will it go,, nobody knows ???